
I walk down the familiar halls
Near by, someone calls.
But it wasn't ment for me.
Can't you see?
I'm unpopular.

Sure, i have some friends.
But that doesn't tie up all the ends.
Even them I cannot trust.
I know they'll ditch me if they must.
I'm unpopular.

I've got top grades and the such.
But does that really matter much?
When I have something to say,
No one even looks my way.
I'm unpopular.

Around me I have a shell.
Inside it feels like hell.
I want to break FREE,
I want to be ME!
So what's holding me back?
What is it I lack?
I'm just unpopular.

Am I not the same as you?
Do I not have feelings, too?
I love, I cry, I hate.
Still, I feel like I'm shut behind a gate.

But after all these years of being shut out,
I'll show you all what I'm about.
If I'll have to I'll fight and shout
If that's what it takes to break out.

Yet no one seems to understand.
Guess they'll need a helping hand.
All this energy I've cooped up too long.
It just might make me do something wrong.

People have started to notice me change.
Some are starting to look at me strange.
What is wrong with all you people?
Those looks you give seem lethal!

Why are you trying to put me in a new cage?
Don't you know it builds up my rage?
No longer give a damn about popularity!
Don't give a shit if you think I'm pretty!

Why are you talking about me still?
This anger just might make me kill!
I no longer care about what you have to say!
I'm gonna make sure you see your last day in May!!

Didn't believe me?
Thought I was just having fun?
Well, guess what, I wasn't!
Don't you see this gun......................

Note: I wrote this because I was trying to figure out
what goes through the mind of a person that sees it necassary
to shoot a fellow student. This is what I came up with.