Summary: "From that day on, 'he' and 'I' became 'we'. And 'me' became 'us'." Shonen ai.
A/N: A little different kind of a short story, you could say. I just wanted to skip names and wanted to see if this nameless first person thing could be nice or not…well, all I can tell you guys is that I really enjoyed writing this one. : )
Okay but before you proceed, let me explain the format. The ones written in italics mean they are past experiences…while the ones written in normal font is the narrator narrating the current events or what he presently is thinking.
That's it. Now go read. XD
He and I, we are worlds apart.
He's a football captain and I'm a captain of chemistry. He loves fresh scent of grass; I love pungent scent of chemicals. He has his super cool table at school and I…well, my place is the nerd table—or so as they put it.
So basically, he's a jock, I'm a nerd…
Poles apart: we define it.
And that's how we prefer to stay actually. Not crossing each other's path and unleashing hell. But see, there's only one problem…we do have to cross each other. Not because we want to…but because my group is the butt of all pranks done by his group.
"Yo Pasta-head! Watch out!"
I was busy grabbing my books from the locker. So when I heard a warning, I naturally turned around, only to be shoved badly against the locker.
While the jocks and the class laughed, I could but groan from the pain my busted up nose gave me.
I was walking home, happy that our experiment was successful. It was almost a perfect day when-
I was startled but before I could even step aside from the pavement on to somebody's front yard, a bunch of jocks went past me on their bikes and the rest of them followed through, but not forgetting to throw a huge bucket of water on me.
As they swept past me like a tornado, I was left drenched in the storm.
And among those idiots, he seemed to always have the most laughs out of it. There hasn't been one day that has gone by where I almost look forward to them pulling pranks on us. In fact, the days they don't—which is a rarity, mind you—are the days when I doubt me being the same person!
Sad, I know.
But what to do? That's life.
Still…he seems different. Different than the rest of them. Yeah, maybe it was his idea to throw water on me, maybe he led Patty to the field and then the rest dunked mud on her…still, he is not a jerk all the time.
This, I got to know when we happened to bump each other en route to class.
My frail body was obviously no match for his well built frame. So I ricocheted back, dropping ass hard on the floor, my books scattering like a mess.
I half expected him to smirk at me and leave me hanging after he threw me a smart ass comment but to my great surprise, he knelt down and helped me arrange my books.
Not only that, he even offered me his hand to rise up from the floor!
So I took his hand and just before letting it go, he threw me a genial smile. No really! A genial smile! Nothing uncanny in it at all!
And that made it even weirder.
So I came to the conclusion that he wasn't much of a jerk…
But the very next day, when he threw me a paper ball during an exam and made me get caught by Mr. Graham, I changed my mind.
I mean, what kind of an asshole makes you eat a case just by throwing a paper with a version of the teacher with huge boobs?
And folks, I do mean HUGE.
No wonder I had to stand outside the principal's office holding my ears for a whole period!
It was all because of him.
He's such a bully!
I hate him!
Now days have gone by, where he acts the idiot he is along with his buddies and we become their scapegoats.
Life is again back to normal.
However, I don't know why but I have a feeling that I'm yet for another surprise.
My sixth sense could be right for Miss Mullings has asked for me…or so Robert says. I don't believe him but hey, he's not one of the jocks. So what the heck?
As I leave for the staff room, anxiousness encompasses my mind. I feel the surprise is inevitable. I feel it…it's drawing close…
Oh, I do hope it's less severe! With the weekends coming close, the last thing I need is a broken bone!
I reach the staff room but what is this?
There's no one there! No teachers. None at all! Where have they gone? Robert lied to me?
No- no wait! Of course the staff room is empty!
In a flash, it suddenly dawns on me that the teachers are attending a farewell. Mr Graham is retiring and he is so popular among the teachers that all went to wish him good luck for his future and expressing their love and respect.
Bottomline: the staff room is empty!
All of a sudden, my heat starts pounding hard, anxiousness creeping in again.
Oh my god, it's another prank!
And I hate to admit it but this time, I'm really scared…
No teachers, no students, no one!
I'm totally alone…
All by myself.
I now hear footsteps—albeit faint but still audible.
I shudder and close my eyes, my hands trembling and sweating from the nervousness that overlaps my heart and mind.
I slowly open my eyes and turn around, expecting the worst.
But no…it was him…
Just him.
A wave of relief washes over me and for the first time, I'm really glad to see him.
My heart slows down, and I stop trembling. For the very first time, I actually take notice how handsome he is! Tall, dark hair, ocean blue eyes…
He has such a calming demeanor as he stands before me, locking his eyes with mine.
Slowly, he inches forward, narrowing the distance between us. I try not to gulp as his hand reaches for my cheek, caressing it lightly before brushing my chestnut blonde hair.
I try to calm down and not appear nervous even though my heart starts pounding once more—but this time, it's not because of fear…but because of something else. An unknown emotion—more powerful, much more compelling than fear.
I breathe out as my skin tingles to his touch and let my eyes flutter shut yet again.
I lean in to his touch but before I can do so, I feel the pressure on my ears being lifted as my glasses are raised and my ears bonked by one of its handles, making me panic and look at him with wide bare eyes!
A second's pause hangs around in the atmosphere before being crippled inhumanly by his laughter which ripples out of his mouth!
"You should've seen your face, Pasta-head!" he says, trying hard to grasp his breath. "You looked so awkward and so gay, man!"
Just a second…gay? So all this drama just to prove what I am?
By now, my initial shock has worn off. My heart still pounds but not because that powerful bullshit I felt earlier but because of an equally powerful feeling: rage.
How can he? How can he just use me like that? What does he think of himself?
My eyes narrow dangerously. Fists clenched and teeth gritted, I take deep breaths all the while not trying to rip him apart!
And here he is, laughing away to his own stupid joke! Having no regard to what the person before him is feeling!
"Hey, I'm sorry man!" He starts off, trying to suppress his laughter. But he fails miserably at that. "It's just so funny! You should've seen the look on your face!"
That's it! I can't take it anymore!
There's a fine distinction between pulling pranks and bullying and he has just crossed that LIMIT!
Now I have a choice: Ican either step down or burst into tears alone in my bedroom (which I don't do much often). Or I can complain against him to the principal.
She'll take good care of him and I'll let him know what it feels like to stand outside her office in an embarrassing pose while students who pass by start laughing at the scene!
That'll show him!
That moron!
However, a bitch slap works just fine.
He probably never expected that. Who would? That too coming from a squeaky nerd?
That's why now he finds himself staring at my almost-back-to-normal mode, holding his reddened cheek, trying to understand what has just happened!
But much to my dismay, he starts smiling again, making me wonder if that was the best option I had! What if there are others who are ready to beat me down? What if it's another trap? Am I really screwed?
Apparently, I'm not!
For his smile broadens this time and says, returning me my glasses, "Good job, Pasta-head! You got me."
Okay, now I'm really taken aback.
What does that mean? Does it mean I'll be left alone now? And my group? Or is it some 'winning the battle but not the war' shit?
To my question, he nods and finally, his smile breaks into a grin.
"Yep," he replies, "You had me the day we bumped into each other. And you know what?"
I raise my eyebrows. While all of this was intriguing and while I felt all fluttery inside, that same previous compelling feeling returning once more, I can't really help but wonder if he is being truthful!
At least, he seems to be.
"I really am not into girls. At all."
He pauses, letting me eat up those words. Why is he telling me all these?
Is it because…
My eyes widen and before I can even fathom myself into believing him, I feel my hand rising up to his cheeks and—
- striking them left, right and left again!
"Hey what was that for?" This time, he sounds shocked, "I just said I—"
He can't finish. I don't let him.
My hands pull him over and the next thing I know, we start kissing each other vigorously. Tongue clashing against tongue, hands roaming all over our backs so enthusiastically, so much in need.
And for the very first time, I realize what that strange feeling has been. I no longer hated him. I stopped hating him long ago. And before I knew it, I fell for him.
All along, I've been infatuated.
Deeply infatuated.
Ever since that day, the taunts have stopped to a great degree. Not only on me, but on my group as well. Now whatever tricks we are being played upon are less severe and almost friendly.
I've shed my glasses. I'm on contacts now. And he says I looked even cuter with my glasses.
That moron.
Well, as for him, he doesn't completely avoid me before his jock buddies. Actually, I'm now the 'cool nerd' to the jocks—the one who actually knows how to live life and still be nerdy at the same time.
We've still kept our thing a secret but…I prefer it that way.
I can really do without the unnecessary attention…and well, so can he.
We are a perfect pair. Yes, we still have differences and we still are worlds apart. But that's why we enjoy the freshness of it all.
We no longer think of our individual selves. We've come to understand that in a relation, there's no 'only you' or 'only I'.
From that day on, 'he' and 'I' became 'we'.
And 'me' became 'us'.
A/N: So that's it for this fic. Please do let me know what your suggestions/feedbacks are. They really help me to improve and encourage me to do even better. Please review. : )