Is she really my friend? Or is she just pretending to be so she can learn my secrets and
use them against me later? Why would she though? She was always there for me, through tears
and smiles, death and life. She's seen me through it all. I know she's not the same person she
used to be, but neither am I.
We've both changed a lot, but we've always remained friends. I feel guilty for suspecting
her of doing those things. I don't want it to be true, but now I know it is. I never would have
thought that she'd do the things she did, the truth is now in front of me, and I feel I have known
it forever. And I probably have, but never admitted it to myself. I just wanted to keep the illusion
I had when we were younger, when the world was a simpler place. But I can't go back, I must
continue going forward.
Now I have real friends, friends that really are my friends. I help them, they help me.
That's how it is and that's how it is and that's how it should be. Friends until the world draws to
a close for us.
I will always remember her though, no matter how many true friends I have, I will always
wonder why. Why did she do it? She had no right to do this! She is the only one I ever opened
my heart to and the only one I would have ever trusted with my life.
To this day I have never been able to trust that way again and that question still haunts
me. Even now, when I think about her, a wave of sadness washes over me, though I refuse to
shed a single tear over her.
This was written in grade 6.