The Last Promise

My name is Bella. I'm basically an average girl, a girl who feels lost in space and has lost touch of all hopes of reality. I'm twenty-one years old. I forgot how to walk for a few moments. I was shocked, and I felt confused, worried, and scared. Scared for him, that he'd be suffering and constantly in pain while this horrific disease took control of his body. Well, let me tell you my story.

"Bella," I turned around, facing Max. Looking into his beautiful light brown eyes. "I-"His voice choked, "I have leukemia." My mouth dropped uncontrollably, and I buried my face into his shoulder. We were lying on the bed at the moment, sitting actually. "No," I whisper. He rubs his hand up and down my spine. I could feel every finger connected to his palm attempt to comfort me one-by-one, but it didn't work. I was beyond any hopes at comfort. Or at least I was in my mind. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, and he looked me in the eyes.

"I love you. I don't want to be sick," He sighed, "I'm going to give it my all not to leave you. I know how it feels to be left behind, but I need to at least try. I don't want to get chemo I-"I then suddenly interrupt, my natural instincts taking over my voice.

"Then what else are you going to do, Max?"

"Fight. Natural remedies. I've seen so many people die of cancer, and they all got chemo. I'm not gonna be like them-"

"Okay." I kiss his cheek, and I lay down on the bed, motioning him to lie next to me. He lies on his side, and I run my fingers through his thick hair. He then wipes away the tear falling from my eyes, and I snuggle my face into his palm. He rubs his finger up and down my cheek. I cuddle closely to him, now resting my head on his shoulder, our faces close. I rub my nose against his, and I close my eyes. Out of nowhere, I begin to sob. I reach my hands to my face, covering my eyes. Max rubs my arms, and removes my hands from my face. "Ssshh." He whispers. It was so comforting, just a simple "ssshh".

"I'm sorry," I feel a bit guilty for bringing him down. How much further down could he go, though?

"Don't. I have to go for treatments tomorrow… just blood tests, that kind of thing. They plan on doing some bone marrow procedures. Apparently I'm an easy match. It's risky, but it's all they got besides the chemo."

I feel like sobbing again, but I refrain this time. "I'm going with you,"

"That's fine," he replies.

In no time, I fall asleep. I don't remember my dream, but I don't think it was worth remembering. The next day in the morning, I get ready, and I go to the hospital with Max. I've never been to the oncology wing of the hospital before, but I saw a lot of heartbroken families and children crying over their loved ones, or their own diagnosis.

The next heap of weeks I spent the majority of my time taking care of Max. Not because I felt I had to, but because I wanted to. Giving him medications, teas, pills, and pillows. Anything I felt he needed, he got it. He constantly thanked me, saying how much I meant to him.

One night, I had a hard time sleeping, so I got up from bed, and simply walked around the house that I share with Max. I strolled through the hallways, looking at pictures of Max and me, pictures of us with friends- being silly. I saw all the marks from when Max tried moving a chair into one of the rooms absentmindedly.