Chapter 1

I tapped my fingers to the beat of the song on the table and observed the throng of people that danced to the music; their arms waving and hips moving to the flow of music. The disco ball flashed with vibrant colors, exposing elated and excited faces and then casting them back into shadows. The metallic odor of bodies and alcohol rested heavily in the air. The delicate tinkling of glass and babble of conversation seemed to accompany the music that blasted into the crowd. The noise and excitement of the club usually sends a thrill through my body. I loved the club and its commotion—here, all worries evaporate and I sweep onto the dance floor, feeling alive and aware, dancing until laughter bubbled in my throat and sweat dampened my back.

Today I sighed and looked around idly, glancing down every few minutes to check the time. Where was he? Josh had told me to meet him here today but he still hadn't showed up. I felt a sense of dread as I thought about him. I shook myself wearily and determinedly pushed my suspicions away. Josh is my boyfriend and we have been going out for a year now but I haven't seen him lately. He was always sweet and kind to me. No, I thought fiercely, he is still sweet and kind.

I slumped against the bar and the bartender, seeing my gloomy expression, flashed me a smile and asked if I wanted a drink. I shook my head and went back to waiting.

Tapping my cellphone against the surface, I looked around again, hoping to catch sight of a familiar face or find something to do.

I felt my face light up as I caught sight of Samson in the center of the throng with Beatrice. They moved and swayed in harmony, both with wide grins on their faces. Yep, they would definitely make a great couple…if Samson could gather the courage to ask her.

My eyes wandered again and felt them being drawn to a man sitting across the room. His lean form was relaxed and his eyes were closed. I studied him silently, fascinated. His unkempt silver hair seemed to glow softly in the darkness and framed a face that seemed to be made out marble; a delicate nose that was slightly pointed and full curved lips—a picture of youth. I judged him to be around 17 for his features seem to be both of an adolescent and man. To be honest, his whole figure seemed to be that of a Roman statue's—more beautiful than handsome.

I wasn't the only one who had noticed him. I watched, amused, as a small group of girls glanced flirtatiously his way. They whispered to each other and giggled, and elbowed a girl towards the table. I groaned to myself as I realized who it was: Josephine. She was the most popular and hottest girl in our school; the perfect model type. And she hated me. Josephine looked at her friends. She rolled her eyes and tossed her hair, her expression resigned as she strolled towards the table. The man was still unconscious to the world. She bent; her luxurious hair cascaded attractively, and touched the man gently on the shoulder. The man's eyes flickered open to expose piercing green eyes. Surprise flickered across eyes his before a smile touched his face. Josephine blushed as the man courteously rose and pulled a seat toward her, motioning her to sit across from him. Josephine's friends settled at the next table and now sneaked envious looks at her. They whispered among themselves and occasionally tried to catch their friend's eye. Josephine pretended not to notice and I could have sworn that I saw a few sour expressions. Even I could not help but feel a ping of jealousy as I saw Josephine's beaming countenance.

I sighed again as my mind I snapped back into thinking of Josh and frowned at my watch. He still wasn't here. When he comes, we're going to have a long talk I thought grimly and slumped in my chair, feeling my eyes returning to Josephine. I wished I had her looks or her audacity. Since I had nothing to do, it wasn't long before I started to daydream about the stranger across the room. I imagined that I was walking down the street and the man was ahead of me and he stumbled into the street. A car is speeding towards him but I grab his arm and pull him out of danger. He looks at me and….

Yea I know, it's pretty lame…ok that might not even cover it. But really, the features of the man were so exotic and perfect that it burns into ones' mind. And seeing your worst enemy flirting with him…well…you would get jealous too.

I blinked as someone tapped my shoulders and I turned around. My surprised face instantly turned into a glower as I realized who it was.

"You're late," I said shortly. Josh shrugged and ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair. I noticed that it had grown almost past his ears.

"I had something to do," Josh replied. I frowned, there was a different aura surrounding him. Something was not right. And what was that smell…? I took a deep breath and suddenly realized what was wrong.

"You've been drinking"

"So?" Josh snapped.

"So?" I echoed with disbelief.

"I really don't think it's any of your business Clara."

I glared savagely at him, "That's what you came here to say?"

"Nope, I came to tell you that we're breaking up."

I was stunned for a moment by his blunt statement. The couples near us snickered and moved away. My face reddened. Not with as much embarrassment as with the rage that I was not the first one to say it.

"What? Is it really that shocking?" He drawled, crossing his arms and leaning back on the table.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I exploded, standing up and slamming the table with my fists. Suddenly all I could hear was the music. Even Josh seemed surprised. I looked around and saw curious looks at us; Josephine was trying to hide a grin. I felt like dying right there. My face felt hot and the world seemed to swirl in front of my eyes.

I fled and anchored myself to the darkest possible corner, trying to fade away.

Samson pushed his way through the throng and gave me a concerned look.

"Are you all right Clara? What did that douchebag do?" He whispered.

My face was still burning and I mumbled something inaudible. He steered me towards the bar and gestured for the bartender to bring me a drink. I couldn't even meet his eyes.

"He never used to be that way," I finally said, wiping the sweat from my face.

"I don't know what happened either. People change I guess. Josh though…,"Samson sighed, "I don't know. I saw him a week ago and he was fine. I guess I'll go talk to him later."

"No no, it's no big deal!" I exclaimed, grabbing Samson's sleeves to prevent him from getting up, "Really."

"Are you sure?" He asked doubtfully, his worried blue eyes searching mine, "He was pretty rude to you today."

"No really Samson, I'm alright," I grinned at him to show I was all better. Inside though, it was a different story.

My lips trembled and the forced grin left my face as I looked down at my hands. I vaguely felt the silver haired man turning to look at me. But when I looked up, the man was in a deep conversation with Josephine. I tried to brush away my uncomfortable feeling.

"Clara..?" Samson started, his soft blue eyes worried, snapping me back to attention.

"Really Samson, I'm alright. That was just such a shock…I just need time to calm down…Beatrice is probably looking for you," I added, catching sight of Beatrice's pout in the corner of my eye.

Samson followed my gaze and saw Beatrice, his eyes brightening.

"But call me after, alright Clara?" He added, reaching over to give my shoulders a quick squeeze.

I sighed quietly to myself as I watched him walk toward Beatrice, envy tearing at my heart.

My breath caught and I swallowed. Why is Beatrice so lucky? Why am I not? I thought bitterly.

I sipped my drink, savoring the icy feeling on my tongue and stared around idly. The people around me were back to their businesses. I had successfully melted back into the crowd again. I sighed and my eyes drifted back to Josephine. She was now sitting with her friends, her eyes sparkling and a rosy blush covering her cheeks. She glanced at me and smirked. I quickly looked away.

Suddenly, I could no longer stand the place. The music seemed to jumble together in my ear as the room to closed in on me. I stood up quickly, grabbed my jacket, and pushed my way through the horde of sweaty bodies and burst through the door into the night. My breath streamed out in icy puffs and I inhaled deeply. The air was crisp with the smell of winter pine and the stars flickered coldly in the clear sky.

The noise from the club diminished to a low murmur and the crickets' chirps strengthened.

My footsteps echoed loudly as I strolled down the sidewalk, glad to be bathed in the silence. It wasn't until a few blocks later that I noticed that I was being followed.