To my dearest Emily,

I write this letter by dimming candlelight.

Just, must I say, on behalf of your family and mine,

You've caused us quite the fright.

Emily dearest, I miss you with all of my all.

I remember your blue eyes,

And farther and farther I fall.

My weakness towards you,

I despise with all of my being.

Why did you do it?

Why did you leave?

How could you do this to me?

I've missed you forever,

Forever I will,

My dearest Emily.

Are those lands nice this time of year?

Have you been happy and well?

We've felt our happiness,

Drifting, drifting, drifting away

Since you've left us, Emily.

I guess I should just say,

I'm wishing you Love,

And Happiness,

And Joy,

From the home you've left behind.

Please remember our Days,

And Lives,

And Ways,

My dearest Emmeline.

A/N: I would really, really appreciate some reviews on this, please. I'm not a poet. At all. But I needed to write a ballad and a sonnet for an application to a school I'm trying to get into, and this is what I came up with for the ballad... :/ As far as I know, it sucks. Terribly. But I would love to know what you guys think! Review, please!