It is said that males, on average, think about sex every seven seconds. So it shouldn't be surprising that Cam always harasses Alana to ditch class with him and get it on in the bathrooms. Every Maths lesson, as soon as she would sit down, he would ask her the same thing; 'Wanna ditch and make sweet love?' She was always prepared for this greeting but not once does she not drop her jaw, gasp or bulge her eyeballs out of their sockets. Now this may be because of his boldness or utterly serious tone but he must be joking, right?
So when Alana entered her Maths classroom straight after lunch one day and was met with silence, she knew something was off. He had always been there, swinging back on his back row chair, reading to fire his line away.
"Why do you look so down, Sweet Cheeks? Missing Cam already?" Cam's friend, Joel, yelled from the back of the room. At the sight of her furrowed brows he continued, "He has gone on a little trip – to the toilets."
Oh, he finally found a girl to roll around with in the bathrooms, Alana thought. Laughing to herself, she continued her story of his escapade. He must be with some new, innocent, clueless freshmen. Or better yet, a new substitute teacher, an old, wrinkly, frail lady.
"What is so funny, Doll?" A familiar voice whispered in her ear from behind, the feel of his lips moving against her ear sending shivers through her body.
"How was the bathroom?" Alana asked, shocking even herself from her courage.
Now she may hide her blushing face away from Cam's evil eyes the rest of the lesson but that doesn't mean she is overly innocent and inexperienced. She'd had her fair share of relationships and drunken hook-ups. But it was always different with Cam, he constantly managed to be the only person who could embarrass her and cause her to blush.
"Wondrous, but it would have been a much nicer trip if you had of joined me. After all, I was a little lonely," Cam added with a smirk and retreated to his seat.
"Doll, you might want to take a seat, the teacher wants to start the lesson now," Cam condescendingly said once the class had fallen silent, his eyes following her as she walked to her seat, her cheeks still pink with embarrassment.
"Aw, poor girl. Cam, I think you have embarrassed her to no end," Joel said jokingly causing the entire class to laugh at Alana.
"Don't be a dick," Was heard from Cam with a slap over the back of Joel's head.
At the end of class, Alana rushed her way out of the classroom eager to get away from Cam and hiss friends, but she still managed to hear the sarcastic comment thrown her way.
"Wanna go to the Dance with me Alana? So we can get it on on the dance floor?"
The following day after school found Alana slumped against the school fence from having missed the bus, by just a few seconds.
"What's wrong Doll? Missed the bus – again?" Alana could only groan and slump down further at the sound of his voice. "Do you want me to walk you all the way home?" At the, Alana looked up and stared in pure amazement at his serious face.
"I live like ten kilometres away!"
"Don't exaggerate; you live a fifteen minute walk away, at most," He slurred, as if he knew where she lived. Oh God. He knew where she lived.
"No? No, what?"
"No, I don't want you to walk me home!" Alana almost shouted, throwing her bag to the ground out of frustration. Why couldn't he ever leave her alone? And why was he only ever nice when nobody else was around?
"Fine, be a sook. I was only trying to be helpful," Cam's sincere tone making Alana wonder if he was okay, medical wise. "Because if I had walked you home, that would mean that you owe me something."
Alana raised her eyebrow in question, taking in his cheeky, playful tone. "I don't think I want to hear anything more from you."
"But, Baby –," He moved back slightly once he saw my annoyed reaction to his pet name and raised his arms into the air, as if I were about to shoot him. "But, Doll, I just wanted to get down and jiggy with you…"
There goes the nice and sincere person she was thinking he could be.
As soon as this registered in Alana's head, what exactly he had said, she turned around to continuously hit him. Only to find him grinding the air like he was some sort of champion. That didn't stop her from hitting him though; she went full out, knocking him to the ground. She was pissed off.
"What is your problem?" She demanded, making herself flinch at the harsh tone.
"You won't go to the dance with me. I don't care if there is still five weeks until the dance," He sulked, pouting his full, kiss worthy lips at me like a baby. Wait. I did not just think that, Alana thought to her wandering mind.
"Why would I want to go to the dance with such a dickhead like you? One who continuously harasses me about sex," She paused for a moment to take a breath, "You are such a boy," She finished and stormed off in the direction of the public bus stop.
There were still ten days until the dance and not once since that 'I'll walk you home' situation with Cam, had Alana been harassed or even spoken to by him. She had only received a smile every Maths lesson instead of his usual line and every other time she saw him, she was ignored. Now I could go and say that she rather it this way, where she meant nothing to him, not even a little toy to harass but then I would be lying.
Every time he would smile at her in their one shared class, she would notice those 'kiss worthy' lips and his shining moss coloured eyes. Most of the time she would ignore his nice smile and continue making her way to her seat but sometimes, without even meaning to, she would smile back at him as if he meant the world to her. This I can say didn't go unnoticed by Cam, either.
"Alana, how are you this fine afternoon?" Alana dozed off right after her name was said, turning around and staring into the speakers moss eyes, curious as to why she was been spoken to by him let alone called by her name.
As he sat down in the seat beside her in the cafeteria she became even more confused, turning to her friends for some sort of explanation, but they offered her nothing. "Excuse me, would you mind getting up from your chair and leaving us alone? Kay thanks, bye!" Alana's friend, Jess, said in an 'I am the bitch of the school' tone – although that wasn't who she was – which only received a glare from him.
"I am not here to talk to you. I am here for Alana, so please shut up," was his snide remark, causing Jess to run off moping and mumbling about how the school 'royal hotness' was just such an ass to her. "Anyway, Alana – would you please accompany me to the dance next week?"
"Uh –," Alana just couldn't stop staring at his hand running through his chestnut hair repeatedly. He couldn't be nervous, could he?
"Why, what?"
"Why do you want me to go to the dance with you, Cam?" Alana asked, completely confident and bold though not prepared to hear a bad answer. What if it is just a joke to embarrass her? Or a bet? Or to show how prude and innocent he think she is?
"Because I want to?"
"So we can get jiggy on the dance floor?" Alana asked, disbelieving.
"Of course! You finally get it!" Cam said whilst slamming his hands on the table and jumping out of his chair, excited. But sat back down and turned serious once he saw Alana's outraged face. "I was joking, just joking. I am sorry, I really do want to go to the dance with you…to uh, dance."
"You are such a joke, Cam. And I am so sick of it."
"So I'll pick you up at six thirty?" Cam asked after her retreating form.
"What are you doing here?" Alana sighed after having found Cam on the other side of her front door at precisely six thirty. Looking him up and down, Alana found that maybe this whole thing wasn't a joke and he really wanted to go to the dance with her. Her thoughts stopped there though as she kept admiring his black dress pants and light blue button up which was the perfect shade to bring out the his moss of his eyes. Why is she studying him so much? Alana huffed and asked him again why he was here as he seemed to want to remain silent.
"To take you to the dance, obviously. But you aren't ready…" Cam softly spoke, shuffling his feet against the door frame.
"Well of course not, because I am not going."
"Oh, come on Alana, don't be such a bum. Go get dressed into something appropriate and let's go," Now it sounded as if he were getting frustrated. Bringing up his father's car keys, he locked the car on the street curb and nudged Alana inside, himself following suit. This caused Alana to cuss and demand to know what he was doing but he just kept pushing her throughout the house until she sat firmly on what he thought was her bed.
"You know, this bed looks rather comfortable. You know what that makes it good for?" He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows suggestively.
"Having sex," She was so blunt with her answer that he was scared, he thought he had finally upset her and pushed her over the edge.
"What? Have I made you uncomfortable now? You poor thing."
She had turned sarcastic and sour, and this was not a good thing. Now, he had always hoped to get a big rise out of her but not this big of a rise and definitely not on this night, the night of the dance. So he turned around and ignored her, instead making his way to her closet and through her formal wear.
"You're favourite colour is red, right?" He took her silent response as a yes and took out her favourite red strapless dress that went to about mid-thigh and some tan heels. "Get dressed and I will wait outside."
"But I haven't done my hair, or make-up."
"So you're going now?" Cam asked, a smirk taking over his neutral expression.
"May as well agree to go now otherwise you will probably drag me to the dance, dead," Alana said softly, serious even though it gained a few chuckles from Cam. Oh, he had the dreamiest laugh, so soft and velvety though it was still so masculine.
"Do your hair and get dressed. Leave out the make-up, you look better without it," Cam sincerely said before leaving her room and the house altogether. She looked better without make-up? That is so nice of him, but that is such a lie.
"I thought I told you not to put any make-up on?" Cam asked as they walked down to the entrance of the school hall.
"It is only mascara, which I cannot leave the house with," Alana fought, playing with her soft, natural brunette curls. "I don't like dancing, Cam, just to tell you."
"I don't care. Just because you don't like dancing, doesn't mean that you can't dance with me," He said, smiling over at her and taking her hand as they entered the hall. At his daring grab of her hand, she looked over at his face, studying every line and bone until she creeped herself out.
The hall shocked her, it was so alive with characters, everybody was dancing and laughing. Alana felt so out of place, she would only turn into one of those people after a few drinks, and she wasn't prepared to go to that extent tonight just for Cam's sake.
As soon as she had complied with dancing with him and they got to the dance floor, the song changed and the dancing turned into grinding. Or as Alana liked to call it, sex with clothing.
"I don't really feel like dancing anymore, Cam," Alana said hesitantly, embarrassed that she couldn't live like an animal for once.
"But Alanaaaaa, we were meant to get it on on the dance floor," He whined, pouting his lips and making his eyes glass over and teary. Strangely, this didn't annoy her, she knew he wasn't trying to piss her off this time, she knew it was to loosen her up and laugh.
"Just not to this song, please?" Alana asked sweetly, tugging his arm in the direction of the tables, "Or to any song which requires you to dance like this," She added, gesturing to the grinding going on around them.
Cam gave in to her soft and scared expression and directed them over to their table, "Do you want anything to drink, or eat? Although there is not much food on the table, let alone any good food."
"Can we please dance now?" Cam asked after they finished drinking and he finally couldn't sit any longer, being the guy of the school that he was, he had to be up on the dance floor.
"Fine, just don't harass me if I look like I want to murder you for making me dance," Alana said with an annoyed voice, smiling up at him fakely. She congratulated herself when h had gotten the message and didn't look to happy about it, he actually seemed a bit scared and put off.
Once they got to the dance floor, his mates started cheering and whistling at him, confusing Alana. She looked up at him to show her confusion but he just ignored her. Just a few minutes after they started dancing, a slow song came on and everybody started partnering up and dancing really close, too close for Alana's liking. She wouldn't have to do that with Cam, would she? But she did, he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, leaving her nowhere else to place her hands but around his neck, affectively bringing them closer.
"Cam?" Alana asked, placing her head on his shoulder for comfort, leading him to lean his head on hers. What was with this sudden change of attitude, Alana? You seem all sweet to him now, and it looks real.
"Why did you bring me to this dance with you? Why didn't you just settle for abusing me with your sexual wants in Maths?" Alana asked softly, swaying to the music. You want him to answer with something nice though, don't you Alana? Something like, 'I wanted to bring you because I love you, I always have, I always will'. You are starting to really like him now.
"Because I just wanted to bring you with me to the dance, I didn't want our only interactions to be me always having to be ignored after I ask you to go have sex with me in the bathrooms," He said this as if it was completely normal, as if any guy would say that because it was normal.
"You think about sex too often, that is why you brought me."
"Well that was certainly not my intention. And I don't think about it too often, just when you come into view," She could feel his smirk against her neck.
She smacked the back of his head, "It's proven that you do around every seven seconds, actually."
"Well, why don't you come have sex with me to get my mind off it?"
"How would having sex take your mind off sex?"
"I dunno, I won't have to think what it is like to fuck you every time I see you, because I will have actually had sex with you," Cam laughed, "Why are we talking about this?"
"Well you never seem to have a problem discussing this topic any other time, so why do you now?" Alana asked out of pure curiosity, now thinking that Cam is a little bit uncomfortable.
"Why did you really agree to come to the dance with me, Alana?" Oh no he couldn't just switch the conversation around like that. Why did she, though? She looked up, studying his entire face for any clue to appear in her brain and help her with the answer.
She shrugged and yawned, "I have no idea."
Seeing her yawn and snuggle her head even further into his neck he sighed, "Are you tired? Would you like me to take you home?"
She nodded and he grabbed her hand and led her out of there, again causing his friends to cheer and whistle. Though there was no reason for them to as she fell asleep just a few minutes after they got into the car.
The next morning she walked out her front door only to smack her face straight into the chest of, who she guessed, Cam. And she wasn't wrong.
"Wanna ditch?" Was all he said before tugging her down to the step in front of them.
She ignored his question and asked one of her own, "Why are you here?" She kept yawning, having failed to get any sleep last night, thoughts of the man next to her filling her mind.
"I didn't ask you to the dance because I wanted to embarrass you, harass you or even because of a bet, Alana. I actually like you," Cam said, playing her fingers like a child would. Or maybe he was nervous – again.
"So – you, like me?" He nodded and moved his head closer.
"I like you," He whispered before softly capturing her lips with his own in a sweet kiss. Pulling away a short time later, he continued, "I like you and I want you to ditch class with me so we can get jiggy on that comfy bed of yours," He boldly stated with a grin.
She slapped his arm and snapped, "Stop harassing me then!"
"Yes, Doll," He smiled at her acceptance.
Author's Note: I haven't uploaded or written a story in a while, so I put all my work aside (which I really shouldn't have done) and wrote this. I hope it was good. And sorry if there are any grammatical or punctual mistakes. Feedback would be nice, thank you!