"You're across the room so far away

My heart feels like it's going to break,

But you just smile and look at the ground.

Do you see what you're doing to me, baby?

You're making me feel things I should not feel.

But you seem to be mocking me, baby...

Do you understand what you're doing?


You are what I want in this world,

And if I have to fight for you I'll do it.

I'll do anything thing for you baby!

I said I'll do anything for you...


Applause broke out after Cecil finished off the last line of the song. She turned to her left, looking for someone. I grinned at her but she only nodded, I frowned once I realized it wasn't me she was looking for.

"CECIL!" He cheered. Next to me, I might add. I felt my frown deepen when he seemed to forget my presence as the two lovebirds gazed at each other lovingly. I nudged him quite harshly when the host of the TV show began to walk towards Cecil, signalling that it was time for the interview to take place.

"Come on James, we can't distract her." He sighed, but gave Cecil one last longing glance before he let me lead him into the green room where we would wait and watch the interview live off the HD TV the crew provided. I turned to James when I felt him plop beside me at the seat to my right. He turned to me and smiled friendly, to which I smiled back.

Alright, before you pound me for questions, well I had feelings for James once upon a time before my sister got in the picture. And, I was finally going to ask him out and even invited him over for dinner...only to see him making out with my sister on the couch. Apparently, they had a fling during the summer that I didn't know about. Besides the initial heartbreak, I poured my soul out into lyrics, some inspired by my own personal life and some that were simply exaggerated revenge, but all the same. And suddenly, the love I felt for him vanished and was replaced with a small ache in my chest that was easily dismissible as unreasonable longing for something I couldn't have.

"Those lyrics you wrote were brilliant." I laughed embarrassedly and dismissed it, waving at him like it was nothing. I didn't like the whole compliment thing, I wasn't big for flattery.

"Thanks, but—" I was cut off before I could even give him a proper response as the host began to speak to Cecil, to which James effectively raised a hand to silence me as he began to make the TV go louder. I felt myself frowning in disappointment. There would always be re-runs!

"So, Cecil that was a mighty beautiful song you just sang. In fact, you're whole album has been really emotional. Was there anything to inspire this?"

Yeah, unrequited love for someone who didn't really care much about your existence, I silently answered the host in my head. I watched as my famous sister nervously twirled a strand of her blonde hair. She didn't write any of the songs on the album, I did. She blinked at the female and aging host in what would be called a cute manner, though to me she just looked confused as hell.

"I didn't write much of the songs." She was playing it safe! God, couldn't she tell the truth and just get it over with! It's not like every artist writes there songs! Take Britney Spears for example!

Okay, bad example—but still!

"What do you mean? They all seemed so personal and relatable!" My sister smiled then, obviously finding a way out of the whole ordeal. I felt my hand twitch in anger as I realized she was about to set me up.

"Actually, my sister wrote these songs for me. Why don't we all just ask her?" The host, who looked completely confused, nodded at Cecil and waited patiently. A security guard suddenly came in and ushered me out of the room, the make up artist smiling at me encouragingly. I suddenly became thankful of the fact that I was dressed in fashionable attire in fear of something like this happening.

"Amelia!" The host said as if we were long friends, though this was the first I've ever actually talked to her. One of the crew members seemed to have already pulled me a chair beside my sister, so I was basically on the left side and was being peered at like dinner on the table after a day of not eating at by the host as the audience stopped their short applause.

"So, Amelia, you and Cecil are sisters?" Cecil nodded eagerly to which I shrugged.

"Half-sisters; really. My dad remarried when I was younger and thus she was produced." I smiled as I said this, getting a chuckle out of the audience as encouragement.

"Are you proud of your sister, Amelia?" I looked at Cecil, who stared at me with a hopeful expression in her brown eyes. I loved my sister; I really did, and was happy for her success. I felt myself nod before I could delve further in my thoughts about her success.

"So, Amelia, Cecil here told us that you wrote the song lyrics for much of the album. If so, could you tell us what inspired you to write such meaningful and deep lyrics?" I smiled, taking the compliment in stride. I ran a hand through my long maven of red hair and blew an exaggerated sigh, getting another chuckle from the audience.

"Yes, I did. I can't really say that nothing inspired be, but rather someone." I chuckled uneasily when the host widened her cat like eyes as she turned to the audience to which they gasped in surprise. I wanted to bury myself in a whole and never come back with the way everyone was peering at me.

"I was in love with someone at the time who didn't exactly return my feelings. Uh...needless to say I spent a lot of time dealing with that and incorporated it into the songs, but I can say that I've gotten over them now." I frowned then, and began to squeeze my hands together as I remembered those blue eyes that always smiled at me friendlily, but nothing more.

"I can imagine how it was for you." The host said whose name I didn't catch. I smiled politely and got up as music was played out to which I began to wave and smile and nod like nothing mattered while Cecil gave a few enthusiastic kisses to her fans.

"Thanks for coming out there; I know how tough it might've been. But, the fans will love it." The host said, smiling at me all the while. I furrowed my eyebrows but smiled nonetheless.

I was waiting patiently in the limo for Cecil and James to arrive until I heard a knocking on my side of the door. I jumped, startled and looked at the window frowning at the smiling pair of green eyes. I hesitantly pressed the button to bring the windows down when his persistent knocking wouldn't stop.

"Dawson." I muttered darkly in greeting. He smiled brightly.

"Amelia, how nice to see you—Fred could you please open up the car?" Smiling, the rather middle aged man unlocked the doors so Adam could hop into the car. He closed the door behind him, grinning at me. I tried to fight the smile off of my face as I wondered why he was in such a good mood.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" He shrugged and handed me a box of chocolate he'd managed to hide while he came in.

"For the ever annoying yet beautiful lady." I smiled without thinking it over and took the box he handed to me, ignoring his twinkling eyes filled with amusement. I looked down at the carefully organized chocolates in awe.

"Wow. Do you want one?" He smiled and took one, relaxing into the warm leather seats. I took another and we both began to chew on the chocolate, the caramel gushing into my mouth deliciously. Once we'd finished half the box, we handed it over to Fred who took it with a smile and began to plop one into his mouth too. He then shut the window that was between us as he began to take a phone call. I turned to Adam with a hesitant smile. Adam was Cecil's best friend really, but lately had been more of a friend to me then my supposed friends had been, including James.

"So why is the ever quiet natured Amelia suddenly on big HD TVs today?" I chuckled to which he grinned.

"You were there?" He nodded, a strange look passing over his face.

"I came halfway through your interview. Which, by the way, I didn't even know you had!" He glared at me accusingly to which I smiled. I sighed dramatically and looked at my hands, which were pressed tight against one another. I caught Adam's gaze to my hands also but he quickly averted his eyes, looking at me with a focussed look, the kind he did whenever he was interested in something.

"Cecil called me up there. The host asked a couple questions about what inspired the lyrics and she just cracked and called me up there." Adam nodded knowingly. He frowned at me suddenly.

"You should really start singing your own material, which goes for Cecil too." I frowned at him.

"I'm not into the music business." I reminded him.

"You have a beautiful voice Amelia; maybe even better then Cecil. But we'll never know because you keep all of those secrets of yours locked away in that box you hide!"

Suddenly, as if he decided that the time to torture me was there, Adam reached out and began to tickle me senseless, causing me to do loud shrieks and giggles that was unheard by Fred because of the sound blocking window. Adam's own laughs were with only amusement at my reactions to each tickle. I felt no tears come, thank goodness, but the laughter that was spilling out of me had my stomach clenching painfully but in a good way, if that made any sense.

"Okay—okay—stop! I surrender!" I did one last final giggle before the tickling ceased, and only the panting breaths of Adam and I could be heard. His face and body was over mine, his arm supporting my legs that were resting on his laps as he leaned over me, eyes skimming over my whole body. My whole body felt as if it was tingling all over pleasantly, and I felt my cheeks begin to warm as red as my hair. Suddenly Adam began to lean in more, until his lips were just brushing against mine oh so daringly. I felt my breath come out in ragged breaths as I bit my lip, staring at his red glistening lips. I stared into his eyes and pointedly looked at his lips, daring him to kiss me. The tiniest twitch of his lips sent my senses haywire as I slowly began to lean in, remembering I had hands and then pulling him towards me into a slow kiss.

His lips were warm and hot against mine, and he tasted faintly of mint. I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip to which I parted them and allowed him to touch my tongue. His tongue tapped mine before he began to deepen the kiss properly. I felt a groan escape me when he began to suck on my bottom lip, causing me to blush again. He pulled away then, his eyes wide with surprise. My expression must've mirrored him, because he broke out into a grin before resting his head on the crook of my neck, gently resting some of his weight on mine.

"Can I tell you something?" I let out a shaky laugh when I felt his lips move against such a sensitive spot. I felt his lips curl into a smile when he realized this.

"I think I've always been a little in love with you." He pulled away, raising his eyebrows at my obviously shocked expression. In all the years that I've known Adam, he never paid much attention to me. I, however, had always paid attention to him. In fact, there was a time when I was more in love with Adam than anything. But then, James had come along and then my feelings momentarily evaporated.

However now, as I thought about it, I guess I've always been a little in love with Adam too. James was anything but a distraction really, momentarily giving me something that could never be mine.

I smiled up at Adam when I realized he was nervously chewing on his lower lip. He hesitantly smiled back at me, his green eyes clouded with worry. The tips of his dark hair that fell just above his eyebrows were now brushing against my forehead.

"I—I guess I've always been a little in love with you too." I whispered. He smiled, bearing some of those pearly whites at me before kissing me again.

That is, of course, before we heard the insisting pounding on the side of the car.



Cute little one shot that I kind of wanted to be more but am still satisfied with...whatever this is.

Hopefully a sequel will be put up to tie the loose ends? ;)