That Friday

A/N: Hey fictionpress readers! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so so long. I've been so busy and emotionally strung out but I won't bore you guys with excuses. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things on here and on fanfiction, so here's my first oneshot in awhile. I hope you guys like it.

Summary: Jocelyn is at track practice on a Friday afternoon after a very….eventful couple weeks. Will something finally go right for the sixteen-year-old?

Pairing: I'm not giving spoilers.

*And no offense to any gifted people, but that one part actually did happen*

*most characters are based off people but names are totally different* Enjoy!

Jocelyn Evans walked into her seventh period class with divided emotions. She was still dwelling on what that girl had apparently said about her a couple days ago. However, her senior friend J.J. had really cheered her up this morning. She kind of liked the stupid nickname even though she pretended not to. It made her feel special. Besides, being friends with the hot senior made a lot of other girls jealous, which was a plus for her.

She sat down at her desk along with twenty something other sophomores for a class she thought was a total waste of time. It was a safety education class focused on driving safely. The teacher was nice, but he was really old and forgetful and a bit hard of hearing and that made the class even more unbearable. The only thing that made the class survival worthy was where she sat. To her right was her best friend Breann and behind her was her other best friend Siena. Diagonally in front of her was her good friend, Morgan. In front of her, that's what Breann always said made the class awesome for her. Her 'crush' Gavin sat in front of her.

Things had been going on with Jocelyn and Gavin for months now but the first time a friend had talked to him, he said he didn't know who he liked at the moment. It was understandable in her mind because he had just gone through a bad breakup. His ex had cheated on him and he was still reeling. However, two weeks ago, which was months later, she had texted him and confronted him about everything he was doing that made it seem like they were dating. He had replied that he didn't know who he liked because of track. She had been kind of standoffish the few days after it happened. Breann liked to call it playing hard to get and apparently it worked and it didn't. They were talking more than they ever had, but they were just great friends. That's what Jocelyn thought at least.

Anyway, the period before had gone well considering it was usually a nuthouse class due to her guy friends. They had actually been civil. Ray wasn't in school, so that knocked off his part in the chaos and Gavin had been unusually quiet. Jocelyn and Siena were talking quietly in the back (Jocelyn sat in the row closest to the door, second seat from the back). Breann had left early because she didn't feel good and she had a basketball tournament in New Jersey. Jocelyn was trying to get over Gavin, but feelings like that didn't just disappear over night. She did notice, however, that he was extra-late today. He finally walked in five minutes after the bell rang and the two held eye contact, brown to hazel, until he took his seat in front of her just as the teacher started talking.

"Now, I only have homework from one person, you, Mr. Morcom. You can work on it in class now and I'll give you credit if it's done. But you won't have all class," Mr. K explained. Jocelyn was ranked number one in her class and she knew Mr. K never assigned it, but hey. She'd just get it done.

Sarah, another friend of Jocelyn's, slid into Breann's empty desk and moved her desk over towards Jocelyn because she didn't have her book with her. The two girls had gotten to number three when Gavin finally snapped out of his daydream.

"Hey, what about me?" he asked as he slid his desk back and next to Jocelyn's on her left and peered over at the book. "Why do you write so small?" he asked.

"I don't know, I just do," Jocelyn replied as she and Sarah continued to write, five questions ahead of the boy.

"I started to get scared when he said we had homework because I didn't do it, but then when I saw you didn't do it, I knew he didn't assign it." Gavin said. She just nodded. Jocelyn was acutely aware of how close her head was to Gavin's shoulder as she wrote, but she continued to write, her instincts about school kicking in. Mr. K was passing back old tests and when Gavin noticed, he asked what they were.

"This is the test you beat me on…again," Jocelyn replied grudgingly, showing him her grade. He had done better than her in this class all year and it annoyed her. Sarah finished before her and slid her desk back over, leaving the two to finish by themselves. After writing the last word down, she put her paper on top of his and he stood up before sitting back down.

"I don't know where to put them," he stage-whispered, causing Jocelyn to giggle and Siena to subtly roll her eyes before taking the papers. He moved his desk back in front of hers just as Mr. K turned off the lights and walked towards the back of the room to the projector screen. It was a type of slide show video where they had to figure out what the hazard in each picture was and the video would review at the end.

As it started, Jocelyn leaned back on her desk, her head resting on her arm which was leaning on her desk. Gavin did the same as he leaned on her desk as well. As they video slideshow played, the two were cracking jokes about it in hushed tones throughout and Siena kept giving Jocelyn a 'look.' Gavin started playing with her magnetic bracelet, which was his favorite piece of jewelry that she owned and started to pretend to write on her with her pen. According to Siena afterwards, their heads were so close and it was so cute. Typical teenage girl talk. However, Jocelyn didn't miss the fact that their arms kept bumping each other. As the video came to a close, he started looking at her scheduling request and asking a ton of questions.

Jocelyn watched his eyes scan the paper as she thought about what she had heard when he walked in the room. He had told Morgan he was done being friends with Cassidy, that you shouldn't be friends with someone you can't stand talking to. As much as she wondered what had happened, she knew if he wanted to talk he would. The bell rang and he quickly dropped her paper back on her desk and walked out of the room. Eighth period went by smoothly and quickly, which was a shock because Advanced Biology usually dragged on for all of them, especially on Fridays.

Before she knew it, Jocelyn was in the field house ready for track practice. Only when she out her bags down did she realize she had forgotten her gym bag down at the school. She groaned, taking this as a sign for what the rest of practice would be like. She recruited her friend to go back down to get it with her and when they arrived up at the field house again, she noticed that hardly anyone was there. Strike two on her 'day of bad practice' tally. There were about six varsity girls, hardly any varsity boys and only half the junior high squad. That wasn't normal.

Since none of her usual friends were there and she wasn't in the mood to talk to her so-called friend right now, she talked with her cousin, who was a grade younger than her, and some of her underclassmen basketball friends. Then, he showed up again.

There was a traffic block near where she was standing, so Gavin maneuvered himself into the seat of a weight machine in front of the seventh grade girls she and her cousin were talking to and looked over at her.

"I just kissed her," he said quickly. Jocelyn hadn't seen what had just happened and though it killed her inside, she just nodded. There was the huge strike three.

"Okay then," she let out a forced laugh, feeling a lump swell in her throat.

"Just kidding!" Gavin told her with a smile, causing her body to flood with relief. Scratch the strike. She was still wary of a third bad thing about to happen, but she waved it off as the tense feeling went away. At that moment, the coach called warm-up time and everyone ran down to the track. Varsity warmed up separately, so she made small talk with a ninth grader named Lauren as they ran their lap before falling into lines to stretch. Since the team was so small today and all her friends were missing, of course she would end up near J.J., Gavin, and Timmy. As they walked through the stretches and warm-ups, she and J.J. got into their usual playful fight and Gavin earned himself a couple slaps before they parted so J.J. could go high jump, Jocelyn could go long and triple jump, and Gavin could go where…wherever he felt like going today. Jocelyn watched his retreating figure before she walked over to the sand-filled pit to wait for her coach.

Almost everyone but the jumpers were gone from practice and Gavin hadn't hurdled once, leading Jocelyn to believe something was really wrong or something really bad had happened with Cassidy. Maybe that could be the third strike… The last of the sprinters left the track as J.J. continued to jump downfield and she took her last jump of the day. As she landed, awkwardly at that because of her flight position, she heard laughter coming from behind her and turned to see that Gavin and Timmy had showed up to jump as well.

"Guadalupe!" Timmy called before hiding behind his taller friend. Jocelyn just shook her head at the three day old nickname that had been J.J.'s fault as she attempted to brush all of the sand off her figure.

Jocelyn picked up her spike bag so she could change her shoes since she was done jumping for the day when she heard her name.

"Jocelyn!" She turned around to see Gavin. "Are you staying?" She nodded. "Are you leaving your spike bag here?"

"I'm changing my shoes," she replied.

"Never mind," he told her. "I'll just put my retainer right…. Here." He grinned before walking over to runway. Jocelyn sat down a small ramp-like mat right next to the pit to change her shoes. The ramp was comfy, but not when you had to jump on it like she had been. She was going to feel it in her neck the next day.

Gavin started running the four steps to do his pop-up and Jocelyn had to stifle her laughter when she saw his landing. He started complaining about something so she interrupted him.

"At least you didn't have to use this," she said, patting the mat. "It killed my neck." Gavin stood at the top of the 'ramp' next to her and jumped up before landing like a bag of sand.

"Well, I was expecting a softer landing," he said before flipping over onto his stomach and resting his chin on the mat so he could look up at her as she stopped untying her shoes. Jocelyn snuck a glance at Timmy and saw that her shorter friend had slapped his forehead with his palm at Gavin's antics.

"I told you it wasn't soft," she teased gently as she pushed her hair behind her ear. She could tell something was on his mind today.

"Mr. P!" he called from his place on ramp-mat. "I was a good boy today! Ask Jocelyn!"

"What?" Jocelyn asked.

"I was a good boy in school today, I was quiet, right?" he asked before hugging her arm and resting his head on her as he waited for an answer. Jocelyn suspected her cheeks were fire red and the suspicion was confirmed when she glanced at Timmy and he nodded and J.J. happened to walk by and make a heart symbol with his hands. She shook her head clear before looking down at Gavin.

"Yeah, you were really quiet today. What's wrong?" she asked him, also noticing that they were the only four people left down on the track.

"I told you, I was being a good boy!" he exclaimed as he nuzzled into her arm again. Jocelyn decided not to push the subject right now. Timmy came running in to do a pop-up and Gavin let go of her flipped back over to watch. After Mr. P had critiqued Timmy, Gavin jumped back up to get in line again.

And so, the two boys went on jumping for twenty minutes as Jocelyn and Mr. P watched and offered advice. Finally, Mr. P said that was it.

"Help me cover the pit guys," he told them as he grabbed an end of the tarp. As he, Timmy, and Jocelyn covered the sandy pit, Gavin was down the runway looking confused. When Jocelyn started walking his way, his eyes lit up.

"Jocelyn!" he called in a sing-song voice. "Someone left their pants here." Jocelyn shook her head with a giggle at his comments. No matter how her heart felt, she knew they would always be friends and the thought might help her slowly get over him.

She bent down to wipe some sand off her pant leg and when she looked up a second later, Timmy and Gavin were staring at her and smiling creepily.

"Guys, what are you doing?" she asked, holding up her hands in mock defense.

"I'll take the rake up!" Timmy cried before grabbing the tool from her hands and running to catch up with Mr. P, leaving Gavin and Jocelyn alone. Jocelyn laughed before she started to walk by Gavin, but he put out his arm and pulled her back.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he ushered her to the small bleacher type thing next to the pit and motioned for her to sit down. "My ride's going to be here soon and I have to go throw javelin and-"

"Joc," Gavin cut her off. "What's wrong? You've been acting different all day. What's bothering you?" Jocelyn looked down before standing up and pulling him up with her.

"I'd rather walk," she said quietly. He nodded at her and walked next to her in silence, waiting for her to start talking on her own. She finally started to say something after they had walked the first quarter of the track. "It's still bothering me, what she said. I know it shouldn't, but it is. And I know you like her and you're going to defend her, but I'm upset about it."

"Joc, first of all, who the heck told you I liked her? I don't! But that's beside the point. I think I know why it's bothering you, but you need to stop it. Like Ari said to you, she's wrong. She just thinks because she's in the gifted program, she deserves to be number one and get what she wants, but she doesn't. You're not dumb, first of all. Second of all, you do so have a social life. You're on the basketball team, the track team, S.A.D.D., chorus, karate, you hang out with people. You don't study twenty-four/seven. You just study to make sure you keep your grades up. And finally, you are so much better than her," Gavin ended his small speech.

"Really?" Jocelyn asked in shock and they came up on the two hundred mark.

"Really," Gavin nodded and seemed to be debating with himself over something.

"Thanks Gav," Jocelyn smiled. They walked a hundred more yards in silence before Jocelyn decided it was her turn. "Alright, I spilled, now tell me what the heck is wrong with you. You aren't acting right at all."

"What do you mean? I'm fine. I am definitely not acting any different," Gavin said defensively.

"Gavin," Jocelyn stated. She wasn't letting him out of it this time. "You were being so quiet today. I mean, I know Ray wasn't there, but you're never like that. Tell me."

"Jocelyn," Gavin mimicked her. "I told you, I was being a good boy. I was being quiet! Isn't that good?"

"Yes, it's good," Jocelyn sighed. "But, it's also not normal. Please tell me what's wrong."

"Why are you so worried about me?" he questioned. Jocelyn was ready to tell him off at that statement, but when she looked over at him, she knew it was a genuine question.

"Because," she began. "You're my friend. Actually you're a great friend and I care about you. I care about all my friends and I don't like it when you're upset." Gavin was silent for a couple moments before he grinned widely.

"You care about me!" he teased, pointing at her and laughing harder as she smacked his arm.

"Gavin! You know what I mean!" Jocelyn cried, exasperated. She also noticed they were on their second lap, halfway through it to be exact. "Please tell me what's bothering you. Something's on your mind, I can tell." She looked up at him with 'the eyes,' knowing he would give in eventually. She watched as he shut his eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing.

"Fine," Gavin sighed again. "But I think it'd be better if I showed you." He stopped walking and grabbed her wrist to stop her as well, next to the high jump pit. Jocelyn stood in front of him, waiting for him to start venting to her or point something out. Before her mind could wrap itself around what his next movements meant, he was kissing her. It was short and sweet and Jocelyn couldn't have asked for anything better as he pulled away and she stood there in shock.

"What was-" she started to say when she found her voice before he cut her off again.

"I know I've been confusing the heck out of you with all these signs and stuff and acting like this one minute and like that the next and I don't why I was doing it and I was just scared of losing you as a friend because you're so amazing and I really like you and I guess it just felt right today and I shouldn't have kissed you but I thought you liked me to and I really like you," Gavin said in one breath before shutting himself up. He quickly started walking again and Jocelyn had to jog to catch up with him.

"Stop right there," she said quietly. He paused and looked over at her. "What made you think I stopped liking you? Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?"

"For real?" he asked her with a smile. She nodded happily as he reached out and pulled her into a side hug as they finished off their second lap.

"You know, as much as I hate to break up the moment, Jay is going to freak the second he sees me if I don't start throwing javelin like right now," Jocelyn told him as they approached the field house and javelin zone. Gavin nodded.

"Alright, I guess I'd better go break this to Timmy and Chet and J.J. anyway," he winked at her before walking into the field house as she followed to get the three javelins her coach had asked her to get. She turned to look at Gavin as he walked across the room to enter the locker room and smiled when he turned back to look at her. He smiled back before entering the room and Jocelyn walked happily back outside.

"Joc has a boyfriend, Joc has a boyfriend," was the first thing Jocelyn heard as she approached the zone that was fifteen feet away from the field house. Apparently, Jay, her coach, had seen everything. However, she found that she didn't care about his sing-song rhyme. All she cared about was that she could now call her best friend her boyfriend. She pretended to throw one of the javelins at Jay and it landed perfectly in front of him as she started to shift into her form. She smiled as she ran forward. As the javelin soared through the air, she knew she'd always remember this day as that Friday.

A/N: So how was that? Please review guys! I'd love to hear what you guys think now that I'm finally back. I personally like this oneshot and hope you guys do too! Please review!