A/N: So, last piece for this collection! It's only been two weeks, though it feels like a lifetime, you know? Writing every day I think has been good for me, and I didn't really know what to make of today's prompt so I did the best I could. There's a little twist at the ending. Tell me if you like it, rofled at it, or thought it was plain weird!
Prompt #10: Begin a story with, "The hallway was silent…"
The hallway was silent as all turned to stare at Mikey. Even I, too, was openmouthed. I told myself to snap out of it, but I couldn't. My peripheral vision was scanning the others in the hall, wondering why it mattered to so many of them. Conversations had been stopped, lockers frozen in midair, mouths open at Mikey.
Poor, poor Mikey.
What exactly had happened? I didn't know how it got started – I suppose Mikey was feeling brave or something – because he had walked straight up to Abigail Turner, the most popular girl in school, and asked her out to prom.
Stuff like that didn't happen every day, you know? He asked her really, really loudly, on one knee like he was proposing or something. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hands – really nice-smelling flowers, and had set it up so that there would really be no way for Abigail to decline.
My eyes goggled when I, as did everyone else, heard it. We all turned to look at him. Abigail was flushed crimson, halfway inside her own locker at the moment. She swallowed nervously, hating all the attention.
Mikey's eyes were begging her to accept.
I facepalmed when Abigail started to speak softly and uncertainly.
She said, "I don't think that I would be such a good choice, Mike. Why don't you ask Nellie Johnson instead?"
What the…?
I looked up to see everyone looking at me now, and got very white and looked at Abigail like she was responsible for everything done to me in my entire life. Not a pretty face, I assure you.
Mikey was as confused as I was. He knew me, but not well, so why would an idea ever pop into Abigail's head for him to ask me? Mikey looked at me like, Was this planned or something?
I shook my head at him. I have no idea what's going on! I signaled. But whatever it is, please help!
Mikey looked around at all the staring faces. He slowly got back to his feet and turned around and walked towards me. I grew white. He was looking at the bouquet of flowers and then at me, over and over again. Somewhere, the bell rang, but nobody moved.
Please don't let him ask me out, I was silently praying and pleading. Please don't let him ask me out! I did not want to be known forever as The Girl Mikey Asked Out To Prom As Option Number Two.
Mikey took a deep breath and said to me, "Would you—"
"No!" I squeaked, not letting him finish with the awful, awful words. "No! No thank you! I don't want to go to prom with you! Sorry! No!"
Mikey flushed deeply and said, "That wasn't what I was going to ask."
Everyone started blinking uncomprehendingly and I said, acting very smart, "Um…huh?"
Mikey said, "All I want was for you to take the flowers and go over and hit Abigail with them for being such an idiot for declining me. I myself can't hit her – her being a girl, you know."
I looked at him and took the flowers. A nasty grin broke out on my face as I walked over to Abigail.