A/N: Hello writers, readers, and people who don't know how they got here! I have another chapter for 's AP test week in beautiful San Fran, so I may not be updating until next Wednesday/Thursday-ish owing to the need to study for my exams. Also, (semi-shamless plug here) I manage a FanFiction account (same name) so I try to update that regularly, and it all comes crashing down around my ears in terms of time management. Fair warning, don't say I didn't tell you so, and on to the chapter!

Letter from Jenifer to Jonah

Dear Jonah,

Yes, that is what we say in the United States, among other things. I've always thought 'dear' is a little formal but at the same time too familiar. Maybe it's the inflection I read it with in my head. I should probably cross that out; I can see that turning into a long ramble that would bore you silly. If you want, you can just write 'Jennifer'.

I guess telling you about me would make things easier, and keep this letter going. I live in Concord Massachusetts, but you can figure out that much from the address on the envelope. I have an older sister, and my parents are divorced. My dad doesn't live in the states, funnily enough, he lives in Berlin, but he works for a bank as a hedge fund manager, which I still don't understand. They've been separated since I was four, so I don't really miss him, and he calls occasionally. My mom is a nurse, so I've really had two moms my whole life: her, and my older sister. My older sister is eight years older than I am, so she's 24 now and used to baby sit me while my mom was at work after school. She's engaged to be married, and she lives in Boston. We have a weird relationship because she's more like my mom than my sister, I don't really know how to describe it.

I didn't mean to tell you my whole family story there, but I guess you know it anyway now. Something you should know about me is that I ramble a lot when I write freehand, especially in letters and notes.

Moving on now. I play lacrosse and I have two rabbits. Is that weird that I have rabbits? They're fairly common as a pet in the US, but I don't know about Germany. The rabbits' names are Peter and Benji, after the rabbits in the Peter Rabbit books.

…I don't really know how to finish this letter, except by saying that I would like to know what you look like. I find it strange to write to a faceless person.



Conversation between Jennifer and her friend Molly Duca:

Molly: What are you writing?

Jennifer: Nothing (covering the paper)

Molly: That's not nothing, let me see!

Jennifer: It's a letter for the English project from Whelks, if you must know.

Molly: Ooh! So, who did you pick?

Jennifer: I signed up for the pen pal program, so he wasn't on the list of candidates from that school in California.

Molly: A boy?

Jennifer: No, a dog. Yes, of course it's a boy!

Molly: Jenny's writing to a boy! Ooh, this is so cute! You two could fall in love and –

Jennifer: (cutting off Molly) and we'll be doing nothing of the sort. Besides the entire project could tank anyways, I don't even know what he looks like, and he lives in freaking Germany, there's no way I'll ever meet him! (Her voice has risen defensively by the end, people are starting to stare.)

Molly: (huffy) Well then, we'll just see about that. How about we make a bet? I'll bet you my sketchbook that you will fall in love before the year is out.

Jennifer: You mean the sketchbook you never let anyone look at? Ever?

Molly: Yep.

Jennifer: Fine, but only because I know I'm going to win.

Molly: But if you do lose, I get your purple sundress. The size 4 that was the last one in the store.

Jennifer: Fine. It's a deal.

Molly: Shake on it.

(They shake hands.)

Molly: (As she leaves for the door) Don't forget, I want that letter when you're done!

Jennifer: What?

Molly: What, you thought you could get around me? (She taps her head.) I think of everything. That's right chickadee, everything. (She exits.)
