Author's note:

Couple of things that you should know before you read this work.

First: It was written ten years ago in collaboration with a friend. I have already cleared it with my friend to have it put on this site so it might be a bit disjointed. I have tried to clean it up a bit for you, but did not want change too much in the process. We decided to write it after a marathon of reading sci-fi stories by S.A. Salvatore, David Eddings and Tolkein so bear with us. I am not sure it all makes sense, but we tried a different approach to a futuristic world.

Second: It explores sexuality in graphic fashion. I have tried to water it down, but I will not remove it. There is a side story that explores same sex love, If you have a problem with same sex love, either skip the parts or do not read. At the time we wrote this, my friend was coming out and they used this as an outlet. I will not disrespect them by removing it.

Finally: I would love to hear your comments as I always enjoy hearing other peoples thoughts on characters or plots. P.S. It is a slow starter.


Lilith pried her eyes opened. They felt like they had been glued shut. Her head was throbbing and she let out a groan as she rolled to her side and quickly shut her eyes again as blinding light pierced them. She had glimpsed sunlight and a window she did not recognize before she heard a voice above her.

"You need to drink, please open your mouth."

Lilith opened her mouth obediently and felt warm liquid run down her throat. The liquid felt good against her raw throat. She let out a sigh as she slipped back into the darkness.

Lilith opened her eyes, slowly adjusting to the light in the room. Her vision was fuzzy as she tried to push herself up and immediately felt an arm wrap around her waist, helping her to rise.

"Do not push yourself or you will pass out."

She noticed that it was the same voice as before, but her eyes seemed too heavy to keep open.

Lilith forced her eyes open long enough to look into a pair of very vivid blue eyes in a tan face, before closing them against the light.

"Where am I?" She asked hoarsely.

Lilith remembered falling asleep in the bedroom in her apartment the night before, now she was in some strange place with a strange man holding her in his arms. What was going on? She felt the darkness closing in once more and she tried to fight it off to no avail. She slipped back unconsciousness.

"Are you finally able to move?" The voice asked as Lilith struggled to sit up.

"Where am I?" She asked again, ignoring his question.

"In Dresnia. Year 4097, a thousand years after the great war."

"Great war? 407... Thousand, what?"

"Do not worry about it right now. You need to get some food and liquid in you before I explain everything. For now rest and eat. There will be time for everything later."

Lilith nodded, causing the room to tilt slightly before pushing him away and trying to stand. She felt her legs give out immediately.

"Hold on, my lady, let me help you if you insist on getting up."

Lilith finally stood with his help.

"May I ask where you are heading?"

"Bathroom. Please." It was hard to speak and she had to concentrate on just moving her body.

"Of course. This way." The man helped her to a nearby door and opened it for her. By the time they had crossed the room, Lilith was having an easier time moving.

"I can handle it from here. Thank you." She spoke as he started to help her in.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Thank you."

She came out a moment later with the man standing right where she had left him. He helped her back into bed and made sure that she had more liquid.

"Could I have some water instead?" she asked, she did not care for whatever liquid it was that they were giving her.

"Of course." He left and came back a moment later, giving her a glass of water.

"I am sorry, water is not drunk much here. Wine is the drink of choice."

"It is alright. Thank you." She handed him the empty cup and closed her eyes, leaning back against the head board.

"Feeling a bit better?" he asked and Lilith nodded.

"Then please try to eat a little of this. You need to recover your energy. Your journey was a rough one."

Lilith was tired and want to sleep, but she tried to eat a bit of the soup he was offering. The smell was making her stomach hurt and she had no idea when the last time she ate was. She tried to lift the spoon but her arms were heavy and she could not seem to keep the liquid in the spoon.

"Allow me."

Lilith felt like an idiot as she opened her mouth feeling for all the world like a little chick being feed by its mother as the man helped her eat a few bites of food.

"Your name?" She asked. Tired, but wanting to know something about him and were she was.



"That is no longer a nationality. We are all a bit of everything... though I guess there are still differences among areas."

"I see... I think."

He gave her a gently smile. "Do not worry about that right now. Right now you only need to concern yourself with getting your strength back."

Lilith nodded and closed her eyes, immediately falling back back into a deep asleep, Lao silently keeping watch over her.

She was incredibly tough to have survived her journey and he was not about to let anything happen to her now.

She woke again to a softer light. Was it evening?Morning? How long had she been asleep this time?

"Would you like more food or perhaps you would like to use the restroom again?" Lao asked from his place next to the bed.

"The restroom please. Then maybe a little more soup would be alright. It was Lao. Right?"

"Yes, My lady." He gave her a smile. "I am glad that you remembered. I was not sure if you would."

"Thank you for your help."

"It is my pleasure. Is it easier to move now?"


"Good." Lilith quickly did her business and returned to the bed fairly well on her own strength. She climbed back into bed and Lao put a bowl of soup in front of her.

Lilith began the slow process of eating it on her own.

She looked up at Lao where he stood patiently by her side.

"Thank you. Now could you explain a bit more about what has happened to me?"