Author's note: I'm a terrible person for not uploading soon please forgive me? :) So here's another chapter for all of you don't forget to tell me what you feel about the chapter! It's already 1 AM in my place so I'm going to sleep now, bye!

Day 1 of Camp part Two

Blake's POV

"What in the world did you do to the freaking mashed potatoes?" I asked Scarlet

"It was an accident!" she said blushing

"Why what happened?" Cadie started to ask then she saw the "mashed potato" if you can even call it that

" Well damn!" Carter said laughing

" I thought girls are supposed to be better at cooking than guys" Ash said in disbelief

"It wasn't my fault! There was no label so I accidentally put sugar instead of salt" Scarlet said blushing

"Doesn't explain why it's color brown though" Anna said and then all of us looked at Scarlet who was turning red than ever

" Come with me princess so I can teach you how to cook a mashed potato" I said to Scarlet

" I don't think she has any hope in the cooking department" Cadie said making Scarlet blush more

" I sooo can!" Scarlet retorted and everyone else just looked at her

Scarlet's POV

Okay first of all it's not my fault! I think I have to clear that up. I mean the freaking sugar and salt looks the same so it's totally not my fault, and okay maybe it turned brown because I burnt it a little because the milk wasn't enough but well the flmae in the stove was too high totally not my fault! Blake was just telln me that he will teach me on how to cook a mashed potato but then Cadie suddenly said that I don't have any hope when it comes to cooking!

"Ohh just wait Cadie Blake and I can sooo kick your ass when it comes to cooking!" I said to her, ohh I'm totally gonna prove Cadie wrong hahahaha!

"Hmm what's the prize, ohh and it's totally unfair you have Blake, I should also have a partner" Cadie said mischievously

"Fine you can choose whoever you want" I said to Cadie

"Anyone?" Cadie said

"Well except for Blake" I told her because he really knows how to cook delicious food and that's the only reason! But of course the guys took it the wrong way and started wiggling their eyebrows and even my 'friends' started to chuckle

"Ohh princess you're so possessive when it comes to me" Blake said grinning like an idiot

"I am not possessive of you" I told Blake

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" Blake said chuckling

" I hate you!"

"Love you too princess" Blake said, gaaah he always annoy me

" I choose Sean!" Cadie said suddenly, hmm they really are getting close aren't they? Don't get me wrong I'm not jealous, I guess my crush with Sean is long gone but I just wonder if Cadie has a crush with Sean. I mean Cadie knows that I have a crush with Sean before and I have never heard Cadie talk about her crush. Could it be that she also has a crush with Sean and didn't do anything because of me? Maybe I should tell Cadie that I was over him, maybe I can even match them up, Blake could probably help me!

"Umm are you sure about that Cadie I mean.." Sean started to say but Blake suddenly said

"So what are the stakes?"

"Hmm if we win you guys have to hand feed us for the entire trip" Cadie said laughing

" Ohh Blake will hand feed Cadie and Scarlet to Sean" Carter said smirking the whole time!

"What?!" I said while Blake said "Hell no!"

"Ohhh come on Blake are you scared to lose?" Sean said goading Blake

" Fine if we win you have to wear your underwear on the outside of your pants for an hour" Blake said mischievously

"No way!" Sean and Cadie shouted and I can't help but laugh oh damn that was good

"Uh uh you made our consequence so the deal is on!" I said

"We're so not gonna lose!" Cadie said

"Oh you're going down!" Blake said

"So we will be the judge?" Dan said

"Fine with us!" Blake, Sean, Cadie and I said in unison

"So how do we do this? I mean there's only one kitchen in here" Sean said

"There's another kitchen in the girl's cabin so you guys can cook there" I said

"Alright meet up in an hour and a half here" Cadie said

"Wait so that there won't be cheating Ash, Sam and I will accompany Cadie and Sean" Claire said

" Okay Anna Dan and I will be here to check on Blake and Scarlet" Carter said and so with that our group split to prepare for the challenge and we are so not gonna lose!

"So princess any idea on what to cook?" Blake asked

"I don't know Blake, you're the one who knows how to cook and we have to win!"

"Oh princess there's no way I'd let them win that bet" Blake said in a serious tone, I guess he really doesn't want to lose

"So do you know how to cook anything?" Blake asked teasing me

"Does boiling water count?" I asked and Blake just laughed

"Okay maybe I'll handle the main dish and you can create a dessert?"

" Help me make a dessert Blake!"

"Oh princess what will you do without me" He said chuckling and then he started rummaging for ingredients. He then set the ingredients in the counter while I was there looking at him feeling useless

"Come on princess you can't really help if you're standing two feet away from the counter" he said chuckling

"Fine" I said walking towards him. He then placed a bowl in front of me and then went behind me and put his hands on both sides trapping me

"We're on a camp so let's make s'mores cake" He said

"Blake I don't even know how to cook how can you expect me to know how to bake a freaking cake!" I said to him and Blake just chuckled and said

"Don't worry princess I'll guide you!" and then he stepped closer to me and put his hand at the back of my hand intertwining it. Okay, okay don't panic, I need to focus and oh gosh I hope my hands won't get sweaty. Then Blake whispered into my ear all the steps that I have to do in order to make a s'mores cake

"First you have to whisk the eggs and sugar" uggh what is happening to me! Get a grip of yourself Scarlet! He's totally getting closer now if it's possible and I'm sure he's doing it on purpose!

"Is this really how you teach someone how to cook?" I asked him

"Ohh only to you princess"

"You're totally enjoying this!" I accused him

"You have no idea!" He whispered in my ear

Cadie's POV

We are so dead! Why you ask, well I just found out that Sean has never cooked before and the only thing I know how to cook are the basics such as egg, spaghetti, rice, fries and chicken. Yup we're totally doomed.

"Maybe we can search online for a recipe!" Sean said frantically obviously he doesn't like the idea of wearing his underwear outside his pants

" Okay we have to look for the best recipe and totally beat them!"

"Umm Cadie" Sean asked


"I just remembered there's no internet here in camp"

"Oh" I said

"DAMN!" We both said in unison

Scarlet's POV

( 1 hour and 30 minutes later)

We did it! Oh my gosh finally we are done preparing the meal so of course Blake has made a fantastic job in cooking a steak and preparing a potato salad that will totally go nicely with the steak. Also after a lot of Blake's teasing and self control we were also able to make the s'mores cake and it was delicious!

"Oh man that smells so good!" Ash said

"Hey you were supposed to be on our side!" Sean said and then we saw what they prepared chicken and spaghetti.

"They even have a dessert!" Cadie said to Sean

So we started eating the food that we have prepared and then everyone was complimenting the food especially our s'mores cake haha

"Damn that was so good how did you make that" Cadie said

"You know I helped in baking that cake!" I said to her laughing yes we totally win yaaay!

"Aww come on Cadie don't sulk I'm sure you'll look cute even when your underwear is outside" Sam said giggling

"Totally not funny ughh life is so unfair!" Cadie said sulking

"Ohhh guys if you've only seen Blake and Scarlet awhile ago the sweetness of the cake pales in comparison to those two" Anna said wiggling her eyebrows

"No we weren't" I said and Blake just chuckled

"Ohh princess stop denying it, you and I both know the truth"

"I hate you!"

"Love you too princess" Blake said, and for a second I think my heart skipped again waaah no what's happening to me!

"Ohh and speaking of love I'm pretty sure I'd love seeing you guys do your consequences" Dan said to Sean and Cadie chuckling

"Noooooo I hate you guys so much!" Cadie said burying her face

"Aww we love you too" I said imitating what Blake just said and that just made him laugh

After eating we decided to unpack our things in our rooms first since we were unable to do it and then we will meet in an hour, it also started raining hard outside so we would just probably stay inside which really sucks

"So what should we do today?" Sam asked the group when we met the guys at the main hall

"Well it's still raining hard so we can't really go out" Ash said

"We can play hide and seek" Claire suggested and everyone agreed I mean the cabin isn't that big so it wouldn't be too hard

"Okay but let's make it a bit harder, if you get tagged by the 'it' then you'd be assigned as additional seekers" Claire added and so after determining the 'it' which happens to be Sean he started counting up to 60. We started running, I was thinking where to hide and the time was running out already!


when I remembered the small closet where the food was stored so I started walking towards it as quiet as possible but then when I opened it Blake was already hiding there


Then Blake grabbed me and closed the door

"60 I'm coming guys!" Sean yelled

I was with Blake in a very small cabinet, currently straddling him, our faces mere inches away and we're playing hide and seek. Damn!