I wasn't truly like this, I swear. But at the same time, I did savor my talent in the theatre. So instead of regretting my decision to take part in any of this, I was so fully immersed in my role that I found myself nonchalantly placing books in my locker. In the mean while, the self anointed sex god stomped down the hallway toward me, indubitably furious. His hand whipped out and shut my locker with a resounding slam. I simply stared foreword, while my eye brow rose slowly.
" Sure, we can talk." I droned, languidly turning to face him.
Whoa. I almost flinched. His face was blazing with wrath, and I feared the only reason he wasn't tearing me limb to limb with his teeth was the fact that we were in a hallway surrounded by classrooms. I leaned against the lockers, if not a bit scared, then truly bored with this entire game that just wouldn't end.
" This entire time-" His low tenor growled, as his large hands wriggled to strangle something. Yet he never allowed himself to yell. " You were pretending."
I nodded, large eyes wide in innocent amusement. I honestly shouldn't have tried to provoke him though.
His strong jaw became prominent as he mashed his teeth together, black eyes flickering back and forth in a struggle to quell his rapid emotions.
" Why?" He challenged.
I couldn't help but let out a tittering laugh. I just couldn't be bothered with this at the moment, so I turned away to leave him there in his current state of being. He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me back.
" Why?" His voice seethed, letting me know that walking away wasn't an option. I winced at his strength.
" Because." I returned his intensity, and stepped up to him. " You treat others as if they're toys, as if they can easily be tossed aside. You can't just get away with something like that."
" What are you? Batman?" He seemed incredulous. Then he began to laugh, mocking my reason as if I were a child pulling some annoying antic. " Maybe if your friends weren't such whores and launched themselves at everything that walked, they wouldn't find themselves hurt."
" Maybe if you didn't try so hard, like some desperate prostitute, they wouldn't pity you enough to give you a chance." He truly was so full of bullshit. Sometimes I couldn't stomach the things he fed me.
" This is different." He snarled, cupids bows quivering in the tremor of his anger. I pulled against his iron grip, uncomfortable with the vice of his aggression.
" Oh is it?" I mused, thoroughly enjoying his loss of self control. " I used you like you do every girl. I made you believe what I wanted to then took it all away. The only difference is this time the stick is up your ass and not some poor girl you deceived into being your fuck buddy."
Perhaps it was my calm demeanor in the face of his physical threat, or perhaps the smug edge my words that had developed with every insult I flung to him, but he yanked me fully into his grasp and slammed me against the fading white of the hallway wall. I ducked my head instinctively to avoid a fatal collision, and instead felt my back bruise with a rolling burn. Lifting my head to shoot him a glare, I found that he was already inches away, hot breath emaciating his resentment towards me.
" This wasn't like all the other girls." I vexed myself for flinching, as forceful and searing as his words were. " I. . ."
He stopped himself, eyes locked onto mine and unblinking as he searched for the rest of his sentence in me. He appeared pained and uncomfortable, and I saw his obsidian eyes glimmer as his lashes lowered in thought. I wanted to spit an obscenity, to ridicule his dramatic behavior. But I had lost my voice. It was only the tender soreness of my arms growing under his finger tips which reminded me of my anger.
" You what?" I demanded. " This was different because you what?"
He bit his lip. I wanted it to bleed.
" I actually liked you." He breathed, voice straining. I felt my chest squeeze.
" Well that sucks." I said. " Because I would never, truly like you."
His grip tightened. He was struggling to keep water from slipping through his fingertips. But I wouldn't sympathize with his crocodile tears.
" Let me go." I commanded, my voice now steady and void of emotion. Unwillingly, he did so, yet his eyes still kept me in place.
" You don't know what you've done." Again the ire grew within his voice.
" Besides humiliate you?" I couldn't stop my lips from twitching into a smirk. I suppose I felt brave without him manhandling me. But I instantly regretted my attitude when his own face began to unfold. His lips curled into what resembled a smile but I instead saw promise of malice. A rigidity seized his face as I felt my own streak pallid.
His hand slipped foreword, like a viper in mid strike, and his finger tips grazed my cheek. The caress would have been loving if I hadn't have known better. His hand left my face, and he spared me another wicked glower before walking off and turning the corner without a backwards glance.
I felt my face grow hot and fought the urge to collapse onto the ground. What had I gotten myself into?