By: MelodicAngel016

'A story that was genuine, never thought that something like this will ever happen. I just then realized how grateful I am that God gave me you.'

AUTHOR's NOTE: A little something for my 'Something'. ;)

Edbert's Point of View

This is the time, finally. The senior's night has come. I've been waiting a long time for this, and I know, this night would be fantastic.

I took an ounce of glance to my prom partner, hoping she'll never notice it. Joana, I only realized it now.

Yes, the first part of the promenade hurts – well, for the girls. But hours seemed minutes as I stole a few glances at her weird expression about why the program is taking so long or how she wanted to sit so badly because her feet hurts like hell. But why am I starring at her again? I forgot. But I do know someday, soon, I'll ask her to be my girl. Then I heard my name. It was her sweet voice I always wish I could listen to every day, ever second – forever, until my body turns to dust.

Joana's Point Of View

My heart pounds like crazy. I can feel his eyes wander off. Or not… Maybe it's just my imagination. How could he look at me? That was never going to happen. But seriously, I am starting to feel some pain on my feet for standing like an hour or so. Not to mention that us, girls, are on killer heels. I sighed. The first thing I'm gonna do inside the hall is remove my stilettos.


It's a once in a lifetime event and somehow, I'd tell a lie if I'll say that I'm not this excited. But I knew very well that occasions like this aren't for me. And it's not like I'm expecting something to happen tonight. But my prom partner, knowing that he's with me makes me comfortable and silently happy.

My train of thoughts scattered away when he nudged my elbow. I looked at him confusedly. He's signaling me to hook my arms in his. Yes, we're about to get inside the hall. But then, as we walked through the red carpet, another query flashed my mind. Why am I with him again? Him - of all people. I'm his emergency plan – his last resort.

But me, being his close friend, would never reject him. I have no reason to say no to him.

Or maybe, talking about being his last resort is just plain stupidity. Either way, I'll just let hours pass by. He's not going to be happy being with me. I knew very, very well that he's not feeling something special for me. But ask me that question. Do I have feelings for him?

Yes would be my answer.

But I couldn't tell him that.

No way.

"Why are you silent?" Edbert asked me on our way.

I shrugged. "Well, I'm afraid I'd trip over because of… this." I knew he knew what I meant. It's the heels.

"Never let go of my arms until we're there." He smiled making my heart beat fast again.

Why Edbert? Why are you making me feel this way? We're only friends, but I can't help falling for you. But I know you will never, ever catch me. I sighed. God, please make this night fast or I might say things that I'm afraid he'll hear: My confession. I'll let this night pass, watch people dance, sit on one corner and pretend I'm busy texting.

Please let this night end fast. Please let it be 12 midnight now.

"Hey, can you hold this rose for a sec?" He smiled. I hold the rose like he asked me to. Yeah, he's been holding it since this afternoon. "That's a good place to sit. Come, Joana."

Relief covered me. Now, I have time to remove my stilettos.

"So, for whom is this rose?" I asked, once sat down, my eyes looking down at the flower. There's no harm in questioning, right? I'm his friend.

"That's for you."

"Really." I said. But then it sank into my mind. "Me?" I looked at him confusedly.

He nodded. "Well, if you don't like, better if you throw it." He raised an eyebrow, and later, a goofy smile was plastered on his face. "Or maybe, I'll give it to someone else, what'd'ya think?"

"Then why are you asking me to hold it for you?"

"Because it's for you." He looked at me straight in the eyes.

Great. What a way to tell a lady that the flower is for her.

I averted my gaze to the crimson rose. "Thanks." But is he nuts? Why did he give me a rose? I still remembered it well yesterday. He asked me if how much a rose cost. I asked him why, and then he said he'll give it to someone today.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye. I thought you're going to give it to Aira. It's for her, right? Maybe you're just afraid to give it to her. I pursed my lips to a thin line. 'It's just a rose, Joana. Nothing more. And even if it's for you, it's because you're his prom partner. Don't conclude that he likes you.' I thought to myself.

I don't want to get my hopes up, seriously. After this night, everything will be normal again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Part Two of the Promenade. Seniors, this is your night. Enjoy it before 12 midnight strikes or you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Mr. Hector announced on the podium and winked at the students. "Maestro, music please."

With that, the only visible light was from the ball.

"Joana, let's dance. The rest are there." My best friend asked me to.

"Alright." I said. It's alright to stay away from Eddie.

"I'm coming too."


But still, I was grateful that it's not a slow song.

-God Gave Me You-

Yeah, now I'm back at the corner. I can feel pain again on my feet, but it's worth it, right? Once they played the slow song, I'll hide from everyone if that's the last thing I'd do.

"Why don't we grab some snacks?" Edbert asked, making me snap out from my train of thoughts.

"Good idea." I stood up, he helped me.

"You can cling into my arms. I'm here for you."

I clung into his arms. I made my stupid thoughts fly away. 'You're his friend, and he's only helping you because he thinks that your feet hurt.' I thought. Yes, that's it. I'll go with that reason.

-God Gave Me You-

"Aw man! They're still playing this kind of songs?" Peter disappointedly said once we got back to our place.

"It's Senior's night. Promenade. This is crazy." Ed said.

"The DJ is crazy." I secretly laughed.

Just as on cue, the music was replaced by…

Two old friends meet again
Wearin' older faces
And talk about the places they've been

Okay, so this is what I'm afraid of. Slow song started with 'Maybe This Time'.

Two old sweethearts who fell apart
Somewhere long ago
How are they to know
Someday they'd meet again
And have a need for more than reminiscin'

I put out my phone, starting to pop out unnecessary things. I don't care what it is.

"Get rid of that phone, let's dance." Eddie offered me his hand. He was looking straight at me. I grabbed his hand. Just this once, I promised him that I'll dance with him.

We went on the dance floor where other people were. He put my hands on his shoulders and his hands on my waist. We're so close. I hope the music neutralizes the beat of my heart so he'll never hear. Edbert, you're my first dance.

Maybe this time
It'll be lovin' they'll find
Maybe now they can be more than just friends
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time, love won't end

[ Lyrics from: .com/lyrics/m/michael_martin_murphy/maybe_this_ ]
"Who else do you want to dance with, Jenna?" He asked me, were still on waltz.

"Anyone free."


I looked at him. "Maybe he doesn't want to dance with me."

It's the same old feeling back again
It's the one that they had way back when
They were too young to know when love is real
But somehow, some things never change
And even time hasn't cooled the flame
It's burnin' even brighter than it did before
It got another chance, and if they take it...

"Ohh, come on. I'll help you. That's what friends are for, right?"


Yes, thanks for reminding me.

"Got a better idea, let's change partners."

"Wait, what?"

"What?" I asked back with a goofy smile.

Maybe this time
It'll be lovin' they'll find
Maybe now they can be more than just friends
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time, love won't end

"Edbert, mind if I dance with Jenna." JP was just right beside us.

"Alright." With Eddie's permission, JP offered me his hand.

"I'll see you later, Eddie." I smiled.

"Yeah," Is it me, or Eddie was somehow disappointed? Neh, I'm imagining things again.

She's smilin' like she used to smile way back then
She's feelin' like she used to feel way back when
They tried, but somethin' kept them
Waiting for this magic moment

Maybe this time
It'll be lovin' they'll find
Maybe now they can be more than just friends
She's back in his life
And it feels so right
Maybe this time...

Maybe this time
Maybe this time love won't end

"So, did Eddie confess to you already? Are you lovers already?"

I looked at him and laughed. I'm sure I was red, but thanks to the small light, he's not seeing it. "What on earth are you saying! He, confess to me? Us being lovers? Man, you're nuts. There's no way it will ever happen." That's when I stopped my laugh and looked at the ground. "That's impossible. We're friends."

"What?" He said surprisingly. "You two are always together, what's wrong with that?"

"Well, I know he likes somebody else."

That's when the music stopped, replaced by another.

"But do you like him?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What's with the questions? You're interrogating me." I laughed.

"This is what I plan to ask to the girls I'll dance with." He corrected. "I'll ask again, do you like him?"

Without second thoughts, my answer was, "Yes. But please make it a secret." I closed my eyes as I pleaded.

"Okay." He smiled. "I knew you have feelings for him. You just keep on denying it when we ask you that."

"Well, did you ask him too?"

"Yes, but he keeps on saying: We're friends. What's up with your minds people? – That precise things."

"I see."


"Thanks for dancing with me, JP. I'll just go somewhere." Somewhere where I can be alone.

"Ok, thanks too, bye, later again."

I went away, but I always bumped to other people. Man, this dance floor sure is crowdy. I stopped when I saw Eddie dancing with someone. I smiled. It's fine with me, but I can't let him see me head back to the chairs. Aw. I head back in the middle of the crowd.

"Joana." It was Joel. "Can I have this dance?" He offered me his hand.

I took his hand and smiled, thankful that he was here.

"I saw you alone, hope you don't mind."

"It's fine, really."

"Where are you going in college?" He asked.

"I still don't know." I sticked out my tongue at him.

Silence covered us for a while, well, except for the music.

"Are you still fine? Does your feet hurt already?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. So, who's your first dance?"


I smiled. "Cool, that's sweet." I knew that they had something. Well, whatever.

"You are my second."

"Uh, really?" Damn, what the hell am I thinking?


"So, who else do you want to dance with?"

"Anyone. Hey, I just saw you alone, hope you don't mind me dancing with you."

"No, not really. This is good than being alone, right?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Hey, Joel, I better go now, thanks for dancing with me."

He smiled. "No problem"

I went back to the chairs again. Some of my classmates were still there.

"Hey guys, go there already." I called them out.

"Is it okay if a girl dances with another girl?" Ither asked.

"Uh.. Weird much?" I laughed. "But that's possible, why not?"

"Neh, we already danced a little."

"Me too."

Minutes later, the slow songs were replaced again by rock. Somebody grabbed me again. – My best friend.

"Joana, let's dance and enjoy this night."

On second thought, I'll dance this night till 12 midnight. We went to the crowd and started dancing, following leads, showdowns, human train or caterpillar – whatever that is called.

The songs were replaced every other five songs or so, rock and slow songs are replacing each other.

Before I even knew it, it was past eleven in the evening. I decided to take a little break and went back to the chairs. I saw Edbert sitting there, beside my seat, looking at me.

"Having fun?" He sked

"Yep." Sort of. "You?"

"Yeah, I'm enjoying, take a little sit first, will you?"

Right, I'm not yet sitting, so I sat down.

"Have you danced with Aira already?" I asked, out of the blue.


"Well, did you asked her?"

"No." He said simply. "Maybe she'll just reject me if ever."

"Now why would you ever think that?"

He shrugged. "I think you knew very well that I'm afraid of rejections."

"I know that." But crap, I feel pain on my head. Not headache again. I rested my head on the back of the chair in front of me.

"What? You're sleepy already?" He joked.

"A little headache." Why now.

"Come on," he tapped his shoulder, signaling me to rest my head on it.

"No way." What would others think if someone finds us on a situation like that?

"You will not be comfortable there."

I sighed. I give up. I slowly positioned myself and slowly leaned on his shoulder. Only minutes left till midnight. "You, why did you go back here?" I asked.

"I think I'm tired."

"Same here."

Minutes later, my headache was slowly fading away… I slowly backed away from him. "I think I'm feeling okay now. Thanks."

"No problem." He was looking at me for quite some time now. "So, let's get back there? It's almost 12. Why don't we make the most out of it?"

He offered me his hand and I held them. Why the hell are you doing this?

Once we got there, another slow song was played. Timing, is it not? After a while of dancing, we changed partners again.

But the funny thing is, we got back to each other again after turns of waltz with another person.

Oh man, why do I always end up with you?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, better dance now like there's no tomorrow. You only got five minutes left and we're out of this hall." The announcer said. Just like that and the next song started playing.

Five minutes? That's rough. So, this is the last dance, huh?

For all the times, I felt cheated

I complained, you know how I love to complain

For all the wrongs, I repeated

Though I was to blame

I still cursed that rain

"What's the matter?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I said simple. I looked at the couples surrounding us. I smiled secretly. Seriously, this last dance is not for me. "Five minutes and still counting, would it be better if you dance with her right now?" I looked at him and posted a smile. I really feel that he needs her right now. – Aira

He made a face.

"What? I know you want to dance with her. Why stop yourself?"

He sighed. "I'm fine with you."


I didn't have a prayer,

Didn't have a clue

Then out of the blue…

God gave me you, to show me what's real

There's more to life, than just how I feel

And all that I'm worth, is right before my eyes

And all that I live for

Though I didn't know why

Now I do

Cause' God gave me you

I was enchanted by the song, God gave me you. But surely, this is really, really not for me. We're just friends, nothing more. I remembered well what you said the last time I talked to you. That you never want our friendship go to waste, you were so emotional that time and I don't have any idea why you're saying things like that. Why did God ever gave me you?

You don't want to break my trust in you.

You're afraid of losing me so friendship for you is fine. And clearly, that's a clever choice. I know we can't be together. I value our friendship, and that's more than enough for me.

"Why don't you ask her? Go to her. I know she'll let you dance with her." I bit my lower lip, hoping that it was not shattering.

"If I find her, dance with her, maybe you'll just sit there and not enjoy the remaining time." He looked straight at me. "I don't want that to happen." Sincere was clear in his voice.

"Our five minutes is not full anymore." I smiled. Let's see how long he's going to keep this up – being a martyr.

I knew very well that he has feelings for Aira. That's why he needs this last dance with her. Not me. I don't want to be a hindrance for him. But why is he not letting me go?

"I'm giving you a second chance, Edbert."

For all the times I wore myself pity, like a favorite shirt
All wrapped up in that hurt
For every glass I saw, I saw half empty
Now it overflows like a river through my soul

Edbert's Point of View

She's really persistent. Why would she act at times like this? She's losing her grip on my nape, but I held them. I tightened my hold on her waist. There's no way I ever let you go. With only less than five minutes remaining, I want to spend this time for you. If only it was longer. Why did I only realize this now?

"Don't you want to dance with me?" I asked. "Why are you shooing me away?"

She bit her lower lip.

From every doubt I had, I'm finally free
I truly believe

God gave me you to show me what's real
There's more to life than just how I feel

And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes
And all that I live for though I didn't know why
Now I do, 'cause God gave me you

God gave me you, Joana. I only realized it now. This is so stupid. You helped me through a lot of things; I really admire you for that. All that I have to do is find a great timing for me to finally confess to you. I think I have grown to you for a long time, but I'm always afraid that it will ruin our friendship.

"I feel guilty." She suddenly spoke. "She might think forcing you to stay with me."

Say what? "Why would you ever think something like that?"

Again, she's losing her grip behind my neck. She lays it on my shoulders instead. "I always think like this." She smiled, but there were traces of sadness in it. No, I don't like seeing you like this.

"Alright, I'll go look for her." Just like that and she looked at me.

"I have finally made you look for her." She said.

In your arms I'm someone new
With ever tender kiss from you
Oh must confess
I've been blessed

"Hey, there's so-" I was cut off before I even knew it.

"I'm tired. You go look for her now." She said as she loosens off her hold on me. I let her go.

"I'll escort you back." I held her hand as we walked out the middle of the crowd. I squeezed her hand; I didn't see her reaction because I was dragging her off.

God gave me you to show me what's real
There's more to life than just how I feel
And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes
And all that I live for though I didn't know why (didn't know why)
Now I do (I finally do), 'cause God gave me you (God gave me You)

God gave me you. I can sing the whole song over and over again just for you. I hope that you see right through me. I hope you recognize my actions for tonight. The rose, the dance, everything!

We're almost out of the crowd, until the announcer stood again on the podium.

"Only a minute left, ladies and gentlemen."

Damn, could this night get any shorter? I sighed out of disappointment.

Joan also let out a heavy breathe. "If only you let go of me earlier, then it wouldn't be like this." - Also disappointed.

"I said, don't ever think of that. I'm the one who made the decision, not you."

Silence covered her, but answered a little while. "Fine." She got her things and the rose off the chair. Just on cue, Mr. Hector announced again.

"Alright, dear students, this ends our occasion for tonight. The clock has already struck 12. I hope you enjoyed your night, seniors. Don't get lost in finding the door."

"What a teacher," I slowly shook my head.

"That's alright." She said as her eyes were set on her phone. "I texted my parents and they're going to pick me up."

That's good.

"Hey, another party at Em's place." A friend of mine bumped into me.

Joana looked at me. "You going?"

I set my hand on my hair, trying to tidy it up. "Yeah, why not. You?"

"No." She answered without any second thoughts.

"Why not?"

"What if all of them are boys?" She sticked out her tongue at me. "Wouldn't that be dangerous for a girl like me?"

I sighed… "Yeah, yeah… Point taken. Come, let's go out." I held her hand as we get out the hall. But the crowd was getting out harshly. "Stay behind my back."

A little while, we're finally out of the hall.

"Are you sure you're not going to Em's?"

"Sure I'm sure." She smiled. "Be careful there."

"I'll be. You too."

She looked down on the rose she's holding. "Thanks again for the rose. I appreciated this."

I smiled. Anything for you.

She looked around the trailing cars, "There they are."

"So, this is goodbye already?" No, I don't want you to go home yet. Stay with me. Say that you're going to Em's.

"Sort of. I need to get going." She smiled. "Thanks for this night." Just like that and she walked away from me.

Thank you also, was all in my head. Seeing her departing figure makes me upset. Why did this prom night have a curfew? I want to spend more time with her. And wait, I still haven't got the chance to tell her my feelings. Damn me. I sighed. I'll just send her a message.

Joana's P.O.V.

Home sweet home. I sighed. What a tiring night. I removed my stilettos and once I have stepped my foot on the flat ground, pain is what I feel. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I enjoyed this night. I already removed my make-up and changed my clothes. After turning out the lights, I quickly went inside my room. Crap, sleep is what I need right now. But there was something that made me see my phone.

A text message.

'Tell me if you're home already.' – Edbert

Without any second thoughts, I replied, 'I'm home, ready for sleep. How's it going there?'


'Thanks for the rose again,' I sent him another.

'No prob. Hey, you're pretty tonight. I forgot to tell that to you.'

Okay, so if I am chewing something, I have probably choked right now. Damn. 'lol, what the hell are you saying? I'm not, okay?'

'Yes you are, come to think of it, I think I'm in love with you.' I twitched my eyes once I read that message. Nice games you have there.

'ALRIGHT! THAT'S THE END OF THE LINE, MISTER! WhatInTheWorld are you saying! I therefore conclude that You. Are. Drunk.' Don't mess with me like this, I like you, yes, but that doesn't mean I will be easily fooled by your silly games.

"Hey, no.. I'm not drunk. I'm telling the truth! No more cover ups, I'm confessing to you already. I'm in love with you."

Damn, then why didn't tell me that earlier, when we're still face to face?

"I don't believe you. Your drunk, just go to sleep already."

"Why? Don't tell me that my actions for the night doesn't have meaning for you?"

I gulped. I recognized that, but I don't want to assume things. I don't want to give meaning on that cause I know we're only friends. I didn't give him a response. But he texted me again.

"Anyway, I'm not saying for you to feel the same way for me. Care for me, love me, reject me, I don't care: As long as I have told you my feelings. I am feeling so much better now that I have told you this."

What to say, what to say… hmm. "Why. Why are you saying this ONLY now?"

"Well, I just realized it tonight."

Good grief. If there weren't any prom, then you will never ever realize it.


"Alright what? No comment?"

I took a deep breath, it's now or never. "What if I say that I like you too?"

"I thought you like someone else? But alright then."

"Whatever." If he was joking about his confession, then I will also say that I'm joking with my confession. But, I don't want to lie with myself anymore. It kills me inside that I keep n denying what I feel.

"Anyway, aren't you going to sleep?"

"I'll go sleep, I'm sleepy, goodnight."

"Goodnight to you, ILoveYou. :)"

A story that was genuine, I never thought that something like this will ever happen. I just then realized how grateful I am that God gave me you. Surely, with that last text of him, I went off to dreamland with a smile on my face.

(:Sequel Coming Soon:)
