A/N: An original Fiction! Sorry if people are still waiting for the next Chapter of 'Beyond Time', for those of you who read it. I think there are only three… five people who actually read them? Whatever, I'm still having fun writing them, so don't worry about it, okay? Okay! Enjoy this Original Fiction!
"… Yeah?"
"What's Love?"
He silently groaned. The Childish little Skyloid with her Childish little questions…
"Who told you about that?"
The Skyloid blinked, "Sister Helen told me," she said.
Ryan snorted. Sister Helen. He knew the Skyloid had no siblings, but Skyloids do tend to call their friends 'brothers' and 'sisters'… "And what did she tell you?"
"She said it was the best thing that ever happened to her," the Skyloid paused for a bit, as if in thought, "What's it like?"
Ryan stopped polishing his sword for a moment, putting the sharp blade besides him. The two were under the Great Oak Tree on the outskirts of Kingdom Sole, its white branches and blue leaves spreading out across their heads, acting as an umbrella that blocked out most of the setting sun's rays. He bit his bottom lip as he tried to come up with an explanation that the Skyloid can understand. Unlike humans, Skyloids mature rather… slowly… much slower than humans mature, actually. Though Skyloids do live a lot longer than humans do…
"Well, for starters, I have absolutely no idea," He paused when he felt the Skyloid stare at him, "What?"
"I mean, what's it look like," He mentally slapped his head. How dumb was this Skyloid- wait… she's still a Down… which was the equivalent to a human toddler… even though the Skyloid looked nothing like a toddler, in fact, the Skyloid could pass as a Fifteen-year-old human female, if it wasn't for her black, swallow wings sticking out of her back.
"I don't know," he said, "If fact, nobody knows- because you can't see it. Love is… an emotion, it's very complicated one, too," He stopped for a while, trying to come up with an example, "It's like Happiness- you can't see it, but you know that you're happy when you are, well, happy,"
"But Sister Helen said that she felt Happy and Love at the same time," He frowned. Of all of the Skyloids he could've been stuck with, it had to be the most naive one…"You can feel more than one emotion at once, you know, that's why stuff like this is so complicated,"
"Because they just are,"
"… I have no idea,"
"Because you're starting to get annoying,"
"Jade," He said the Skyloid's name firmly, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
The Skyloid smiled sheepishly, "Sorry," she said, "So is Love good? Sister Helen said it was,"
Ryan hummed thoughtfully, "It depends how you look at it," he said, "Everything has a good and bad side to it, and Love is no exception. One can even say that Love is like a… poisonous fruit- as much as you would like to have more of it, it could very much as well poison you," He sighed silently in relief when he saw the Skyloid nod, as if she understood what he just said.
"So what does it feel like?"
"Again, no idea," he said bluntly, "Though some people say that it feels like flying above clouds and over stars… Others say that it feels like drowning in a cold and unforgiving ocean, its waves pulling you under,"
"Love can kill?" The Skyloid asked in astonishment.
"It can, in fact, any emotion can," he stopped for a moment, wondering if he'd just said the right thing, but then decided it wasn't worth his concern, "You could be running happily in a green field, but you forgot to watch where you are going, then you ended up tripping, falling off a cliff and bleeding to death, simple as that," he lamely explained, "Geez, I'm just kidding!" he added, when he saw the Skyloid stare at him, eyes wide, "But ultimately, most people deem Love as 'Good', I suppose, I have no idea, emotions like these are rather one-sided, depending on the person who's experiencing them,"
"So love is valuable?" She asked after a short pause.
"Yeah- very valuable,"
"Then what's the Price of Love?"
He blinked, then threw his head back and laughed, but stopped when he saw the light frown on the other's face.
"Sorry… what was that?" he asked.
"I'm serious. What's the Cost of Love?"
He frowned. "Why would you think that you have to pay for Love? A golden apple wouldn't buy you Love; but at the same time, you could have nothing, yet Love will be given to you. You can't force someone to just Love you- you can refuse to accept Love, or refuse to Love another, heck, you can even refuse Love from another person- but ultimately, you can't force anyone to suddenly stop or to start feeling the way they feel for you. Sides, Love isn't always about two people of the different gender who goes out and all those other stuff- have you not felt Love from your friends or companions?"
She blinked, and shook her head, "No…"
"… You haven't let anyone touch your core?" He asked. Through the Core of a Skyloid, they were able to communicate and feel each other emotions. It was common for Skyloids to share their emotions with their friends or families, but the Skyloid sitting next to him had been orphaned at a very young age, and was also somewhat reluctant of letting anyone touch her Core.
He briefly wondered why.
The Skyloid shifted, "No, I don't want to," she said.
"Whatever," Ryan said as he went back to polishing his sword, "I don't care as long as you stop asking those stupid questions or yours,"
"…You Love me," He nearly cut himself when he heard those three words, "What!" he screamed as he looked back up at the Skyloid.
"Sister Helen said that her boy-friend doesn't force her to do anything because he loves her back," She explained with a smile, "You don't force me to do anything I don't want to, so you Love me!"
"That's not- No I do not!" he glared at his companion, "Just go away and stop asking questions you dumb!"
The Skyloid giggled, and poked his nose before spreading her black wings and taking off into the sky. Ryan just rubbed his nose and mumbled, "I'm going to kill Helen… whoever she is…"