I sat next to him as we threw pebbles into the cold spring lake river under us. He was sitting especially far away from me today. I picked up a small flat stone and proceeded to throw it in the pond. I looked over at him to see him sitting there, fiddling with his fingers. Then he looked at me with those big bright green eyes of his. He looked nervous.

"I'm getting married," he spoke quietly.

I put down the pebble that was in my hand then looked over at him, "You're getting married?"

"Yeah, you remember Cecelia right?" he asked.

Cecelia. I had only had the "pleasure" of meeting her once. She was a tall blonde debutante with an attitude, and a way of getting what she wanted. I knew from the first look that she wouldn't rest until she had him.

"You're getting to Cecelia, you have only known each other a couple of months," I commented.

"I know but our parents are great friends. And one day my dad cornered me and told me it would be a good thing if our two families were to merge," he explained.

"He's forcing you to get married to her?" I yelled.

"Not really. I mean Cecelia's great and I would be happy to marry her so I thought why not," he replied but by the tone of his voice I could tell he wasn't thrilled about it.

It was awkwardly quiet after that. We just sat there in silence; we didn't even skip any rocks. I got up and fixed my lilac dress that my mom had forced me to wear.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he stared at me with those green eyes of his.

"I'm going home, I'll see you later I guess," I mumbled and then walked over to my bike. I hopped on and noticed that he watched me as I rode away.

I had no idea where to go. I didn't want to go home and I couldn't go back to the river. I rode into town and stopped in front of the coffee house. I locked my bike up and then strolled inside.

"Hey Ash, how did it go?" Hailey smiled at me from behind the counter.

I walked over to her and banged my head on the counter.

"I take it not so good," Hailey commented.

"He's getting married," I sighed.

Hailey rushed around behind the counter and then handed me a white chocolate hot chocolate and a cameral brownie. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I lifted up my head and nibbled on my brownie. Then I replied, "I don't know. He's marrying Cecelia."

"Cecelia? You mean the queen of evil!" Hailey shrieked.

I nodded.

Hailey put up her back in fifteen minutes sign and then lead me over to our favourite table. I sat down on my aqua chair and hugged onto the silk pillow that used to be on the seat.

"I don't even think he wants to get married," I commented.

"Or are you just saying that because you were hoping he would marry you," Hailey countered.

"We aren't even dating! Plus I'm only nineteen and I'm not ready for marriage yet," I replied.

"But you never said no," Hailey smiled slyly.

I grabbed a nearby pillow and playfully threw it at Hailey. I laughed as it hit her in her beautifully made up face. I picked up my hot chocolate and took a slip of it. All of a sudden a pillow hit it and spilled it all over my dress.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" Hailey exclaimed.

"Don't be. I hate this dress, my mom made me wear it," I replied as I stared down at the stain at the front of my shirt.

"Why did she make you wear it?" Hailey asked.

"I don't know. I told her I was meeting him at the bridge over the river and she insisted that I wear this stupid dress," I explained.

Hailey smiled slyly again.

"What?" I asked as I rubbed the stain.

All of a sudden the door jingled and our attention drifted to the guy standing in the doorway.

"I'll tell you later," Hailey stated as she got up and went back to her job.

I watched as he slowly walked over and sat down across from me. He waved at Hailey then I watched as his gaze sifted to my dress.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Pillow fight gone wrong," I replied.

He laughed, I smiled. I loved his laugh.

But then he went serious, "Why did you leave?"

"I don't know, I guess I was just overwhelmed," I replied.

"Wanna go for a walk and talk about it?" he asked sweetly.

I nodded and then he helped me up from my chair. He was such a gentleman. As I walked out of the coffee shop with him, I saw Hailey give me a thumbs up.

I unlocked my bike and then he grabbed onto the handle bars.

"I'll walk it for you," he stated.

I handed the bike over to him. We started our walk by getting as far away from the town as possible.

There was a light breeze which made this warm spring day even more enjoyable. He looked over at me. He expected me to start talking.

"Why are you getting married at nineteen? I mean we just finished high school," I asked.

"Well I don't really have any plans for my future so I thought, why not get married," he replied.

"Do you know how stupid that sounds?"

"I know but I'm not like you. You'll be off to the college of your dreams in the fall, you have it all figured out," he stated.

"I don't have it all figured out, I just know my first step which is what you need to figure out," I responded.

"Well maybe my first step is getting married," he countered.

"That's not a first step, that's like a twenty third step," I pointed out.

All of a sudden I could hear the wedding march. I looked around and saw him blushing.

"Cecelia made her number the wedding march on my phone," he stated as he pulled out his android.

He went on to complain to her about music, tuxes, flowers and all of that other wedding junk. Finally he hung up then he looked over at me with a sorry expression on his face.

"I'm sorry but I have to go," he apologized as he handed me my bike.

"When's the date anyway?" I asked.

"Ten days," he stated as he began to walk away.

"Isn't that a little soon?"

"Well we have been engaged for two months already," he replied quietly but I still heard him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry but I gotta run. I'll explain later," he stated as he ran off.

I couldn't believe he didn't tell me. We have known each other since we were three and I have always been the first one he tells.

I jumped on my bike and quickly rode home. I threw my bike in the garage and then walked into my house.

My little brother was sitting at the table and my mom was making soup. I walked over and kissed Cody's head.

"You still sick?" I asked.

Usually he would have freaked out at me for kissing him but he was too sick to care. He sneezed then nodded.

My mom turned around to look at me and gave me that creepy smile of hers. "How did it go?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Did anything special happen?" she asked.

"He's engaged and getting married in ten days," I replied nonchalantly.

"What!" my mom shrieked.

"What's the big deal?" Cody asked. He was such a clueless thirteen year old boy.

"I just thought that..." my mom trailed off.

"What that we would be getting married?" I asked.

"Why would you two be getting married? That makes no sense," Cody asked.

My mom placed a bowl of soup in front of him, "Go eat this in the living room, I want to talk to Ashley alone."

Cody rolled his eyes as he picked up the bowl. He dragged his feet as he walked into the living room.

"Who is he marrying?" my mom loved gossip.

"Cecelia Marie Kingsley-Lockwood," I replied. She had such an annoying and long name. Mine's Ash Parker, nice and simple.

"You mean the mayor's daughter?"

I nodded, "Can I go to my room?"

"Sure honey," my mom replied as she continued thinking.

I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I crawled under my covers and went to sleep. I slept so long that I missed dinner and breakfast.

I was woken when my mom walked into my room and stated, "I was going to let you keep sleeping but Cecelia is here to see you."

"Cecelia?" I asked and I got out of bed.

My mom nodded and then I heard the squeaky stairs as she walked back down stairs.

I pulled on a pair of blue jeans and my favourite concert tee shirt. I looked in the mirror as I pulled my short brown hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs and was greeted by Cecelia's death stare.

She then smiled at my mom and thanked her for the tea.

I walked over and sat down on the chair across from her.

"So I heard that you found out about my engagement," she stared at me with her cold dark blue eyes.


"I just wanted to come over and make sure you weren't planning on doing anything to ruin my special day," she stated callously.

"What would I?" I questioned.

"I just heard a little rumour that you have a thing for him," she responded.

"I assure you that I have no feeling for him what so ever."

"Good. Well I should be going. I have a dress fitting to attend," she glared at me as she put down her teacup. She smoothed out her skirt and then calmly walked out my front door.

I walked back up to my room and called Hailey to tell her all about our confrontation. Then I proceeded to stay in my room for the next few days.

I heard a knock on my door. Then it slowly creaked open. He walked inside my room and closed the door behind him. He walked over to my bed and lay down beside me.

"You're not okay," he stated.

"What do you mean, I'm fine," I responded.

"No you're not. Cody told me you haven't come out of your room since I told you."

"Stupid Cody," I mumbled.

"How can I make things better?" he asked.

"Don't get married," I thought but I couldn't stand to say it out loud.

"Next week you'll be married so we may as well get used to things like they are now," I mumble.

"What do you mean? Me getting married won't change anything between us. We can still hang out all the time," he tried to assure me but by the way Cecelia had talked to me, she made it clear that she wouldn't let us be around each other anymore.

"Everything will change between us. We can never be the same again after you get married," I replied sternly.

"We are friends now, we will be friends after," he stated.

I sighed, "You don't get it."

Then the worst thing possible happened, our eyes met. My heart got weak every time I looked at him and this was not the time for that. But I watched as his facial expression changed, he finally figured it out.

I leaned toward him and planted my lips on his. I expected him to push me away and freak out about how he is engaged, but he didn't. Instead he put his hands on my face and kissed me back. I rolled over so that I was lying on top of him as we kissed. He showed no signs of wanting to stop. I ran my hands threw his soft golden blonde hair. He put his arms around my waist then he rolled out from under me. He stood up and looked at me. I was so confused.

"I..." he started but he couldn't seem to finish. He walked over to my door and I heard the squeaky stairs as he rushed out of my life.

It took seven days until I could get out of bed. It was the day of the wedding. I hadn't heard from him since "it" happened. I tried to call him and text him but he wouldn't answer me.

I slipped on my favourite black jeans and my silky one shoulder shirt. Then I shoved my feet into my classic black converse. I shoved my cell phone into my pocket and then rushed out of my room.

"You okay?" Cody asked. He was sitting in the living room watching TV; I guess he heard me come down the stairs because he didn't even turn around.

"Yeah I have to go do something," I stated.

"You what would be cool? If you crashed the wedding," Cody suggested.

"Is that the kind of things you think about?" I asked as I walked out the front door.

As I grabbed my bike out of the garage, I couldn't help but think of what Cody had said. I knew it was a stupid idea but somehow it made sense.

I rode into town to notice that the coffee shop was closed, which was weird since it was Friday. I continued to ride around town until I spotted Hailey's jet black hair and bright blue high heels. She never went anywhere without those shoes.

"Hey, you got any plans?" I asked as I rode up beside her.

She looked over at me and smiled, "Well since I wasn't invited to the wedding of the guy that I have known since I was three, my schedule is all clear."

"Have you ever crashed a wedding?" I asked.

"No way!" Hailey exclaimed happily as she read my thoughts.

"All we need are some dresses so we don't stick out too much."

"Let's go to my mom's boutique, she will let us borrow some for free," Hailey stated as she began running.

I had to bike pretty fast to keep up with her. I still couldn't understand how she can run so swiftly in those heels.

As we reached the boutique, I threw my bike down on the grass. We rushed into the strangely quiet boutique.

"What's going on in here?" Hailey asked.

Her mom who looked identical to Hailey answered, "Everyone already has their clothes for the wedding so business is pretty slow." She then looked over at me and smiled, "It's nice to see you Ashley."

"Can we borrow some dresses?" Hailey asked.

"What for?"

"A wedding," I replied.

Hailey's mom smiled at us and then showed us over to some dresses in our sizes.

We grabbed a bunch of them and tried them on. I picked the least girly ones while Hailey picked all the pretty pink ones.

"Try this one on," Hailey's mom stated as she put a dress over my changing room door.

I pulled down the dress and stared at it. It was a full length aqua dress with sparkles around the waist, a low cut back and it was strapless. I wasn't too sure about it but I decided to put it on anyway. I pulled it over my head and then walked out of the change room.

Hailey who had chosen a short, puffy pink dress and her mom were in awe as they looked at me.

"Ash you have to wear that!" Hailey exclaimed.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had to admit, I look hot in this dress.

Hailey added some accessories to her dress as her mom sat we down in one of the chairs. She pulled out a curling iron and started to curl my short brown hair. Once Hailey was done picking out some accessories, she put a pair of aqua ballet flats in front of my feet. The she grabbed some mascara out of her bag and put it on me.

"Do we really need to go this far?" I asked.

"You need to look amazing, you have to convince a stubborn guy not to get married to a she devil," Hailey answered as she put some yummy lip gloss on my lips.

Hailey's mom looked down at her watch, "The wedding is starting now, you need to go."

I got up and quickly looked in the mirror. I didn't even recognize myself, I looked like a girl.

Hailey grabbed onto my arm and we ran as fast as we could to the church. The doors were left open. We peeked inside. I watched as Cecelia walked down over to him in her cupcake looking dress. She took her sweet time as she walked like the pageant queen she was. I noticed he was especially nervous looking. He kept tugging at his tie.

We quietly snuck into the church and sat down on the closest bench, which thank god was empty.

The minister began talking.

"We are gathered here to celebrate the love of two people. Love is an amazing thing, no matter how young you are."

Cecelia smiled happily but he smiled nervously.

"Now before we get started, does anyone object to this union?"

There was my chance. I stood up and walked over to the aisle. I started shaking as everyone stared at me. Cecelia looked like she was going to kill me but I was just staring at him.

"Ash," he stated.

"Tyler, please don't marry her."

Everyone in the church gasped but I was focused on him.

Tyler stared at me and even from the back of the church I could see his green eyes sparkling.

"I know you feel the same way I do and I know you're scared but getting married won't fix anything," I stated.

Tyler let go of Cecelia's hands and began to walk over to me.

"I never realized you felt the same away until last week and it just felt too late," He explained.

I smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I could smell his axe body spray. He let go of me and looked back at Cecelia.

"I'm sorry but I can't marry you. I don't even like you as a person; you were always mean to me as a kid. Plus I'm in love with Ash," He stated and then he turned back to look at me.

"I love you too," I stated.

"You look amazing," Tyler smiled as he kissed me.

I couldn't help but look at Cecelia, she was out raged. She stopped out of the church as her parents followed closely behind her.

Tyler put his arm around me and then we walked toward the door. Hailey got up and Tyler put his other arm around her.

"When I get married for real, I promise I will invite you," Tyler stated.

We all smiled as we walked out of the church doors and into the town.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal," I replied.

"It kind of is," Tyler countered.

"College is college, I don't mind staying here. Plus how could I leave this town?"

"You aren't just staying for me are you?" he asked.

"I'm staying because my whole life is here," I replied as I kissed him.

"Should I leave? Because I feel weird sitting here while you two make out," Hailey asked as she lay on her single bed on the other side of the room.

We stopped kissing.

"I should probably go and check out my dorm room, I'll catch you girls later," Tyler smiled as he picked up his bags and walked out the door.

I couldn't believe I was sitting in my college dorm room with Hailey and I was only half an hour away from my house.

"How awesome do you think college will be?" Hailey asked as she flipped through her college brochure.

"Pretty awesome since I share a room with best friend and I'm only a building away from my boyfriend," I replied.

Hailey looked over at me and smiled, "The only problem is that the closets are too small."

We laughed together; life looked pretty good right now.