I was on holiday with my family when I first saw you. You were with a group of friends, you didn't look particularly happy then. You caught me staring at you, and I looked down straight away.

I saw you again in that small cafe beside the coast; you were with your family this time. Your little sister poked me in my back.

"Where did you get your shoes?" She asked in a shy voice.

"I'm sorry I can't remember." I replied, hoping that I might remember so as not to disappoint her, or you.

"Oh, well I really like them." She giggled, still holding onto your hand.

You looked to me and smiled, I knew you were just being polite, but it was nice. I turned back around and ordered my food and went back to my table. You and your family did the same, but on the other side of the room. I would catch you every now and again looking at me. It wasn't creepy, well, it wasn't that creepy just unusual for someone to look at me like you did.

The next time I saw you was when you were on the beach. It was an unusually hot day for Wales, so the whole population seemed to be on the coast half-naked. My family was no exception. They were in the sea, but I was lying under a parasol when your tennis ball hit me in the face.

It wasn't a particularly romantic encounter, but it was a good way to start a conversation, I suppose:

"Hey, whoa I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

I couldn't respond without stammering, were so close to me: "Y-yeah I'm fine."

You picked up the ball and threw it back to your friends, I thought you would have gone back with them but you stayed for a while, to talk to me, to introduce yourself;

"I'm here with my friends...and family, one big holiday, you know."

"Right, I'm just here with my family." I replied

"Is that them?" You said, pointing over to the three people jumping about in the sea.

I nodded reluctantly: "Yeah, unfortunately."

But you smiled: "They seem pretty...cool?"

"Are you sure we're looking at the same people?" I joked.

We talked for a while; you told me how your little sister had said that you should marry me because I was pretty, and how your parents had agreed. You blushed when you told me, and I couldn't help but smile. You didn't look like the type of person who got embarrassed very often; it was like I was being shown a side of you that no one else got to see.

You asked me about where I came from, it turned out that you didn't live too far away. Your friends called you over, but you told them to 'Go Away', but in more colloquial terms. I'd never thought swearing was attractive, but then you did it.

You asked me to go in the sea, I didn't want to but you grabbed my hand and dragged me in the water. It was so cold; it sucked the air right out of my lungs. You picked me up and threw me in; I don't remember ever being so cold before.

When I felt something on my foot, I jumped and screamed and you caught me. Even when it wasn't necessary anymore, you still wouldn't let go of me. You were so warm.

My family had gotten out of the water and were sitting down, staring at us. You noticed to, and carried me deeper into the water, further away from them:

"What about your friends?" I asked.

You shrugged: "They can wait."

"What about 'Bros before Hoes'?"

You laughed, I mean really laughed at my joke, I didn't even realise it was that funny.

I had to leave a little later; you wore this horrible frown when I was going. Just before I left though you asked for my phone number, but I didn't know it. So you gave me yours, but I didn't know what to do when I eventually got around to my phone.

So eventually I went with: 'Hey, it's Sarah, here's my number xx'

The next few minutes that I waited for your reply, were the longest three minutes of my life, but we ended up texting until early the next morning. You asked me if I was going to see the fireworks on Tuesday night, I said I was, but because I mentioned it to my parents, they were coming now to. You said you didn't mind, but I did.

I saw you there, your blonde hair was falling in front of your eyes and the laces of your shoes were undone. You were the perfect mess. I ditched my parents and jogged over, you opened your arms for me and I couldn't help but smile.

You took my hand and led me down to less crowded part of the dock. We stood there for a long time, just hugging. I jumped when the fireworks started and you laughed at me. When they were done, you took me away again, and we sat down on some rocks at the edge of the coastline.

You told me that you had wanted to talk to me when you first saw me, but I looked so embarrassed that you left me alone. You said: "I was really glad that the tennis ball hit you, BUT ONLY because it gave me the chance to talk to you." I laughed, because you kept trying to say things but kept getting it wrong, I knew what you meant though.

I told you it was my last day here and you looked at me like I'd just punched you in the face. You told me that you would catch the bus to come and see me after you got back, but somehow I doubted it, not because of you. But because I knew that I might be too nervous to come and see you, I hardly ever followed through on things that might make me happy.

As I got up to leave you grabbed my hand and pulled me back into your chest. You grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back to face you. I was certain that I might finally get to kiss you, but my Dad interrupted to before our lips touched. You edged back a little when my Dad saw you so close to me. I said goodbye and kissed you on the cheek, it was the least I could do to make up for my Father's interruption. I made sure to get him later.

We didn't talk or text for a while, until you finally rang me up three weeks after I got home. You asked me if I hated you, and I said no, you asked me why I hadn't called you, and I said it was because I was waiting for you to call. You laughed and apologised for not doing it sooner, and I apologised, it was my fault too.

You asked if we could meet up and we set a time and date. I saw you standing in the bus station a week later, you hair was shorter and your clothes looked new. I can remember it exactly. You wore black sneakers and dark jeans; you had a white t-shirt on and a dark green jacket, you looked completely perfect. You didn't see me standing there, so I decided to move around and jump on your back.

I couldn't stop laughing, so you caught me just before I jumped. You held me so tightly I thought I might stop breathing. You pinched my arm: "You're actually here aren't you?" I nodded and pinched you back: "So are you."

We walk around town for a while, going in various shops. I saw some people I knew, they came running over to me while you were in the bathroom, asking me if you were my boyfriend. I told them you were, and when you came out you introduced yourself, I knew that they were all trying to flirt with you, but you didn't even seem to care.

We left to go and see a movie. I knew what it would mean. I would finally get to kiss you.

I didn't care what the movie was; I can't even remember the name of it. I just remember one thing. What it was like to kiss you.

It was soft and warm. I knew you were trying to be gently with me, but I couldn't help but kiss you back a little harder. There was someone behind us complaining that 'kids ruin movies with all their kissing in the cinema' but I didn't care, it didn't matter what that woman said because I was with you, and nothing else mattered.

I writing this to you because I know that you think I can't express my feelings. I'm telling you all this because you think I don't care, but believe me even if I don't show my feelings it doesn't mean that they're not there. I know it annoys you, but I can't do this any other way. You've been so patient with me for so long, and all I want is for you to be happy. I can't say where that's with me, or someone else, but I'm here. If you want me, I'm here and I love you.