Chapter Eight


Six months later

"Hey, babe, what're you doing?" Gavin asked me through the phone. "Wanna have a movie night?"

In case you're thinking that you're going crazy, let me clarify it; Gavin and I have been going out. In fact, out fifth month anniversary just passed.

"Yeah, but Nat was supposed to come over," I smiled.

"Well she can come, too, and I'll tell Reece to get here. See you in a half-hour, yeah?" I knew he was smiling as he talked. I could just tell.

"Kay, baby. Love you!" I cooed into the phone, making kissy noises.

"You're so childish, but I love you too," He laughed, hanging up with phone.

I was just finishing perfecting my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. Natalie walked into my room, smiling.

"Well don't you look pretty!" She squealed, giving me a quick hug.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I chuckled.

We walked across the lawn slowly, catching up for a few brief moments.

"So, when are you getting married to Reece?" I teased Natalie, watching her blush.

"Oh please, like you and Gavin won't have beautiful babies!" She joked back, causing me to blush this time.

Although, I think she and I were a bit serious about both of the jokes. Reece and Natalie along with myself and Gavin were getting pretty serious.

My life has been flipped upside down.

If you would have told me that a year ago that I would be in a relationship with Gavin, I would have told you that you belonged in a mental hospital.

But here I was, saying 'I love you' to him, and meaning every inch of those three words.

Gavin and Reece interrupted my thought process by opening the door. Natalie and Reece went inside, talking and flirting like the little lovebirds they were.

Gavin walked over to me, a grin spread across his face from ear to ear.

"Hey, babe," He smiled, kissing me softly on the lips. We stood there, kissing, for what felt like three days, until I started laughing.

"What? Did my kissing skills go down or something?" He pretended to act sadly.

"No, I love your kisses," I pecked him on the lips.

"Then why are you laughing at me," he pouted.

"I'm not laughing at you," I chuckled, "I'm laughing at us." Gavin gave me a confused look, so I continued. "Seven months ago, our moms were making us spend time together to get along. And now we love each other," I breathed out.

He laughed too, kissing me again. "I will be forever grateful towards out mothers," He laughed, leading me inside.

Faking mutual like? Well, that just wasn't in the cards anymore.

Author's Note:

This was the last chapter! I know it was short and abrupt, but I liked how it ended. I'm all for a happy ending (:

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed every last bit of this story. And thanks for the suggestions about continuing it, but I decided on ending it. I had fun writing it…too bad I had to end its short life. But it wasn't thought out properly.

I'm actually writing a new story; the first chapter is already up. It's called "Glass Hearts". Check it out, yeah?

And I want to give a special thanks to

KskyeM (btw, she helped me with my new story plot for "Glass Hearts", so if you end up liking it, you have her to thank!)








Cordelia Fay


Danni Black







Ahh, I think that's all of you! And to any other reviewers that weren't mentioned; THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! You never fail to put a smile on my face and make my day.

Twitter: (atsign) carnevaletara


Xxxxx Tara