From then on, it was all bad news. So bad, that chemo was no longer even an option, and at this point it could only do harm.
While Max was in the hospital, I went to the park. I lied down in the crisp, green grass. I heard footsteps walking around me, but I didn't think much of it. It's probably just a jogger- I thought to myself.
"Hey," I knew that voice. I immediately shot up from where I was sitting, and hugged my best friend harder than I've ever hugged anybody in my life.
"Where have you been?" I asked. I suddenly knew, and felt bad for asking. Max was Jason's closest friend. He meant so much to him, and he couldn't bear to see Max in pain, and he went into shock and pure denial that such a thing could have possibly happened to such a good person. The thing is, Jason has always had a crush on me. I knew that the two of them had been talking on the phone. Max wanted me to be with Jason. He knew it was the right thing, but I didn't want to think so far into the future. Even though I had a feeling it wouldn't be that far anymore.
He hugged me back, and we both lied down on the grass next to each other.
"Wow, the stars are beautiful tonight, huh?" He sighed.
"Yep, they are." I responded.
"How's Max?"
"He's- he's…. not good."
"I had a feeling. Poor guy. He's such a good person, too."
"I know,"
"When do you think the ends going to come for him?"
"Soon. He said so himself."
I could tell tears were coming down from his eyes.
"Thank you… for being there, you know."
"No problem, it's my job."
I sit closer to him, and I hug him tightly.
"We can do this." He whispers.