"Are you still awake?" my roommate called softly.
I weighed the pros and cons of answering her, knowing that she probably wouldn't stop until I responded. "Mmm, sorta. What's up?"
"What do you wish for?"
I frowned, opening my eyes and staying up at the dark ceiling. "Huh?"
"It's 11:11. What do you wish for?"
I heard her sit up, and I could picture her watching me while I thought. "I dunno, I don't really... uh... Happiness and health for my friends and family?"
She snorted. "That doesn't sound like you at all. C'mon, answer."
I blushed, grateful for the darkness that hid my red cheeks. "Uh... Someone to love and be loved by, I guess." She hummed thoughtfully and I squirmed in the silence. "What about you?"
"... Do you really wanna know?"
I could imagine her disbelieving face. Her bed creaked as she moved, and I heard her footsteps on the floor.
I nodded, then mentally smacked myself. "Yeah, it's only fair." I could sense her crouching beside my bed, a burst of confusion in my brain.
She was silent for a few seconds. When she finally replied, her voice was barely above a whisper. "That I won't lose you for this."
Before I could respond, she leaned over and kissed me gently.