chp 1
"Hehehe babe you feel that?" He made a pouting face at me cutely.
No shit, i thought to myself. His gigantic 10.578 inch tumor was poking me violently while he moaned to himself continuously.
Charles began to lick my ear in a very canine-like way with his saliva smearing all over the side of my face. The boner poking thing was gross enough =_=
"~" he moaned, probably in pleasure, but to me it sounded like agony.
Anyways that was basically the highlight of my school week which involved intimate action in abandoned washrooms during most of my lunchtimes.
"He actually looks kind of okay from the back" I smiled without needing to force myself.
Some of my friendly aquaintances laughed at me, shaking their heads dissaprovingly while others made disgusted sounds and this other girl told me to shut up. I bet she wouldn't look so infuriated if I saved Charles' abnormal juice for her to make a facial mask out of or something. But sadly for her, the facial mask material was mixed with my hair so if she really wanted it then she could've collected it yesterday afternoon while it was still fresh.
Don't get me wrong okay, I don't enjoy any of this facial mask liquid nor do i like tumors that much but I don't really have a choice. I was, in a way, protecting my hostile female aquaintance.
After strolling the slippery hallways for some time, I saw Charles and his mentally challenged friends leaning against the lockers snickering to each other retardedly. Charles seemed like the one any person in their right mind would choose if they had to pick one from their group.
Some little girls a few years younger than him crowded around him and asked for hugs.
I could clearly see them rubbing their undeveloped flat chests against his, but none of this angered me. Such amateurs they were. I knew I was closer to him than they would ever be.
Then he saw me. So cliche right :D
"Sup" He winked at me. No need to make your eyes even smaller,
Knowing how it was already, I didn't even bother with the small talk and just his plump lips which I think he achieved after years of lip therapy.
After several of these scenarios happening already, I learnt to just be straight up and make some kind of body contact with him before he does, since my attempts are always less perverted.