Sorry it took me so long, and double sorry for it not being as detailed as it should be…this chapter was kind of a rush order.
"So, how about we talk?" Melody suggested, taking a seat next to Aiden on the sofa. I sat in the reclining chair across from them.
"About what?" I asked.
"Anything, really. But if there's anything you want to ask or say to me to make sure you know a complete psycho isn't in your house, feel free."
I pulled the first thing out of my mind. "Uh…no stealing?"
Melody smirked. "Since that's kind of a given anyway, you got it."
Aiden wouldn't stop staring at her. "Your name is really ironic, you know," he said.
Melody shrugged. "If you think so. A lot of things about me are."
"Not your clothes," Aiden pointed out.
It was true, Melody had made the first impression of someone relatively dark, and she was decked in black from head to toe. It was a stark contrast to her pale skin, long red hair, and dark blue eyes. Pretty, though, if only there wasn't so much of the color.
"Is your hair naturally curly?" I asked.
Melody fingered a strand of it. "Yes, and it's a pain."
"Hm. Well, I'm done."
We both turned to Aiden to see if he had any other questions. Apparently he did because he said, "Are you Goth?"
"Nope," Melody answered. From her casual response, I'd wager she was asked that a lot.
"How did you learn about injuries and healing them without going to college?"
She paused for a moment, as if she were choosing her words carefully. "My father taught me."
Aiden continued. "Have any piercings?"
"Surprisingly, no."
"Why surprisingly?"
Melody sighed, as if she were getting bored. "Everyone seems to expect me to have them."
I jumped in for her sake with, "Maybe it's time to give the interrogation a rest, Aiden."
He ignored me completely. "Any tattoos?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, but he didn't notice.
"Yes," Melody said.
"Upper back."
"Can I see it?"
"Aiden!" I scolded. He just waved me away and gave me a look that said: Let her decide.
Melody snickered but said, "If you must." She pulled her t-shirt over her head, and I was relieved to see that she was wearing a tank top underneath it. She turned around and pulled her hair up and out of the way. I went over to the couch, because I'll admit, I was curious about Melody's tattoo also.
"And the irony continues," Aiden mumbled.
The tattoo was about the size of my hand, maybe a little smaller. It was of a cross with vines wrapped around it. On the vines were small white flowers. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of tattoos, I couldn't help but think it was pretty.
Melody shrugged. "My childhood wasn't easy. I needed someone to talk to."
Neither Aiden or I knew what to say to that.
"Do you have anything to eat? I'm craving something sweet," Melody said suddenly.
"To curb your depressing personality?" Aiden joked. This was one of his flaws; he got comfortable around people too fast and took the liberty of making jokes. He had upset people many times in just the time that I had known him.
Melody smiled sweetly and I feared the worst, but she just said, "Hey, maybe that's why I eat a gallon of sugar every day."
"Do you really?"
Aiden looked disbelieving, but suspicious. "Then how do you stay thin?"
"High metabolism and exercise."
That had to of been true. Melody was skinny; in fact, she was downright tiny. She couldn't of been taller than 5'3''.
"You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen," I said. Melody stood up and walked into the kitchen. I turned to Aiden. "I'm going to check on Daniel. He should've woken up by now."
"Maybe he's dead," Melody called from the kitchen. Aiden rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the couch. He nodded toward me to show that he agreed to what I was doing.
I walked into my room and saw Daniel sitting up on the edge of my bed, pulling his torn shirt back on.
"Oh, you're awake. I wouldn't get up if I were you. You probably don't want to lose any more blood," I warned, walking over to him. I put on my most dazzling smile; one that had won over many guys in the past.
Daniel looked me up and down. "Who are you? Where am I?"
"I'm Lucy," I said, remembering the name Chloe had chosen for me to use in Daniel's presence. "You're in my bedroom. My friend and I saw you lying on the side of the street, and we brought you here and patched you up."
He narrowed his eyes, and stood, his stature threatening. "Anything else in my system?"
My smile dropped, normally the guys weren't this hostile. "We didn't drug you, if that's what you're asking."
"So what's with that getup?"
"You like it?" I asked. Daniel just stared at me, waiting for an answer. I sighed. "I was heading to a wedding."
"Can I see the invitation?" he asked. I was confused, but I grabbed it off of my desk where I had left it and handed it to him. "That's strange," he said. "I was heading here too. And I happen to know that this wedding was strictly family. However, I don't believe we're related."
I put on as convincing of smile as I could. "Guess I was an exception."
"Well, Miss Exception, thanks for everything, but I really should be going."
Daniel walked out into the family room and I panicked. I hurried after him and managed to grab his arm. Aiden was watching us like a hawk, and so was Melody, except she was also partially focused on a piece of cake that she had grabbed from the kitchen.
"You really might want to stay. I don't want you to get hurt again," I said.
Daniel was still looking at the door. "You don't know me. You shouldn't care." He laughed. "Even the people who do know me don't care."
I saw my opportunity. "I'd like to know you. Are you doing anything this weekend? I was hoping to see you again."
Daniel finally faced me, but his eyes showed anger. "Look, I really don't think we should see each other again. Just leave me alone," he said, and he shook me off and walked outside.
As soon as the door shut, Melody burst out laughing. In between giggles she managed, "I can't believe it! What guy in his right mind rejects a girl like you?"
"Seems to be becoming a regular thing," I said, and my eyes flicked toward Aiden, but he looked away.
Melody caught our exchange, and she turned her head back and forth between us, grinning with her mouth open. "This is just like a soap opera! Wow, I need to hang around you guys more often!"
I sighed and sank back onto the chair. "This has been an off week for me," I groaned and put my face in my hands.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Melody giving me what looked like a comforting smile. "I should probably be heading home. You okay?" she asked. I nodded, and she started walking away. "See you soon."
"You sure you're okay?" Aiden asked after Melody had gone.
"Now you care?" I asked sourly. Aiden sighed and I stood up. "I'm going to go change. You can leave now. You're job is fulfilled."
"I'm not completely heartless, you know. And ever since I regained my memory, I know a lot about you. I can tell you're upset," Aiden said.
"So? You hate me."
Aiden sighed again. "I don't hate you. I just don't trust you."
"Oh, and that makes me feel so much better."
Aiden put a hand on my shoulder and turned me so that I was facing him. "Think about it, Emily. If our roles were reversed, would you trust me?"
I ignored his question even though we both knew what my answer would've been. "Don't call me Emily," I said instead. The name I had used to deceive him haunted me, and I never wanted to be called by it again. Especially not by Aiden himself.
"Then what do I call you? That's the name I've always called you."
I searched my mind, and considered telling him my real name for a moment. "Call me Lucy for now. It's what everyone at the company will be calling me until I finish my job with Daniel."
"How does everyone keep up with your name changes?"
"It goes out in the weekly post every time it changes."
Aiden rolled his eyes, and even though I was hoping he'd start walking out, he didn't. All of the events of the past few days were weighing on me, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold back my emotions.
"Look, I really think you should just go," I said, and I started to walk toward my bedroom.
Before I was out of range, Aiden grabbed my arm and pulled me into him, circling his arms around me.
I almost shuddered in relief being in his familiar embrace, but I forced myself to resist completely melting. "What does this mean?" I asked.
Aiden sighed. "I already know what you're thinking. No, I don't still love you."
I pulled away from him reluctantly. "Then don't hug me. I don't want your pity."
"It's not-" Aiden started.
I interrupted him. "Just leave."
Aiden's eyes changed from angry to something I couldn't place-maybe sadness. But that didn't make sense, he had to reason to be upset.
He wasn't losing anything important.
Aiden walked toward the front door. Before he walked out, he turned to me and said, "Goodbye, Lucy." The next thing I knew, he was gone.
It hurt worse than it had we he had called me Emily.