She's a…she WAS a crazed psycho-bitch but I loved her. I STILL do love her. I kicked the sheet off me. Stupid air conditioner just had to break during the hottest week of the summer. The air was hot and sticky around me. The window was wide open; a small breeze blew through the rom. I was covered in a thin sheen of sweat…even being only in a pair of basketball shorts was not keeping me cool enough. I heard my name whispered from somewhere in the darkness. The moon made shadows dance on the walls.
"Who's there?" I whispered sitting up in bed.
"It's me silly!" she said coming down the spiral staircase from the attic. There was something different about her. She had a glowing aura around her and was nearly transparent. "Who did you think it was?" she questioned cocking her head to one side. She was dressed typically for the summer, a pair of jean short-shorts and a tank top.
"Marki, you're dead you aren't supposed to be here!" I said.
"And yet here I am plain as day in my ghostly form," Marki replied. "Connor, are you scared of me?"
"No, I'm not scared of you. You're my best friend," I replied.
"Was…I was your best friend. Now I'm nobody's friend," she said sitting on the bed. I lay back down feeling completely overwhelmed.
"Why are you here Marki?" I questioned.
"I'm here to say goodbye," she whispered crawling up the bed. She lay down on her side facing me.
"You're so real…as if I can reach out and touch you," I whispered.
"Because you can. I'm solid; you can reach out and touch me. But to everyone else in this world it looks as though you're having a pleasant dream," Marki said.
"So this is just a dream?" I asked.
"No, it's real to you and I but to everyone else like your sisters and parents…it's something different," she replied. I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"We never fulfilled everyone's wishes," I said.
"We were always more than friends Connor," Marki whispered looking away.
"It never would have worked out anyway, we argue too much," I replied turning her face back to mine.
"You're right," she said.
I ran a finger across her cool check. "You're beautiful," I whispered.
"Kiss me," she whispered. I leant down and captured her lips with mine. Marki pulled me closer to her.
I pushed past her lips and our tongues collided. She rolled on top of me, our bodies creating an undeniable friction. Her cool one against my overheated one…hot and cold…polar opposites but it felt so right. The passion and desire was evident between us. Our kiss was filled with a longing and need for something that could never happen. Soon the need for air was desperate and we reluctantly pulled apart. She rolled to the right and lay on her back.
Both our chests were heaving up and down trying to regain a normal breathing pattern. Minutes past by in silence.
"I've always loved you and always will," I said.
"Never will I love another like I did you. I only wish we could have spent our time together when I was alive like this being a normal couple," she said. I pressed my lips to her forehead in a gesture of a mutual understanding. I pulled her closer and the coolness over her skin helped lower my body temperature.
To anyone that could have seen her we would have looked like a normal couple. But nobody but I could see her so it was a moment between only us. More minutes passed in silence. Our fingers were intertwined and we were twiddling our thumbs together.
"I have to go soon it's getting late," she whispered.
"I wish you could stay," I said.
"It wasn't right what happened but it was my fate," Marki said quietly. "Whenever you need me I may not be here in person but I'm always here," she added tracing a heart on my bare chest.
I pulled her in close for one last kiss. "I'll miss you so much…and always remember that I love you," I whispered.
"I'll never forget," she replied and stood up. She walked towards the window. She turned and blew a kiss to me then faded into nothing. I sighed and rolled over in bed. My eyelids soon became heavy and I fell into a much-needed sleep. I can say that my dreams are better than reality. When I need her all I need to do is call and my angel will come running to me. Though she may not appear every time there is always some indication that she still watches over me.
All I can do is wait until the day I die so I can be with her forever. And one day that day will come. I won't be calling all angels like the song lyrics say…I'll be calling my angel. The love of my life that was ripped from my grasp; when that happened it felt as though my heart was shredded to pieces like some flimsy cloth. Those shreds are coming back together and my heart is healing.