DISCLAIMER: this is a sequel to "One in a Million". If you read this first, it might give some things away that you might not want to know while you read the first story. However if you just want to start reading from here, I tried to explain things as much as possible. Unfortunately for those of you who want to start here, I'm not going to go over the same things I explained in the first story and you're just going to have to catch on to certain things I explained in my previous story.

With that over and done with... ENJOY!


Unbelievably, it was the first day of school again. It was unreal; summer seemed to have passed by so quickly. And yet it was the first day back and I still had to go to school. It was going to be one heck of a year again. Then it might not be, I heard that after last year being a success, they were inviting more girls to come to the school. Maybe there won't be a point of Kingsley having a 'sister school' because we've got plenty of girls here. I sighed as I walked along the road that went from the bus stop to the school. You'd think that because I now had friends going here too I'd be able to get a ride, but no, my friends were just a little too selfish. It was going to be strange not seeing Scott every day and sneaking to his room most nights. It was times like this that I wished that I could freeze time and relive the moment again and again.

As I walked through the gates of the school, it seemed that plenty of girls had taken to the invitation and came to the school. Among the darker cases (of the boys) there were the bright colours of the girls' cases. Plenty of Year 7s running around still half in their elementary mode; I'm not saying that boys in older years don't do the same, but they much preferred to find out their rooms and see who they were staying with. I find that when you're younger, you get along with most people but when you get older you tend to be more judgmental and stick to your own social circle.

Thankfully, it wasn't raining. In fact, it was warm enough that when I dumped my case in the pile of Year 11 cases I pulled off my blazer and somewhat carefully placed it in my case. I took note of the couple of obvious girl cases before looking around to try and spot my friends. Turns out I didn't need to because Charlie ran right up to and grabbed me in a swinging hug.

"Alyss!" he cried as he hugged me, squeezing the breath out of me.

I laughed at how excited and hyper Charlie was. Looks like summer didn't make him any more mature than he was last year, "It's nice to see you too Charlie, where's everyone else?"

Charlie didn't reply he just nodded at where Dylan was surrounded by girls a couple of years younger than him. I rolled my eyes, they were only 'worshipping' him because he was in his Sixth Form uniform and he was good-looking. I knew for a fact that once they got to know him better, they'd be put off by how disgusting he could be. Then again, that could just be around his friend, and yes that included me. Damon was being the responsible guy he was and helping some newbies find their way to the administrative office. I couldn't help but notice that he had a prefect badge pinned to his blazer.

"I guess we'll be able to get away with more stunts now," I muttered half to myself but Charlie laughed having heard me.

"Definitely," he said knowing what I was referring to, "we'll make Damon cover up for us, as much as he doesn't want to." He grinned.

Charlie was practically bouncing on the spot from the amount of energy he had in him. Richard wasn't here yet but harry was leaning against the wall of a school building some way off listening to him iPod. He wasn't as sociable as the others. But I understood why he was part of the group even though he never got as crazy as they did. Unless he was drunk, of course. But Harry and I had really gotten to know each other last year, I mean he was kind of distanced at first but when he finally realised that I was never going to leave his group of friends, then he made the effort to get to know me and he was really brilliant at listening to me rant and just listen.

Both Damon and Dylan came over at the same time. Damon was going on about how Year 7s could be so annoying. Annoying enough that he wanted to punch some of them in the face. But him being ever responsible was able to control his rage. If that had been me, I would not have held back, one of them would be seriously bruised. Dylan was going on about how it was so great that Kingsley was now admitting girls.

"The best thing that could ever happen to the school," he said.

"You do realise that the reason it was an all boys' school before was because they thought that having girls around would be too distracting," I said observing the carpark where everyone was and seeing the kind of girls that were being admitted. I knew that they had to be smart enough to be admitted but there could always be the kind of girls that asked their super rich daddies to send them to a former all boys' school and they could be the dumbest girls in the entire world. I sincerely hoped not.

A car I knew too well pulled up and immediately girls started doing that whispering in groups thing they do and started moving towards the car. Of course, the car just had to belong to Angelo Joiner. And it was him and JP who came out of the car. They were some of my closest friends, why they couldn't give me a ride to school he wouldn't give me a reason. And yes, I will continue to go on about how selfish my friends – who all owned their own cars, by the way – did not want to drive me to school.

JP was wearing his trademark cap and aviator shades came over to me and gave me a huge hug. I'd even go as far as to say that it was almost as big as the one Charlie gave me. I grinned and hugged him back tightly. I heard the girls around gasp in horror; they probably thought I was his girlfriend. As attractive as he was to other girls, I knew his bad habits and other... things too well to actually like him like that. But nonetheless, knowing that I could make girls have that kind of reaction, I just knew that this was going to be a good year.

After I finally realised that there would never be a moment when the administrative office would be empty, I went in to get my room number and the name of my roommate. They generally gave you the roommate you asked for the year before or the roommate you had the year before. I actually wouldn't mind getting Jaden again, we got along fairly well but I was honestly worried that they would put me with another girl seeing as we had those now.

The secretary looked up and saw that it was me and smiled. She skipped straight to me despite the line-up of newbies and handed me the envelope with my room number, key and the name of my roommate. I didn't look at it until I got it and I was surrounded, once again, by my friends. I took a deep breath as they looked at me expectantly and opened the envelope. My friends really wanted my roommate to be a girl (contrary to my preference) because in my opinion they were way to girl deprived.

Room 531

Roommate: Lucy Andrews

The boys cheered loudly. I rolled my eyes. At least she didn't have the name Angelica or something like that; or Candy, even worse.

"So I'm going to assume that we're meeting at my room in a few before we go screw up the school," I said to all of them, or no one in particular.

"Hell yeah!" Richard said.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my case attempting to haul it up to the elevator, which thankfully was still fairly empty because everyone was too busy socialising outside to go to their rooms and unpack. However, the six of us loved unpacking first so that while everyone was, we could go out and pull pranks on everyone. We had planned everything out so well at the end of last year.

I entered my room and it was bigger than my room last year. There were actually two desks there, one for me, and one for Lucy. I stole the bed next to the window again and started unpacking my things into the dresser next to it and starting hanging up my (few, very few) dresses and my blazer in the closet that both her and me had to share.

While unpacking, I changed into shorts and a black and white graphic tee. I found it stupid how the school asked you to show up in your uniform but as soon as you reached your room you could change out of it. It was like they were saying flaunt that you go to Kingsley High to everyone else on the bus with you. I just about finished and was putting my case away when the door opened again. I assumed that it was Lucy because no one else would have the key and I spun around.

Lucy was a fairly small girl with long dark hair and dark eyes. She shyly went to put her case on her bed and that was when I decided that I could have gotten a worse roommate. Like one who was overly obnoxious, even more so than...let's say me. And I can be extremely obnoxious at times, when I felt like it.

But she was nice and we got along fairly well, before long we were telling humorous stories of previous years of high school and turns out she had the same hatred for Year 7s that I did. There was a knock on the door and she seemed surprised that there was someone here to visit us.

"My best friend, Mary," (of course her best friend was called Mary) "is busy unpacking, I'm not even sure she found her room okay," she explained why she was so surprised that there was a visitor.

"Don't worry, it's just my friends, they seem pretty scary to begin with but they're actually not," I said before moving over to the door to stop the incessant knocking that I knew could only becoming from Dylan. They too had changed out of their school uniform into shorts and singlets and tees, "Guys, be nice," I warned as I let them into the room. Richard and Dylan both immediately went to talk to Lucy but Harry and Charlie both came to sit on either side of me on my bed.

"Where's Damon?" I asked.

"He's out fulfilling his prefect duties," Harry mocked.

"Really?" I really was disappointed, "Is it going to be like this all year? Is he not going to be able hang out with us for the whole year?"

"Pretty much," Harry said sounding depressed.

"Hey, we're still going to have one of the best years because I'm here." I said tilting Harry's face upward. "Now, about those pranks," Harry couldn't help but smile evilly at that. I got up and clapped my hands loudly attracting the attention of everyone in the room, "Let's go pull some pranks guys!" I announced heading out the door.

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