a/n: I was bored so I decided to see how I would do with a one-shot. Hopefully it doesn't suck, it's my first-time writing one. Enjoy.
Kelsi Jackson was an utter and complete klutz. And he made sure to remind her of that fact every time he saw her. Which it so happened to be, everyday. They were next-door neighbors, but didn't attend the same school. She, a snobby private school and he, your average everyday public high school. Of course that didn't prevent them for seeing each other. They had different friends, hung out at different places, yet somehow managed to exit their houses the same time every morning and return simultaneously every evening. He was almost positive she was stalking him. It was the only possible explanation. She didn't seem to share his opinion.
"Oh please," she scoffed, tossing her black hair back, "Like I would stalk you when there are so many more actractive and civilized boys around."
Her answer stung much more than it should have and Chris found himself frowning. He knew he wasn't bad-looking, the girls throwing themselves at his feet during school was evidence enough, but he probably didn't match up to the standards of those private school boys she always hung around.
"If that's true," he began coolly, "Then why did you promise me your first kiss?"
Kelsi's brown eyes widened tremendously as her cheeks took on a reddish hue. Chris smirked at the sight, he had trapped her.
"Th-that was a long time ago!" she sputtered unintelligibly, " We were five for chrissakes! It doesn't even mean anything!"
Chris's smirk never wavered as he drew a step closer, cornering her against her garage.
"Oh," he murmured huskily, "But doesn't it?"
Kelsi could barely breath. He was invading her space and she didn't appreciate the way her body was reacting to him. She tried to recall the annoying boy who had pulled her pigtails until she agreed to give him her first kiss but came up blank. That image had been replaced by the infuriatingly handsome one before her, with floppy black hair and alluring brown eyes. Who was she kidding? No boy at her school could possibly make her heart hammer the way he did.
Of course she couldn't tell him that.
"How do you know it hasn't already been taken?" she challenged. She had to save face somehow.
The boy before her merely smiled, wrapping his arms around her narrow waist and tugging her against his chest. She didn't even have time to gasp as his lips connected with hers, burning her inside-out with a smothering heat. They left her mouth to trail across her chest, stopping at her shoulder to deliver a quick nip. She sucked in a shallow breath and he smirked against her skin.
"Now," he whispered, "Is this your first kiss?"
Kelsi didn't trust herself to speak, merely shaking her head no in answer to his question and Chris chuckled.
"Fine," he breathed airily, "You won't mind proving me wrong then."
Kelsi turned her head defiantly, sticking her nose in the air. Who did he think he was?
"No," she snapped, finally finding her voice, "You can't make me do anything."
He raised an amused brow.
"Oh really?"
She opened her mouth to retort when she felt something soft pressing against the side of her neck. He was not doing what she thought he was…was he?
"Chris," she squeaked, "Are you….are you sucking on my neck?"
"It's called a hickey," he snorted, "Any person who's been kissed before knows that."
Kelsi flushed. So he was giving her a hickey? What would her parents think if they saw it?
Images of numerous lectures about the birds and the bees filled her mind with horror. No. Anything but that!
"Stop," she commanded.
He sucked harder and she felt her skin begin to tingle. Crap. She should've known that wasn't going to work on him.
"Chris," she whimpered, half from pleasure, half from embarrassment. She didn't realize something as simple as this could feel so ..so amazing.
"Only if you tell the truth," was his prompt response then resumed attacking her neck.
That's when she felt his tongue. It was damp and scathing against her inflamed flesh and she couldn't help the moan that slipped past her lips.
Chris froze. Damn, this wasn't supposed to turn him on so much. It was hardly a make-out session compared to what he was used to, yet he couldn't stop touching her. Stop tasting her. The way she was looking at him didn't help much either, like she was having the time of her life.
He bent to taste her once again but she stopped him, thrusting his chest back with both hands.
"Fine!" she snapped, cheeks ablaze, "This was my first kiss alright? I lied, happy?"
Chris merely stared at her. She hadn't figured it out yet?
"I know." he answered.
Kelsi stiffened. He knew? But how?
Chris laughed at her bewildered expression, pulling her to him in a loose embrace.
"Your left eye always twitches when you lie," he explained and her breath caught.
"Then why-"
"I wanted to be your first, " he confessed, "I knew you hadn't been kissed yet and wanted to make sure I was the one to do it."
Kelsi frowned.
"But why?"
He smiled, startling her as he kissed the tip of her nose fondly.
"Because that kiss was mine. Because I like you."
Her frown deepened as his words sunk in.
"That's playing dirty Chris," she stated sternly, or at least tried to. It was hard not to smile at him. He was just so adorable.
He laughed, releasing her from his arms.
"No, this is playing dirty."
He abruptly leaned in, watching in amusement as she tripped over her own two feet. Her hazel eyes stared up at him in shock before narrowing to tiny slits.
"Chris!" she screamed furiously, "I'm going to kill you!"
He cackled manically as he made his get-away. She was always such a klutz. But she was his klutz, and he loved her for it.
a/n: so what'd you think? Lame, sappy? Let me know, please R&R!