Agatha Winters left the mall close to closing time. The air out side was warm, muggy. She struggled to breath. She walked straight for her car. She had no idea why she had decided to park at the back of the mall in one of the last parking spots available.

She shivered despite the stifling heat of the evening. It was so dark here, the prefect setting for abduction. Deciding to speed things along, she raised two fingers upward and focused her powers on unlocking the driver's side door.

Just as she reached for the handle, a palm covered in leather enclosed over her mouth. "Hello Agatha," said a deep, masculine voice. Her body froze as her mind played endless scenes of what might happen next. Witch or not, she wasn't super human. "Very good my little slut. Don't resist me. You and I have a play date tonight, and the more you cooperate the more fun you can have."

She growled at being talked to like a child, a play date, really. Her mind failed to find a name of a person capable of playing such a sick joke. Her heart banged quickly like the bongo drums in some African ritual. She tried to resist her attacker but feared to scream or bite the gloved hand. Even though she felt panicky, she also felt a primitive kind of arousal.

The stranger behind her drew her body flesh against him. She felt his arousal push into her lower back. Even through the layers of clothing, she surmised that his package was not small. As idiotic as it sounded, she wanted more.

This man worked to control her as he jerked her head against his shoulder while he touched his mouth against the shell of her ear. He licked the outer part. Her conscience rebuked her lack of disgust at being so crudely handled.

"You Agatha have been a very naughty girl," he said. Her mind still struggled to put a name with that voice. She recognized its sexy, deep but menacing tone. "You've been teasing me long enough. Dressing provocatively, swinging those hips, asking me with your body to take you." He gripped her mouth tighter. Now she started to feel true fear because his gloved finger was nearly cutting off air to her noise. She prayed he wouldn't kill her, here, out in the open. She didn't want to die at all.

As if reading her mind, he continued, "My, my, little whore, I can smell your fear or is that your cunt? Am I exciting you little one? Has all your teasing finally paid off?" He grabbed her breast and roughly squeezed and kneaded it. She winced at the intense sensation, almost pain. She felt her nipple harden to a steel peek. "Ah, yes, I've heard you like it rough my pet. Well tonight we'll see just how rough you like it."

He made them both begin to move, but Agatha's feet, they were still. She felt cold air as it blew past her body, touched her skin, made her freeze. She closed her eyes not wanting to see anything moving. She concluded with no visual proof that they were flying; she could keep the contents of her stomach in place. How was this happening? Only the strongest of witches and warlocks could fly. Only those who were born with natural abilities like her could achieve such feats. Who was this? Why was he doing this?

Almost as quickly as her feet had left the ground, they made contact with a solid surface. She padded her foot around the area and hoped to find some clue as to where they were. She heard crunching noises, a snap as if a twig broke. They were outside.

The man holding her took a firm grasp on her hair, and pulled her head straight up. He breathed normally like he didn't use all his strength. Still she felt like he was almost pulling her hair from her head. She stood on the tips of her toes and tried to release some of the tension. "You, my little whore, are going to be quiet. I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth. BUT don't make a sound or scream, nothing. If you do, if you disobey me, tonight'll start off a lot rougher then intended. Understand? Nod if you do."

His hand tightened over her mouth again and nearly immobilized her neck. She found it difficult to comply with his instruction, but somehow she managed a minute nod to convey her compliance.

"Good girl. I'm removing my hand now. DON'T disappoint me."

Finally Agatha gulped down a large dose of air into her lungs. His hand had greatly restricted her breathing making her lungs burn. They seemed to have tried to lurch out of her body to find the oxygen they needed.

Her head moved; she looked from side to side around her. Using her peripheral vision, she sought out an indication of where he had taken her. She saw trees surrounding them in an arc formation similar to guards, tall and lanky, closing in, ready to seize her if she tried to escape. Next she viewed some kind of steps, a porch perhaps, in front of her. She thought it must be a building of some kind. Maybe his plans didn't including doing whatever to her outside.

"Agatha, listen carefully. If you don't follow my simple rules tonight, you'll be punished, severely. I'm your master, but the privilege of calling me that will have to be earned. I can make your body sing in ways you've never imaged, or I can bring pain that you never dreamed possible."

A swift flick of his black-leathered hand opened a door. Agatha could feel a swish of cool air when it fell back against the front of the building. The action thudded through her body. What was this place, his home perhaps? Maybe it was where he worked. Could it be where he took his prey? Was that what she was to him, prey?

Never revealing his identity at this point, the man snagged her by the upper arm with great force. Pain shot through it as she exerted tremendous effort to keep silent. Her evident discomfort did nothing to stop her abductor. He pulled her relentlessly through the yard and caused her to stumble over sticks and rocks. He continued even when she nearly collapsed on the last stair. He merely dragged her along as if she were a pile of junk to depose of in some predetermined location.

Another swish of his hand shut the door. A simple slide of his index finger caused a grinding noise of steel, a bolt of some kind. The finality of this sound made Agatha quietly whimper. It seemed that her coffin had been sealed. A lone tear slid haltingly down her cheek. She prayed not to die.

Broken out of her self-pity, she saw shadows of motion to her side. She couldn't decipher what or who was moving since this room to which she had been brought was dark. The only illumination came through the window by the door. It must be the moon shining down. It was a full moon tonight. Still, it didn't provide enough lighting to reveal much of either her surroundings or her kidnapper.

Agatha gasped, followed by a startle reaction when a finger reached out and caught the teardrop ready to fall from her jawline. "No need to cry, my pet." His voice changed. He was less threatening. "As long as you're a good girl and abide by the rules everything will be fine. You may not like what I do to you, but you'll survive"

This was the first morsel of hope he had given her. He had no intentions of killing her. She would survive. She wanted to survive.

"So much to tell you before we start. Where to begin?" Agatha could hear the echo of his footsteps upon the floor. Still she was unable to locate his presence. "Rules. I should begin with the rules. They're so important, but knowing my identity might help too. I'm sure you've dug through the recesses of your mind to find where you've heard my voice. If you've ever felt my touch."

How could he know her feeling so well? It had to be intuition because she was certain she would know if there was a warlock in the area that could read minds. Her sisters at the coven would have made sure to share such important information with others.

His chuckling caused her to refocus on him. He was her attacker. Attacker was that the right word to use? She was frightened of the possible outcomes of this evening. Just how hurt would she be? Then again, she also felt drawn to him. She wanted to please him, let him have his way with her. Oh My Goddess, she was aroused by this wicked man.

His silhouette stood before her, but she could not make out any distinct features. He was tall, standing nearly a head higher than her 5'6 frame. He must be at least 6 feet or maybe more. He was board in the shoulders and slunk down to a trim waist.

She focused on his masterful presence. Unconsciously her hand flew to cover her mouth. Master, she couldn't call him that yet. Why would she call him master? She thought of many names to call him—bastard, motherfucker, oaf, heathen, Neanderthal—but not master.

"You need relax my sweet pet. Breathe with me." He breathed forcefully in through his nostrils and out through his mouth. Even without the help of good lighting to clearly see him, she silently snickered at the hilarity of the exercise. With no desire to anger him again, she mimicked his efforts.

"There. Much better. First let me confirm what I am, which is a warlock." He rested his hands on her shoulders but made no attempt to cause discomfort. "I'm sure you figured as much. Next I'm a Dominant. I like to have a woman submit to my will, my desires. Understand?"

Agatha bit the tip of her tongue to the point of pain to prevent herself from giving a smart reply. "Ah yes." She nodded her head to confirm his declaration.

"Now's a good time to reveal a rule. When you address me, you'll call me sir. Try that answer again."

She felt his eyes bore right into her soul. "Yes, Sir."

"Good girl. You're doing quite well. Would you like the rest of the rules or to know my identity?"

What a loaded question that was. Of course she wanted to know both. His possible identity drove her mad, but the likelihood of breaking some unknown rule and being punished scared the bejesus out of her. Was he teasing with her? Couldn't he just turn the damn lights on so she could see him? That would at least solve part of the puzzle.

Again he laughed which annoyed Agatha greatly. She didn't find this predicament funny. "I can see you're struggling. Be forewarned this is only the beginning."

The beginning of what, hell, purgatory, some alternate universe, she had no idea what he wanted. At this moment, Agatha wanted to get back to her car and go home.

"You'll have to learn to answer without hesitation, whore. There will be consequences when you don't."

She felt a migraine coming. She grabbed her temples hoping to delay the horrendous pain as foreshadowed by the pull of her scalp muscles.

"Agatha!" His voice roared like a strong wind forcing her back to reality. "I want an answer or I'll make one for you. You might not like what I come up with, my naughty pet."

She glared at him. She was glad it was dark at this particular point. That also meant she couldn't find something to use her powers on to hit him in the head with. She should try to be careful of what she wished for because no sooner had the thought entered her mind then she heard something crash to the ground. Whatever it was, it splintered against the floor and sent shreds of something to fall against her boots.

"Control Agatha. You will learn control. Now for the last time, what is Your Answer?"

Her mind went blank. Her eyelids fluttered quickly as she tried to pinpoint a logical response. "Ah, Sir, well, you, so . . ." She could see his darkened form shake. She could only hope it meant he was amused. "I, damn, I want the lights turned on. I want to see you." In frustration she yelled her words. Since she hadn't exactly given a prescribed answer, she wasn't sure what to expect. She remembered at last to quickly add, "Sir."

His burst of laughter relieved her a little. "Agatha, if you were any other slave, I'd blister your ass for that display. But fortunately, you're not. Since you can't answer appropriately, I'll give it to you."

She held her breath waiting for the fallout from her grievous blunder. She heard a snapping noise like someone snapping fingers. Immediately, light flooded the room. The tall ogre before her was quite handsome with his longish, raven black hair surrounding his face. His pale completion only heightened the difference between his commanding voice and his youthful appearance. Those eyes that were trained on her earlier were so unique. Gray in color, almost like granite, and flecks of black and dark blue floated through the iris.

She knew this man, this warlock. He was Alistair McCall. Even though he looked quite young he was nearly 30 years old. Much older than her nineteen years, but he wasn't terribly ancient either when she considered the level of power he was rumored to have.

"I see recognition in your eyes. Those beautiful, yellowish green eyes of yours." He purposefully walked over to her. He tangled his hand in her light blonde mane and jerked her head back so he was looking down into her eyes. "I can see we need to go over the rules now my sweet. Listen carefully because I will only tell you once."

Despite the searing agony of almost having her hair ripped from the scalp, Agatha flooded her panties with arousal. She pulled her legs together to prevent her drenched underclothing from dripping on the floor.

Alistair lifted her form higher and he whispered in her ear. "If I couldn't smell how wet that pussy is, whore, you'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble pushing you're legs together. From this point on, you'll not touch yourself in anyway that might bring you pleasure. Unless of course, I tell you to. Clear?" He tightened his grip on her hair further. Agatha was sure her skin had begun tearing from her skull.

"Yees," she panted before saying, "Sir."

Slowly, he released his hold and let her stumble back from her tippy toe position. She gazed down at the floor, so he tilted her head up. "I guess I don't have to tell you to never look me in the eye, or have your head above mine, unless I explicitly say so."

Without thinking, Agatha rubbed her scalp. She was completely confused. Alistair growled which reminded her to put her hands down.

"You must comply with any request I make immediately," he said.

She ventured to say something else then closed her mouth on second thought. She had already brought enough trouble on herself, so she kept her face devoid of all emotion. Her near slip up was caught by the dominant before her.

"You may speak."

She rolled her eyes. "This sounds distinctly like a slave/master thing here, and by the way I'm familiar with BDSM. Why be so vicious, Alistair? Isn't this little play act supposed to be built on mutual consent?" She was well aware of the parameters of such actions.

First, he glared viciously at her then his face contorted into more of a befuddled look. She guessed he wasn't used to anyone challenging him. If her life was in danger, she damn well intended to make sure she had some amount of input. "And another thing, grabbing me out of parking lot doesn't encourage trust. Rough sex, yes I like it. Hell, I love a man who can take charge."

"SILENCE!" he yelled. He paced erratically around the room like a caged animal. She witnessed his lips moving as if he was talking but no sound came out. He must have talked to himself.

He walked straight over and kissed Agatha. It wasn't mean or consuming. It was just a kiss. "Can we start over," he said.

"Have you ever done this before?"

"Yes," he said. "I was completely honest when I said I'm dominant. I've had subs in the past."

"Did you fly them unwillingly out of a dark parking lot?" The atmosphere had made a dramatic change. Agatha felt more comfortable and even smiled at the obnoxious nature of her statement.

"No, all the others were willing participants."

"Then why me, why be so mean to me?" She was lost as to why he would resort to such violent measures to catch her attention.

"I was at the last meeting of the Sister and Brother Covens. I over heard you saying you thought I was cute. I found you attractive too then I heard your friend mention that I might be a good guy for your rape fantasy, so I was trying to bring it to life for you."

Agatha bulged her eyes out of her head. She couldn't believe what he said. Playing out a rape fantasy without talking to her was ludicrous. "Are you crazy?"

"Watch it, I'm a Dom, and I do expect you to be respectful even if I was a tad stupid."

Alistair grinned as he heard her mumble, "Stupid more like criminally insane." She looked up and felt the warmth in her cheeks most likely from her tendency to blush. "I'm sorry Sir, but I'm just saying you took a big risk."

"Yeah, I did. It seemed ok in my head. I wanted to impress you," he said. "I would never truly hurt you. Nothing more than harsh spanking if you deserved it." He reached up and pushed some hair that was hanging in her eyes behind her ear.

"Spanking, eh, now that has possibilities," she said. "My name's Agatha Winters, but you know that don't you."

Alistair smiled from ear to ear after she mentioned spanking. "Yes, I know your name and that you're a witch. But, do you really know about BDSM?"

"Yes, I'm well read on the subject, however, I've never had the pleasure of experiencing it." She looked at the floor and shuffled her feet aimlessly. "But I don't ever want to be someone's slave."

He gently pushed her face up to look at him once more. "I really don't want a slave either. I do want to scene with you, though. And I wasn't kidding that you need to work on control. If that vase had smashed any closer to me, I'd still be picking slivers of glass out of my arm."

"Sorry," she said. "With it being so dark then, I didn't think my powers would do anything. It wasn't like I could focus on an object."

Alistair's stared only at her. He seemed to be memorizing her face. Agatha felt a little self-conscious and once again dropped her face down and looked at the floor.

"You have no idea just what your power can do nor do you seem to realize just how beautiful and sexy you are." He pulled her closer to him and without thinking she flinched. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He merely encased her in his arms. She heard him inhale deeply and mummer, "Wonderful, you smell like lilacs."

His mouth was again next to her ear. His breath caressed her cheek. "Agatha do you want to play since you're here." He kissed the outer shell and carefully nipped at her earlobe.

Her instinct drove her closer to him. "I want to, but I only know what I've read."

"I won't push you too far, I promise."

She sensed that he was being honest. She wanted to explore with him. Her body was already humming without having anything really done to her. Now that he was being himself, she wanted to know more.

She moved her head to face his. She searched his eyes for some hint that he might be tricking her, but she found none. All she saw was Alistair McCall gazing backing at her. She also felt his desire begging her to say yes.

"It's totally up to you. I understand if you want to back out. I'll take you back to your car if you want." His sincerity beamed through his words as an invisible force drew them together. He kissed her again. His arms surrounded her waist and his hands clutched her ass.

Her mind became foggy. All she wanted was more of him. Alistair deepened the kiss and thrust his tongue between her lips. He explored her mouth and played with her tongue sliding and swirling around it.

Agatha groaned as she pulled back. "Alistair, I want to stay."

He smiled at her. "Then lets go over some preliminary rules. I still expect you to call me Sir while we're playing. You can only talk when I allow it. You must comply immediately with my commands or safe word. Do you know what a save word is?"

"Yes, it's a word devised to halt all play immediately if one is frightened or feels unable to continue."

"Correct, but I like to use a three word system like a stop light. Green means you're okay. Yellow tells me to slow down you're unsure or need to ask questions. Red means stop."

"Simple enough," Agatha said. Her mind ran wild as it considered all the things she had read about that he could do to her.

"I won't focus on anything too hard tonight. We'll just play at finding your limits and getting to know each other." He smiled at her and squeezed her ass cheeks again. "I warn you though. Once started if you forget to call me Sir or hesitate too often with out safe wording, I'll punish you."

"Punishment isn't all bad," she said with a grin.

"No." He reached up and tweaked her nipple eliciting a yelp. "Punishment won't be serious tonight. We're just getting started. Be forewarned, despite previous action, I'm very careful. If you were to do something dangerous that you know better than, I would punish you harshly. Your safety and wellbeing are my primary concern."

"Yeah, I read that about Dom's." She wedged her lips between both rows of her teeth. She wanted him so much. They were so close she could feel his cock pulsing through his jeans. She wanted to feel it, taste it.

"Dom's are very territorial," he said. "I hate to imagine you with other men, but I assume you're no longer a virgin."

"Nope," she said popping her 'p.'

Alistair pinched her ass sharply and caused Agatha to hiss. "No matter what, you must be respectful always. Without trust and respect this won't work. I've already screwed up the trust factor some, but I won't tolerate insolence. Understand?"

"Yes Sir." His stern words automatically drew a submissive response followed by the lowering of her eyes.

"Good girl," he said. "Now let's get you to the play room and out of these clothes. I'm dying to see that luscious body." He turned her around to face a door in the wall under the stairway. He reached around from behind her and motioned the door open with his hand to reveal a set of stairs leading to the basement. They were going to his dungeon. A spike of adrenalin laced with fear coursed through her veins.

"Go my pet." He punctuated his order by squatting her ass before they began their trek downward.