Thanks a lot for reviewing:
Princess97 – humm i would have done that for u if this chapter was not what it is.
Thesmartygirl – Damon's family consists of his sister who already likes Mia. His parents also like her. As for the rest of the "Black" family, I don't think he cares at all. Period. They're not really family to him.
The Foorsore Storyteller – you have an interesting username and an even more interesting outlook on things. It totally made me laugh.. and shake my head.. and decide that i needed to think things through before i ever again brought candles into a story.
Author Note: All right then. I am very grateful to everyone who has reviewed this story, added it as a favorite, and even as an alert. It told me that I had readers, and that is the best thing an author can have. Of course I want more reviews, but I am very grateful for the ones I did get. I learned a few things, and overall had a great time in getting Mia and Damon together.
I was not planning to end the story in this chapter, but the story made the decision for me. What can I say? I live to obey.. hardly.. but in this I have no say. I hope that everyone lke the ending, and I would really appreciate you telling me just how much you liked my story. *grins*
Oh and one more thing. I suck at naming. Suggestions for my next story? PLEASE!
Chapter 32
"MOM! DAD! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?" Pierre yelled as he entered the house.
He ran into his parent's room without knocking.
"EWWW!" he screamed turning away.
Mia and Damon laughed. "Just turn around." Mia told her son.
He turned and then relaxed when he saw that Mia was sitting at her desk, and was not in bed with Damon as he had initially thought. Damon was sprawled on the bed and when he patted the bed and Pierre ran to him and jumped on it.
"So why were you screaming your head off?" Damon asked, ruffling his son's hair.
Pierre beamed. "I won the race at the sports fest today." he said proudly.
Damon smiled and high fived him. "Good job!"
Pierre laughed, then ran to give Mia a high five as well.
"So the little bugger made it here already." Kaia said from the door.
Mia laughed as she pulled her son onto her lap. "Yup!"
Kaia entered the room and plopped down next to her brother. "I swear he runs like a demon. One moment he was in the car with me, the next he was halfway into the house."
Damon chuckled. "Moves like his father you mean. I never saw anyone run as fast asPierre could whenever he needed to get out of trouble."
"Or get someone else into it." Kaia added.
Mia and Pierre laughed. Then Pierre gave Damon a sage look. "I never get anyone into trouble, Daddy. Did Papa get you into trouble lots of times?" he asked.
Damon chuckled. "Not me. I was the one he helped escape, but I think a lot of our classmates never knew what hit them."
"Hmmm" Pierre said with a grin and Mia reached over to smack him lightly.
"Don't you hmm me. You already are troublemaker enough." she said sternly but the effect was ruined by the smile tugging at her lips.
"Sure sure." he said easily, sliding off her lap and then running off to his room. Mia watched him go amused. He looked exactly like Pierre and almost had the same nature. Kaia smiled as she too got up. "I am going to take Kara and Pierre out to play in the garden." Then she gave them a sly smile. "You two carry on. I would love to have more nieces and nephews."
Damon laughed while Mia threw a cushion at her errant sister in law who ducked away laughing.
The next cushion hit Damon square in the face.
"HEY!" he protested.
"Hay is for horses!" Mia retorted as she turned back to her laptop and finished the email she was typing to Ava. Damon came up behind her and she knew that he was smiling. Even after being married for more than five years, it still made his day when she signed her name anywhere. Mia Reyes Geveneu Black.
He placed his hands on her shoulders and rested his chin on top of her head. "Kaia's idea wasn't so bad."
Mia chuckled. "Uh huh. I have a five year old son who apparently takes after both his dads' in being mischievous. A two year old daughter, who worships the ground her brother walks on, and tries to eat everything he touches. A 22 year old sister in law who takes the utmost pleasure in spoiling the both of them, and gets into as much trouble as both of them combined and a husband who only encourages all the troublemakers. Add me being pregnant again into all this and it'll be a miracle if the house does not go up in flames."
"It survived the last two times." Damon said with a grin. "It even survived when we renovated." Damon was the one who had moved into Mia's house, but they had added an extra floor to it, to make room for an office, a library, and extra rooms for the kids.
Mia hit send on her email and turned to her husband.
"You are incorrigible." She told him calmly.
"You love me anyways."
Mia laughed and stood up. "Definitely incorrigible!" she said with a grin as she kissed him.
They both looked at the door to see Kaia holding Kara. While Pierre had the blonde hair and blue eyes of his papa, Kara was an exact copy of Damon, complete with raven hair and gray eyes. Now she was struggling in her aunt's hold to jump to her mother. When Mia took her, she glomped onto her.
Kaia laughed. "She takes after you a lot Brother."
Damon grinned. "She sure does."
Pierre ran into the room and jumped onto Damon, who caught him easily.
"No Daddy! Kara is like me!" he told Damon haughtily.
Kaia laughed as she and Mia headed out to the garden. Damon followed, his eyes lingering on the many pictures that lined the walls. There were now pictures everywhere and here in the living room were two large picture portraits of two separate weddings.
In one Mia and Pierre stood facing each other, holding hands, and in the other, Damon stood behind Mia, his arms wrapped around her.
Damon smiled as he lifted his son onto his shoulder, and walked out to the garden where his family was waiting for him. He might have stopped believing in happy endings once, but now he was just very very glad to have his own.