First Letter

She knew he wasn't going to read them, however that didn't stop her from writing because for some reason, she knew he just might fall in love with the girl behind Her Letters.


Dear Nick,

Umm…hi. I don't know why I'm writing you a letter exactly. I'm quite positive you'll never read this and I'll never send it, however when Miss Jones talked about how writing sometimes expresses the feelings that people can't say out loud…I decided to do it. I decided to write to you.

You see…I've always admired you Nick. Since day 1, your presence just captured my attention. And no, not just because you arrived late to class on the very first day of school. It was because you were…something different.

It's only been 3 weeks since you've been here. But I'm glad you changed schools to come to mine–or ours–I should say. But I'm stalling now aren't I? There's always a purpose in letters. So, I'm just going to get to it. I'm just going to say it…

I like you.

I mean…who wouldn't? You're always carefree, yet mindful on other's opinions. You're compassionate and always light-hearted. You're just simply amazing. But it's silly to have fallen for you, I know. We're in two different leagues, two different worlds. But…like my father always tells me, I'm a dreamer. So I've always had hope. Hope that one day…you'll notice me. Just as I notice you.

Love, Kirra


I stepped through the double doors and scanned my new school of King High. This was my first day of high school and for the next four years, this place will be my second home. I smiled slightly at this thought and walked confidently through. The hallways were brightly lit with a faint glow of glaring fluorescent bulbs. Posters filled the beige walls of some annual homecoming dance and pep rally, while the checkered floors were already scattered with fliers of clubs and announcements. I had no idea what was going on or where my homeroom was, but I continued to walk as if I knew. Although I arrived earlier than usual, there were a lot of people walking around already. Some stared strangely at me, but the latter ignored me. Yeah…this was way different from my old school.

"Nick….Nick Bakers…is that really you?"

I turned my head at the sound of my name. It was a guy that had called me. He was wearing a school jersey with a tiger on it, which I assumed to be King's mascot. He looked oddly familiar though. I squinted my eyes in confusion. Do I know this guy?

"Aww…Come on Nick! Do you not remember me? Elementary…we snuck super glue into the classroom and stuck a bunch of girls skirts to their chairs…?"

My eyes widened. "Alex Lee? Is that really you?"

The guy in front of me smiled. It was him. God, he changed. His once buzz cut hairdo he possessed 10 years ago was now long and shaggy. He had (of course) grown taller, possibly taller than me now and that was saying something considering I'm 5'11. But it was Alex's eyes that sealed the deal. His dark brown orbs held the same mischievous glint that I remembered he always came to Kindergarten with.

"Man…how've you been? Can't believe you're here actually. Wait…why are you here?"

I smirked at his behavior. Yup. Same old simpleminded Alex. "My mom got a new job down the road. Switched schools because it was easier for her."

Alex grinned at me and slapped my back. "Still the same old caring mama's boy I see."

I punched him in the shoulder before laughing it of with him. I guess we both didn't change that much. We then started catching up on things as Alex showed me the different areas of the school. And god…it was huge. It had an indoor Olympic sized pool, tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, soccer, football and a track stadium…this is just insane.

"Let me see your schedule dude. We might have classes together."

I reached into my bag, and grabbed a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Alex. He glanced at the sheet, using his pointer as he examined my classes. I saw him grin, and I raised my brows.

"Sweet man. We have most of our classes together, everything except for English. Why the hell are you taking AP? Such a nerd."

I grabbed my schedule from his hand and hit his head. "Shut up man."

He smirked at me and ran ahead as I ran up to catch up with him when he entered a class. Most of the people already inside were greeting Alex with a high five and a friendly punch on the shoulder as I stood awkwardly on the side.

"Hey guys…this is Nick Bakers by the way. Best friend from elementary school. He's pro guys. Real pro." I rolled my eyes at Alex's introduction but waved my hand in greeting.

"Hey Nick! You'll love it here, especially because you have us in your homeroom. I'm Nikki." I smiled at the short, pixie-cut brunette in front of me and nodded my head.

"Bakers my man. Welcome to King High bro. Names Ryan."

"Hey Ryan." I answered back to the burly blonde, shaking his outstretched hand.

They then started asking me questions of my old school and how'd I like this one so far. I laughed at all their comments, and grinned cheekily. This school could actually be fun.

"Okay, okay class. Homeroom will now begin."

Now if only we didn't need to learn.


I walked through the empty hallway and whirled in a circle, glancing in all directions. Now where exactly did Alex say AP English was? I groaned in frustration, as I brushed my hair back. I checked my watch, and unfortunately I was already 12 minutes late. I scratched my head and looked at my schedule again. Smith 103 it read, and I looked at the first door on my right. 113 it read. I looked on my left. 112 it read. Okay. Down it is. I started jogging down the hallway. Room 103 is only 10 doors away…

As soon as I found it I was out of breath, and opened the door abruptly. A lady in the front, who I assumed to be the teacher, gave me a small smile and gestured her hand to the only open seat in the front.

"Nice of you to finally join us Mr. Nicholas Bakers. I'm Miss Jones, and I'll be your AP English teacher for this school year."

I gave off a sheepish smile as I took my seat quickly. Miss Jones looked young, however her tone of voice made me rethink my decision in why exactly I'm sitting in this class in the first place. Stupid interest in books…

There were probably around 12 of us present in the class. It was smaller than my other classes, and I didn't know anyone present. Out of my entire day, this is the only class that actually makes me feel new.

"Okay class. Although this is your first day of school, homework is on the board." Miss Jones had continued. Several students groaned, myself included, but Miss Jones smiled cheekily then. "Now now, this is high school. However, today since we'll be classmates for an entire year, we'll be doing introductions. So come, move your desks into a circle. This format will also introduce the very important aspect of circle discussions where we'll discuss certain assignments with each other with the act of free speech." I pursed my lips slightly at her comment before moving my desk.

"This…is not a circle, more like an oddly–shaped glob. Christine, move your desk up and Jenny you, Kirri yes. Okay, stop. Much better." Miss Jones said, as she clapped her hands in content. I glanced around the circle in indifference. Still looked like a glob. I laughed slightly to myself, as I glanced at the person across of me.

It was a girl. She was twirling her brown locks quickly, as she bit her lip in nervousness. She must have felt my stare on her because she looked up then. She had hazel eyes, which surprised me for a second. She blinked blankly at me for a second and looked back down to the ground quickly, as if the blue and white shoelaces that lay on her feet entranced her. I frowned, and looked down. That was weird. Do I look okay?

"We'll go to the right. Say your name, and the grade you entered King High. One thing you did during summer, and one hobby of yours. I'll start. My name is Sarah Jones. I've been teaching AP English for 7 years now. I traveled to Spain over summer, which was quite relaxing. And I love to travel. I'm always gone in another country during school breaks." Miss Jones said smiling. She turned to her right to a blonde haired girl, and raised her palm for the girl to say something.

"Hi everyone. I'm Danielle. I'm a lifer here at King High. I mainly went to the movies and the mall during break. And…I like to make jewelry I guess." Danielle said, as she smiled slightly at everyone around the circle. Miss Jones clapped her hands, as the rest of the class followed.

"Hihi classmates! My name is Jenny. I entered King in 3r- no. 4th grade. I went to theatre camp in Cali this summer. It was so much fun! We went exploring in Hollywood practically everyday of the week. Just the best! And my favorite hobby just has to be singing, acting, and dancing. I really want to become an actress one day!" Jenny said, giving a big grin to the entire class. I laughed along with the class at her introduction. Jenny is rather…over-the-top I guess.

The girl sitting across from me was next. Her eyes were closed as if she was thinking deeply at what she was going to say. She was moving her lips slightly, when Jenny nudged her in the shoulder to talk. Her eyes opened, and we were staring at each other again. I gave her a small smile in reassurance, however she shifted her eyes away from me and fiddled with her skirt. Maybe I do look weird…

"U-um. Hi. I'm Kirra. I'm a lifer here like Danielle. I-I didn't do much this summer…" She paused, as she scrunched her face in thought. "And…u-um I guess my hobby is reading…?" Her voice rose slightly at the end as if she was asking if the answer was acceptable. Miss Jones nodded her head, and I clapped for her introduction, before everyone else did. The girl, Kirra was her name, looked at me again, and looked away. I smiled slightly at her shy behavior and turned my attention to the person next to her.

7 students later, it was my turn. I rose from my chair and knocked my knuckles on the desk. "Hey guys. My name's Nick. I'm new here, just entered King High today to be exact which explains my lateness, which I'm extremely sorry for Miss Jones." I said, turning to her apologetically. She waved her hand in understandment, and I smiled. "Over the summer, I mainly hung out with my friends, beach, movies." I shrugged my shoulders. I paused for a second and thought what should I say as my favorite hobby. I looked across the room, and glanced at the person across from me. I smiled slightly. That's it. "And my favorite hobby is reading as well. Which is basically the reason why I'm in this class."

Miss Jones applauded her hands, and grinned at my introduction. "Then you're in the right class Mr. Bakers."

I grinned at her response, and looked across from me again. Kirra's hazel orbs were vaguely wide, and I gave her yet another small smile. She blinked then, and looked away. I rolled my eyes at her behavior, but smirked when I saw the corners of her mouth lift up to a small grin.

Kirra… Maybe taking AP English was the right choice for me.


Just Be Friends – April 15, 2012

Review please? :)