Chapter 5
After waking up this morning in Alistair's huge bed in the playroom, Agatha nearly fell out of her measly, twin bed at the coven. She had slept here for nearly threes years since her arrival as a sixteen year old orphan.
As much as she wanted to dig right into the packet of information she had with her, Alistair made her promise to take a nap. A nap, something you instruct children to take. Even with a slight smirk on his face, he made sure to express his desire for her compliance by kissing her forehead. It was one more thing to make her feel like she was under the age of five. He also made sure to hint at the consequence of not following his 'suggestion' by saying, "Remember, Agatha, if you choose to behave as a child, I will treat you like one. I'll have no trouble finding out whether you do as I asked."
Her sudden desire to be a smart-ass was thwarted by the one raised eyebrow. That damn look caused her to instantly close her mouth, and earned her the compliment of "good girl." Maybe she wasn't really a person at all but a dog. Pavlovian training with facial expressions was sinking into her subconscious fast. It was probably aided by the fact that her bottom was still a bit tender, even now. No need to push the paddle she thought.
Agatha smiled to herself when she realized that he really did know what he was saying. She went right to sleep when she got into her room and stayed that way for a while. She glanced over at the clock to see it was nearly two p.m., which meant she slept for almost three hours since it was only a little after eleven when she got home.
She wondered where her roommate, Portia, was hiding. She must be livid with Agatha by now considering that she was out all night and never called. Not like she could have done that considering all that transpired last evening.
Agatha hopped off her bed to stand up and look out her small bedroom window. She wondered if her car was here. Alistair refused to allow her to drive home saying, "I'll get it for you later. You have no business going anywhere but to bed for the next few hours." Again his quirked eyebrow and that impenetrable stare quickly squelched her sarcastic response.
She smiled when she saw her little green Toyota sitting in its usual place. How did Alistair know where she usually parked? Probably it was luck, or the only spot opened. However, he was a strong warlock, so he may have known somehow. She really wasn't sure about it, other than the fact that she planned to thank him properly the next time she saw him. Hum, the next time she saw him; she liked that sound of that idea.
After dismissing any further thought about the strange but incredibly sexy warlock, she reached to the manila envelope that was sitting on the nightstand near her bed. She felt both fear and excitement coarse through her veins as she summoned the courage to open the sealed packet. The papers she was about to read would decide the path of her future, and whether that future would include Alistair McCall.
Sub Expectations and Rules
I, Alistair McCall, expect my sub to put aside her sexual desires and her ability to make decisions in exchange to submit only to me for my pleasure. She will refer to me for anything she needs when we are playing together. Upon signing the contract and limits list, she will be collared and expected to call me 'Master' when in play or anytime I deem needed. She will follow all my commands and rules without hesitation. She will accept any punishment for failure to follow commands and rules in a timely manner. She will freely admit that I know what is best for her and act according as well as promise to use her safe word system when scared, confused, in need of a physical break, or to ask questions during a scene.
As her Dom, I, Alistair McCall, pledge to always keep in mind my subs needs and desires. I will always put the needs of my sub both mentally and physically before my own. I have the right and expectation to stop play for any reason including but not limited to my own desire, physical and/or mental need of either, my sub, or myself, or as punishment.
I do not share my subs with any other Dom, Dominatrix, or sub other than to let another watch or be watched. Any such situations will be discussed with my sub first, and she will have the right to refuse such situations for any reason or safe word during such times.
Sub Rules
*These rules have been carefully thought out and are used to ensure the physical and mental health of the sub. These are subject to change at anytime, for any reason, or as special circumstances may dictate. Any changes to rules will be told to the sub in advance of any possible punishment for disobeying a new rule.
1. Sub will adhere to all commands of the Dom in a timely manner, without hesitation. Dom will only make sexual commands during predetermined times of play, however, He reserves the right to make any needed command regarding health or safety of the sub at anytime deemed necessary. Failure to comply will meet with as immediate a punishment as allowed by circumstances.
2. Sub will maintain body, underarm, and pubic area free of hair at all times. This maybe accomplished by a sub-preferred method, but the Dom likes waxing the best.
3. Sub will eat 3 well-balanced meals per day. Such a diet is necessary to enable the sub to have appropriate energy levels to play with the Dom. Failure to do so will result in all food choices being taken for a given period of time as well as possibly being fed by The Dom to ensure adequate nutrition.
4. Sub will stay in appropriate physical shape by exercising 4 days a week. 3 days will be cardio and 1 toning and strengthening. The Dom and the sub will work out specific times and routines.
5. Sub will get appropriate rest Sunday through Thursday by getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Her bedtime is no later than 11 p.m. Times and durations for naps will be given if needed as a result of behavior and/or illness. Failure to adhere to this rule can result in but not limited to earlier bedtimes.
6. The sub is forbidden from getting/giving sexual stimulation by/to herself without the express permission of the Dom. Any phone sex is allowed only at the Dom's initiation.
8. The sub is forbidden from placing herself knowingly into harmful situations that she can avoid. If such a situation arises that the sub cannot avoid, she is to call the Dom A.S.A.P.
9. The sub is to always be available for the Dom's pleasure and sanity. Her well-being is the Dom's first priority. She will be given a cell phone, which the Dom will pay for that is to always be charged and on so the Dom can call her at anytime. She will also be expected to call the Dom at predetermined times to convey her state of well-being. If she at anytime becomes ill, the sub will notify the Dom immediately.
10. The Dom retains the right to spend money, buy, or withhold items as the Dom sees fit. The sub will graciously accept anything the Dom gives her and will refrain from whining or complaining in order to get or about receiving items for any reason unless asked by the Dom.
*Punishments may include but not restricted to spanking otk or with appropriate implement, grounding, orgasm denial, writing lines, writing essays, corner time/time out, watching the Dom pleasure himself, swallow denial, maintenance spanking, all choice restricted or taken, etc.
*The sub's safe word is the traffic light system. Green means ready. Yellow means unsure, confused, need to ask questions and/or slow down. Red means to stop all action immediately. Since the sub will be pushed to experience things she is unsure of, she is expected to use the safe word system with integrity. The sub will never be punished for using her safe words. All play will be halted if the safe word system is used inappropriately till the situation is thoroughly discussed by both parties. If an equable solution and/or compromise cannot be found, then the Dom and the sub will part as play partners with no hard feelings. Example could be safe wording during an uncomfortable spanking, which is designed for punishment of inappropriate behavior.
*Finally the Dom will respect all hard limits the sub marks as having and promises to never use such activities ever, even for punishment, expect when the sub expresses desire to investigate further.
List of Limits
The following page contains a generalized list of activities the Dom enjoys engaging in, however the list is not exhaustive. Limits will be reviewed and/or added to and subtracted from periodically as the Dom and the sub grow together.
Any activity the sub definitely likes participating in, she will mark with an O as in Okay.
Any activity she is curious or not sure about, she will mark with S for soft limit meaning it can be investigated further.
Any activity she definitely does not want to participate in, she will mark with H for hard limit. (Such activities will be avoided till a time the sub says other wise.)
Vaginal Sex
Oral Sex (Giving)
Oral Sex (Receiving)
Leather Dress
Latex Dress
Anal Sex
Forces Oral Sex
Bondage Light
Harness (Rope)
Harness (Leather)
Spanking (Hand)
Spanking (Belt)
Riding Crop
Age Play
Leather Cuffs
Metal Cuffs
Role Play
Time out/Corner Time
Feet Worship
Cock Worship
Wax Play
Massages (Giving/Receiving)
Nipple Clamps
Pussy Clamps
No choice
Bathroom Restriction
Voice Restriction
Looking Down/No eye contact
Food Choice Restriction
Humiliation Verbal
Humiliation Action/Dress
Lectures about Behavior
Required Reading
Item Restriction
Loss of Privilege
Speech Restriction
Sex Toys
Sex on Cycle
Candle Play
Sex Outside
Rape Fantasy
Ball Gag
Ankle Stretcher
Wrist Stretcher
Hand Cuffs
Unseen Public Spanking
Outside Bondage
Chastity Belt
Sleeping on floor
Anal Balls
Anal Plugs
Electric Prod
Dom Signature_Date_
Sub Signature_Date_
Wow! There was a lot there to think about. Agatha trusted Alistair completely despite their beginning. She just felt safe with him. She screamed when the door to her room opened, and Portia came in.
"Hi stranger," said Portia. She didn't seem mad.
"Hi," Agatha said.
"Should I ask what you were doing last night?"
Agatha's face turned bright red. "You know I'll tell you. At least most of it."
Portia squinted her eyes and sent a mean look to Agatha. "What wouldn't you tell me?"
"Mmm. I don't know?" Agatha looked at her rumpled bed sheets and avoided Portia's face. "Aren't you mad at me? I didn't call or anything?" "I was until Lyre got the board out and asked. We knew you were safe."
"I'm glad you knew. I wasn't sure at first."
"Why?" Portia frowned even though she seemed to know more than Agatha, herself, might have known.
"Not when some stranger grabbed me from the parking lot at the mall and flew me to his house for Goddess knows what?"
"Lyre didn't see that on her board?"
Agatha squinted her eyes at Portia. "Did your board tell you who I was with."
"Sort of," said Portia. "Lyre acted like she knew."
"Did she say anything?"
"No. Only gave his initials. AM."
"You couldn't figure out from that."
"First, she wouldn't tell if it was male or female. We know like five people with those initials. Alistair McCall, Aurora Montgomery, Anthony Meyers, Andy Mayor, and Ann Miller."
Agatha rolled on her back laughing. She nearly fell onto the floor. She couldn't stop giggling. Her friend didn't know how close to the mystery person's identity she was. Agatha laughed so hard tears were rolling down her cheek. She couldn't catch her breath.
"Did I miss the joke?" Portia eyes darted around the room. "It's ironic. That's all."
"How?" said her friend.
"You know more than you think." Agatha kept smiling. She pressed her lips together and bit the inside of them while wondering what to say next. Should she just blurt it out? How do you tell a friend that yes you did spend the night with an enigma like Alistair McCall? "Well, to be honest-ah-it was. I mean, I was with, well, I was taken by. Actually, it was kidnapping, but I didn't mind. I mean it was okay after I…"
"Just spit it out there, Aggie." Portia rolled her eyes and sighed. She rolled her index finger in a rounding motion while nodding her head as if to imply that her friend was a little crazy.
"Fine, it was Alistair McCall." Finally the words were out in the open.
"Oh my Goddess, the Alistair McCall."
"There's only one that I know of," Agatha said. Her cheeks burned with bright red stains as her embarrassment took over. She furrowed her eyebrows frowning because she wasn't sure why she should be embarrassed. She didn't try to abduct herself.
"What's he like? Goddess, he's so sexy. I mean he's sex on legs. Did he kiss you? You spent the night with him? In the same bed? Oh my Goddess, I think I may faint."
"Portia tell me how you really feel." Agatha frowned at the ridiculous ramblings of her friend. It wasn't like their meeting was preplanned, a date of sorts. Hell, it scared the crap of her. She thought she was going to die at first, and then she later felt like she was going to die from the sweet, blessed torture that only he seemed capable of giving. "He scared me almost to death at first. He literally assaulted and grabbed me out of the mall parking lot. I didn't even know it was him at first."
"Oh," Portia said.
"Oh fuck's more like it." Agatha stared at her friend. Just how does she continue, because it did get better? The memory of last night made her pussy juices begin leaking. She desperately needed some friction. This man was torturing her now without being here. "Yes, he's sex on legs. He's a Dom. BDSM. Did you know that?"
"I'd heard rumors." Portia looked down at the bedspread under her. "You can't believe everything you hear though, and that's so extreme."
"Well he is. I have first hand knowledge, and he definitely is." Agatha shook her head confirming her statement even to herself. She should know. She had the papers describing their possible arrangement. She realized she held those papers in her hand. Quickly she shoved them under the manila folder off to the side on her bed. She picked them up and twisted her body so she could lay them behind her on the nightstand.
"What's that?"
"Nothing important." It wasn't anything important to Portia at least. Anyhow, why should she expose the fact that she was thinking about being his sub? She blinked her eyes as she found that there was no contemplation about the matter at all. She was his submissive. He bottom was still tender from her first self-imposed lesson. Sitting in one position had become uncomfortable. Her butt was tingling, a little sore. She squirmed.
"What's with you?" Portia asked frowning.
"Nothing, it's just that, well. Goddess, I don't know how to tell you." Agatha became aware suddenly that the door to their bedroom was still ajar. With just a tiny space available for any wandering ear to hear something she didn't want everyone knowing. "Ah, Port, I need you to keep a secret." She used Alistair sweeping two-finger motion to close the door. "What I'm about to tell isn't something I'm ready to share with just anyone, but if I don't tell someone. If I don't tell you, I might combust."
"I wouldn't want any gore or guts in the room. Tell. Tell me everything." Portia looked at her friend with wide eyes.
"Eck, this is so hard to tell. I'm, it's more than just a story," Agatha said. She bit her lip and searched her brain for the right words to use. "It all started when I was leaving the mall. He frightened me the living shit out of me. I felt like I was trapped in a bad eighties horror movie. At least I didn't have my stilettos on."
"Aggie you don't own stilettos."
"Right, so I didn't have them on. One less thing to make me trip." All the scenes of the night before flashed before her eyes. She began telling Portia everything that happened from being caught in at the back of the parking lot to making love this morning. No detail was left out including getting a spanking that was still making her ass somewhat tender.
"A Dom, huh, wow. " Portia's eyes bulged out of her head. One would think Agatha had revealed that Alistair McCall was a serial killer rather than a sexy but strict Dominant. "Does he like beating women? Goddess be, he's so sexy. Aren't the good ones always demented or gay or something?"
"BDSM's hard to explain. It's not about being abusive. It's really about submitting because you want to, and it's about trust. Any real Dom wants a woman's faith given to him." Agatha scrunched her face almost into an imitation of one of those ugly apple doll faces. Conveying her feelings about D/s was just hard, almost impossible.
"I get it, kinda." Portia stayed silent for a few minutes. A snarl appeared on her face. "If he ever hurts you, I'll massacre him. He'll be dead, cut into many little pieces and burned."
"In my heart, I know he won't. He won't hurt me, at least not more than I want."
"I hope you're right. I'd hate to have to go to prison because he did something wicked to you. You know I don't play well with others."
Agatha laughed because it was true that Portia had difficulty dealing with other females. In fact, she had only been able to have a roommate since Agatha had come to live here. Before, Portia was quite the cat fighter when any girl who messed with her stuff.
"I can't explain it, but I know he won't. Even when things got rough, he was careful. I just have this feeling. I, I, well, I don't damn. Things'll be fine."
Portia only nodded, and then, she remembered. "Agatha, do you remember the last covenants' meeting?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Lyre revealed that prophecy she had about two strong magical beings becoming a serious and powerful couple. You know one natural warlock and one natural witch."
"What if that's in reference to you and Alistair?"
"Are you daft? Remember both persons were supposed to be of incredible power. Alistair definitely fits the criteria, but I don't. Half the time I have no idea what I'm doing magically." Agatha went on to unconsciously prove her point when little electric sparks popped all over the room for no reason. "Did you do that?"
"Sweet pea, I don't have a natural magically ability." Portia smiled at her friend.
"I don't have control over my natural power," Agatha said. "It's something Alistair referred to teaching me about when we were together."
"A lack of self control doesn't mean you're not powerful."
Agatha stared at her friend. It was a true statement. She wasn't ready to wrap her mind over that potentially life changing possibility. She glanced at her alarm clock. It was after four, and she was hungry. It was earlier when she and Alistair ate.
She mentioned eating to Portia. It was something she was going to have to pay attention to since having three meals was going to be a requirement. She probably needed to save her butt from all the spankings she could, and the idea of being fed was not cool as discipline. The two decided to have pizza and chat more, but their talk dealt with regular coven's gossip.
After renting and watching movies with Portia and a few other girls, Agatha decided to go to bed. Even though it was only about ten o'clock she was exhausted. Alistair and she really hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.
She jumped when her cell phone rang. She heard her familiar ring playing but couldn't locate where she had left it. She madly searched the room knowing it was about to stop ringing when she looked over at the window and saw it bouncing in plain sight on the ledge. A lack of sleep seemed to be causing trouble with her normal cerebral function. She grabbed the phone and hit send.
"Hello Agatha," said Alistair. His voice flowed like golden honey and made her feel sticky. Her girlie bits dripped with desire hearing the simple greeting.
"Alistair. Good to hear from you," said Agatha.
"I wanted to check up on you before you went to bed. I'm sure you need a good night's rest." Even the simple explanation had a command in it. It wasn't even the written bedtime yet.
"I'll admit I'm tire. I guess we were, ah, really busy last night." Agatha could feel the searing heat of her modesty coloring her face.
"We played hard and that takes stamina. We have to get yours built up. I don't want you getting sick," Alistair said. "I hope you've been a good girl this afternoon. You took a nap, right?"
"Yes sir, I did." She felt like a little kid.
"Good girl."
Agatha wondered if she should pant and wag her tail.
"Agatha, I know nothing 's set between us, but I still expect you to be good. No touching yourself, understand?"
That never was a problem really, till now. Relief was becoming needed, just a little friction, a rub anything would help. "I ah, understand, sir."
"Sure about that, Agatha," said Alistair.
"Yes, sir."
"Good girl."
Thank Goddess, she wanted to hear his affirmations. She needed them. No one ever took the time to recognize what things she did right. Her parents never said she was good or did well.
"Still there my sweet?"
"Yes sir. Sorry, I spaced for a sec."
"Baby, you need to go to bed. Sleep. You need it, and I guarantee you'll need it too.'
Her core was humming again. She wanted to see him again, needed to see him. He seemed to complete her. "Yeah, I guess I'm tired. I wish you were here."
"I'm sure, but it's better. I doubt you would get any rest if I were there."
Squeezing her legs, she spoke in a higher pitch. "I need you, Alistair. It hurts."
"Unclench your legs, little girl." How did he know? Agatha pulled her legs apart. "Would you like to have a little fun before we say good night, and you go to sleep?"
"Yes, please." Need was throbbing inside her body. She felt tortured trying not to bring relief to her engorged pussy. It was soaking wet.
"So much to learn, my pet, but right now I'll help you."
Agatha leaned back against her pillow and kept her legs apart. She waited for further instructions.
"Agatha, close your eyes and listen to my voice. Slide your panties off."
She did as she was told. Her panties were already wet, really wet, with her own arousal. All it took was his voice.
"Now take one finger and circle your clit. Don't touch it."
One finger felt so good, but it wasn't enough. "More please."
"So greedy," Alistair said. "Hum, maybe I won't let you cum tonight."
"On no, I neeeed to cum." Agatha kept circling her clit. Anything was better than nothing.
"Oh little one, you're begging makes me so hard."
Good, his suffering meant all wasn't lost. She whimpered wanting more. She was right there ready to explode, but still not close enough. "Eerrrr," she groaned.
"Careful little girl," Alistair said. His voice, steal cold, warned of something unwanted. Disappointment. Goddess, she can't disappoint him. "I'm going to say good night, Agatha. No more touching my pet. Just imagine me taking care of myself. I'll be thinking of you when I cum."
She stopped touching herself immediately. She felt the tears pooling behind her eyes. The pain of disappointment swept over her. It hurt.
"Agatha, close your eyes. Go to sleep. Be a good little girl. I'll see you tomorrow." He paused. "Remember I'll know if you touch yourself again. I know everything about you."
Her cell phone went dead. She laid on her bed in the darkness. She felt so empty, but he would see her tomorrow. He had to see her tomorrow.