Hey y'all, this is my first story on fiction press and I hope you like it. Without further hesitation I present to you Sunday Soulmates


- simone.


It was an unreasonably cold day for October, and I could have sworn the chill in the air had travelled all the way from Siberia. Never the less, I stuffed my nearly frozen fingers into my winter jacket and crossed the street swiftly. I had an engagement with an old high school friend who I had not seen in years; I could barely contain my excitement.

Perks, a small quaint cafe, was where we had decided to meet. I spotted her the instant I walked through the door. She hadn't aged much; in fact, she looked as though she had discovered the secret to sustaining youth. I was far too amazed by the glow of her skin and the shine in her hair to say anything. But alas my quiet envy and admiration came to a halt when she spotted me and waved me over.

"Good god, it's been such a long time Carly" She said, emerging from her seat to embrace me in a hug. "You look great babe!"

I smiled "Victoria, you look absolutely amazing. Just look at you, god, I'm so jealous right now"

She laughed and sat down again, I sat in the seat opposite from her. "It's been such a long time since I've seen you, I'm glad you wanted to catch up!" I admitted, so glad to see and old face from my teenage years.

"It's been 8 years babe, of course I had to look you up. New York is such a beautiful city, but I don't understand how you can stand this kind of weather. For a while there, I thought I'd accidentally travelled to Canada."

I laughed, she was the same old Victoria I knew from high school "I know, the weather here is terrible. I miss the good old Palo Alto weather. Speaking of, what brings you to New York?"

"I'm here for an engagement party. As a matter of fact, you know them too"

"Who?" I squealed with such eagerness.

"It's James and Sienna's engagement. Can you believe it? After all they've been through I'm just so excited for them"

"I didn't know they lived in New York" I admitted, "Congrats to them though. Remember when we used to obsess over their relationship and what we thought would happen?"

"Yes! Those two had such a complicated relationship. But it's great to know that they are actually getting married!"

We sat around for the next two hours catching up and chatting like girls do. When Victoria did finally leave, I sat there in the cafe reminiscing on high school and James and Sienna's relationship. I had always admired theirs because I wanted something like it, you could always tell they were in love with each other. You know the chemistry you could only watch on TV or read about? Well theirs was the closest I ever got to see exist in real life. If I ever fall in love, I want it to be like theirs. All their fighting and arguments, but all their passion, I want all of it.

In fact, their story is so incredible that I feel I should retell it. But this story goes far back, in the fall of 1985 I believe. Now you're probably wondering how and why I know all this, and I'll explain later. For now, just listen to this love story I have obsessed about ever since I can remember.

Vous-aimez? Send me awesome messages and review svp!