Hey Guys! It's me again!
So…here is another one-shot. Well…at least I think that it's going to be a one-shot. It has a cliffy ending…so that you as the readers will be able to end the story the way you want.
So yeah. The story is basically a summer barbeque with a whole bunch of family, some friends, and a little truth or dare game.
Please review! Thanks!
It all started on one of those warm New York suburb nights. The air was moist and warm, the sky was clear, the stars were twinkling, and the moon was full. Everything was well, perfect. At least in my mind it was...
I am laying in one of the lounge chairs on the side of the pool. Wearing my purple and white striped bikini and talking to my cousin of the same age and his two best friends who are also my family friends. My parents are up on the overhanging patio with the other adults, the little kids are watching a movie inside on the projector screen, and about eight other kids aged thirteen to seventeen are hanging out in or around the pool.
Everything is going great, too.
My cousin, Nicholas, is totally hamming it up and I, Jared (Nick's best friend), and Kyle (Nick's cousin on the other side) are laughing at him hysterically. My cousins Jaclyn and Danielle are both hanging out by the fire pit with my older cousin, Nathan, and his friend and Kyle's older brother, Luke, and girlfriend, Hanni. Then my older brother, Tyler, and a few of Nick's cousins named Fiona and Hunter are swimming in the pool.
"Come over here!" Nathan yells to us. I look over to the boys and they shrug their shoulders.
"In a little bit!" Nicholas calls back, and then turns around to face us again. He is now talking about his last girlfriend who, in my opinion, is a total slut and did not deserve to be with my cuz.
"Who was your last boyfriend, Tara?" Jared asks me. I think for a moment.
"Henry. Henry Jackson." I reply. Henry is a pretty great guy; he is just a grade younger than me and goes to a different school. It is kind of hard to stay in touch with a guy if you have that many problems separating you.
"He is on the baseball team." Kyle comments. Kyle, Nicholas, and Jared are all on this summer baseball team for like the greatest baseball players in the whole school district. Tyler had been on that team the year before.
Nicholas and Jared nod in return and then the three of them turn into a conversation about how well the team was going to do this year. I listen to bits and pieces but end up turning to my phone and waiting for one of them to include me in on the conversation, "You gonna come to one of our games?" Nicholas asks.
I shrug me shoulders. Baseball is so not my scene. I don't do sports, "Doubt it. It was terrible enough when Ty was on the team."
"Yeah. But you like me better, right?" Kyle asks with amusement on his face. I laugh and then smile back at him. Kyle and I have been kind of doing this since forever, the whole 'Flirting' thing. I knew him since the day I was born and he is one of my closest guy friends. Same with Jared, I haven't known him for as long but he still has a place in my heart.
"That's it, Ky." I respond. He grins back at me and Nicholas rolls his eyes. Because I am Nicholas's cousin on his father's side and then Kyle is Nicholas's cousin on his mother's side this whole thing is weird. But trust me; it's not incest because Kyle and I have no related blood. I promise.
We chat for a few more minutes, taking slow sips of our cokes, and then Jared pops the question, "Truth or Dare?"
Obviously, the two boys said dare and I was the chicken that said truth.
"Okay. Tara's first."
I roll my eyes but turn away as the three boys decide what my question is going to be. Finally they say I can turn around, "Okay. If you could date anyone at this party who would it be? You have to be serious about it, too." Jared says.
Well, Tyler is my brother. Nathan and Nicholas are my cousins. Hanni, Jaclyn, Fiona, and Danielle are girls. So by process of elimination, the only people who are left are Luke, Hunter, Jared, and Kyle. Luke is almost eighteen and I think he has a girlfriend, so he is out of the question and then Hunter is sixteen, still two years older than I am. So that leaves Jared and Kyle. I am almost tempted to do eenie-meenie-minnie-mo but I don't. They told me to be serious.
"I honestly don't know." I say. They all groan and mumble things like 'You have to answer' or 'That isn't fair', "Fine. I choose...Jared."
I feel my face growing red so I turn it away from the three boys, not being able to see their reaction. The only reason why I chose Jared over Kyle was because Kyle could sometimes be really rude and at times super mean. Jared was nice almost 99.9% of the time and pretty good looking, too.
"You're choosing that dumbo over me?" Kyle asks in astonishment. I laugh and feel the blush start to go down. Jared looks over at me and smiles, I smile back and then Kyle punches me playfully in the arm, "You can be pretty stupid at times, Tara Waler." He says.
"Whatever." I respond. I then turn to Nicholas, "I dare you to call Diane and tell her that you like her."
"Tara!" He exclaims to which I grin. I know for a fact that Nicholas hates Diane to the core, and I am finding this all extremely funny, "You suck!"
"Hey. I just answered that question. Now it is your turn."
He slowly pulls out his phone and clicks to his contacts, the dial tone begins to play and after a few seconds you can hear her voice, "Hello?"
"Hey Diane. I just wanted to tell you that I like you. Bye." He hangs up pretty fast, but not fast enough to hear Diane's scream of excitement. He turns towards me, "You are so gonna get a terrible dare."
"What if I don't choose dare?" I taunt. I love teasing Nicholas, it seriously makes my day.
"Oh I'll make you." We glare at each other for a few seconds, and then Kyle clears his throat, "Okay, Kyle. I dare you to go and kiss Jaclyn on the cheek."
"Um, no."
"Um, yes."
I laugh with Jared. Jaclyn was actually like me, Nick's cousin but not Kyle's. It's all just a matter of that he does not like her. At all. I mean, she was our age and everything, he just didn't like her.
"Go!" I exclaim, pushing him up from his seat.
"You guys suck."
"Love you too!" The three of us call back in unison.
We see him talking over there for a few minutes and then finally he leans into Jaclyn's cheek but covers it up so it looks like he is telling her a secret, "Chicken." I mutter underneath my breath, but, from the smile Jared gives me I can tell that he heard it.
"That. Was. Terrible." He complains through gritted teeth.
"Oh, no one even saw it." I shoot back.
"Whatever. Jared, your turn." He turns to Nicholas for a second, I try to join their conversation but they don't let me, "Okay. Jared, we dare you to kiss Tara. On the lips. For at least thirty seconds."
I turn to face Jared; the three of them are sitting across from me on another chair. It is going to be kind of awkward, considering all I have on was my bikini and he just has his swim trunks on. I give him a small smile and pat a spot next to me to which he comes over.
He leans in and so do I. As soon as our lips meet I hear Nicholas's phone taking pictures but I try to ignore it, Jared was a pretty good kisser.