A.N This is a little short default chapter, the next chapters will be longer.
Astoria's POV
"Yo, kid, get up already!" Ah, the lovely sound of my LOVELY brother, yelling at me to get up on a Saturday morning. I fought the urge to roll my eyes, quickly getting ready for cooking. Apparently, since I'm a 'junior' that means I must make breakfast for my senior brother, Zane. It's great being me. Making sure that I looked normal, so my bro wouldn't bug me about 'embarrassing him' in case I had to take out the trash. You know, it's ironic, how my brother is the bigger drama queen, and yet, I'm the girl.
"HURRY UP!" he complained, tapping his foot impatiently, as I (purposely) slowly made my way to the kitchen, to make pancakes. "Yes, SIR!" I snapped, groaning as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" I mumbled, checking my reflection in the hallway mirror, you know, just in case it happened to be Zane's girlfriend, Ms. America's Top Model, A.K.A Chanel. Honestly, she's one of those girls that seem to look perfect, with, or without makeup.
Luckily for my jerk brother Zane, she has the sweet personality to match. I never did see her point of view on Zane-y. Opening the door, I saw a teenager my age, and I have to admit, he definitely scored points, in the looks department at least. He had messy black hair, green/blue eyes, a well-built body, and a charming smile.
So in other words, cliché handsome boy. Probably here for Zane. "Hi, are you Astoria?" I narrowed my eyes; never trust strangers, right? "Why do you ask, stranger boy?" I asked, eying him more carefully. He shrugged "Cause'. I can't tell you, unless you tell me where Astoria is?" he replied, smirking. Touché.
I crossed my arms defensively, suddenly feeling glad that I had changed into skinny jeans instead of my fluffy PJ's. "What are you, her stalker? Besides, I think I can pass a message on" I snap, expecting him to back off. He doesn't. He looks slightly exasperated, although he has a brief twinkle in his eyes "DO you know who I am?" he says, and I'm about to punch him, except I notice that he's laughing at my angry expression.
Ah, so he's type A, the handsome, cocky jerk. And I'm the sarcastic girl, the one that doesn't fall to his feet, and then we fall in love, and then-I've been reading too much fairytales lately.
"That line is very overused, if you haven't noticed" I muttered, waiting for him to leave.
"Who do you think you are?" I sing mockingly, while he grins back. Why am I doing this again?
"I, well, I've been dreaming of true love's kiss" he sings, and I can't help my laugh. Seriously? Well, on the bright side, it's good to know I'm not the only person that still loves Disney.
"Kiss it goodbye!" I sing. I have to admit that I've got a soft spot for singing guys.
"Hello, hello, I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello" I added, not thinking, as usual. I repeat: why am I still standing out here? I'm surprised Zane hasn't turned into the green hulk yet, out of anger.
Smirking, he jogs up the steps, so he's closer to me "Hello, I love you won't you tell me your name" he has a genuine, flirty smile this time. I smirked "No, no, no, no way!" And with that, I saunter back inside, not expecting him to follow.
That is, until I hear him say "Nice house!" Did I mention that he also whispers it in my ear?
"Is it a habit of yours, walking into strangers' houses?" I ask, although I'm not totally annoyed.
Naturally, I trip over Zane's backpack, and naturally he catches me, and dips me, and so we're in a 'Gone with the Wind' pose. And, naturally, my lovely family swoops in, gasping awkwardly, while my little sis Jemery giggles. "You guys look cute! Wait until I tell all my friends!" Meet my sister, the next Gossip Girl.
"Is this a habit of yours, falling over things" he whispers. I roll my eyes.
"Only when you're here to catch me" I mutter back sarcastically, as he helped me regain my footing. "Hello, good morning. Wow, I'm such a Prince Charming, walking into your house" he joked, apologizing. My parents both chuckled, shaking his hand.
"You must be Will Char, Congressman Rowling's son" My dad, Kingsley said, blushing as he desperately tried to freshen up discretely. Needless to say, it was so NOT working.
"Might we invite you to breakfast?" My mom, Janelle asked quickly, blushing, biting her lip nervously.
"Thank you, but I'm actually here to invite you all to brunch, at my family's mansion" he said, smiling brightly. "Oh, wow, that would be awesome! You're nice!" Jemery babbled, her pretty blue eyes lighting up. He chuckled "Glad you think so. Is that a yes?" He asked.
My father swallowed and nodded, excitement flickering in his eyes briefly, making him look like a young boy again "Sure! Just um, give us the address, please" Mom asked gently.
He nodded, writing down the address on a scrap piece of paper.
"May I ask why we're invited?" My dad asked, while Zane grumbled in the back-round. He smiled, looping an arm around my waist loosely "Well, I have to return the favor for Astoria, who helped me countless times" I forced a smile "Um, yeah, we'll see you later then!" I muttered, leading him outside.
Glaring, I put my hands on my hips, deciding to use an old line "Who are you, really?" although I was actually more serious this time.
He grinned "I'm Prince Charming!" I couldn't tell if he was teasing, but, of course he had to be teasing.
"Yeah? Then who am I?" I snapped.
He grinned "You're Snow White."