We pretty much cause a huge ruckus as we ran down the hall and down the stairs. I had grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her along with me. "C'mon, it'll be so much fun." I had said before entering the cafeteria.
"Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to get into trouble on the first day..."
"Of course it's not okay." Dylan said going into complete crazy mode, "we're going to be in so much trouble."
"If we get caught," Richard added seeing the look of worry pass over Lucy's face.
We didn't get more than five steps forward before Damon came up to us. "Sorry guys, I can't let you do it this year,"
"The hell Damon!" Charlie cried,"We get that you can't join in but that doesn't mean you ruin everybody else's fun."
"Calm down Richard," Damon said staying calm because he knew that Richard could have his mood swings. "They specially asked me to keep an eye out on you guys this year because they know that you'll ignore everyone else."
"They got one thing very right, we will ignore everyone," Richard said moving past Damon.
"C'mon Ritchie, let's just go." I said giving him a look.
"No, you guys go, I'm going to Damon regret not only not joining us in the pranking but trying to stop it too," he said waving us away.
The rest of us shrugged and walked away. We all knew that once Richard got something in his mind it was impossible to change it. The best part was that Damon knew this too. Once we were out of Damon's sight we started sprinting for the pool. So maybe Damon messed up our plans for the cafeteria but he wasn't going to mess up our plans for the pool. Richard was all part of the distraction. Lucy came along but she still looked incredibly worried. So instead of having her join in, we had her on look out. Harry, Dylan and Charlie pulled out bottles of blue dye and started emptying them into the pool. They each tossed me a bottle so we all would have three bottles to empty into the pool each.
"Damon's coming!" Lucy cried running back to us. She looked scared out of her wits but at the same time like she was having the time of her life.
We all grinned and grabbed the bottles before running off so that when Damon reached the pool, he wouldn't see anything. Sure we had discussed the plans last year but we had taken into consideration that Damon would be a prefect this year and didn't tell him all our plans. While the others ran off with Lucy, I snuck back to see if Damon had caught on to what we were doing. He didn't dip his fingers in the pool to check if it was coloured so I guess not.
I ran to my room almost laughing aloud making everyone think that I had gone mad. No doubt some people found it strange seeing a Year 11 girl running to her room. But the majority of the boys knew who I was; I mean you don't get to be the only girl in the school without everyone finding out about you. Well, almost the only girl.
I sure was going to miss Isobelle. But I guess that she preferred the atmosphere in Alexandria better. Not that I was surprised, most girls can't handle being around disgusting boys twenty four-seven. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have two older brothers that were possibly the most disgusting people on the planet, I would have quit too.
They were all in my room – or I guess our room seeing as Lucy was going to be a part of the group – talking about how fun that was. Or rather Lucy was and the guys were just listening with their mouths wide open with drool dripping from their mouths. Okay, a little exaggeration but still, you get the picture. I knew the guys had always been troublemakers so they really didn't think anything of what we had just pulled, but Lucy was one of those girls who never got in trouble (which made me wonder why she was going to school here in the first place) and so that must have been quite the experience for her.
There was a quiet knock on the door and Lucy jumped up. "That must be Mary. I forgot all about her in the excitement!" she opened the door and sure enough it was another pretty, innocent girl. The guys just exchanged looks but didn't say anything. I was going to have to give them a talk about not treating these girls badly and not objectifying them.
Mary was introduced to all the boys and I have to say I did feel a little sorry for her. I mean, even though she was in year 11 like Lucy and I, she looked so scared that she might pee herself when Dylan literally climbed over Harry to shake her hand and greet her. I knew they were kidding around but they didn't really have to so incredibly intimidating to such a small girl.
Finally Richard and Damon showed up. Damon acted like there wasn't anything wrong so we assumed that he didn't know anything about the pool. Damon lay on my bed and I leaned against him.
"Are you two dating?" Mary asked in her quiet voice. She'd warm up to us eventually.
Richard laughed. "Alyss and Damon? He can only wish. She's dating Scott Evans."
"Wasn't he like the super stud of the school though? Well, until he graduated last year at least." Lucy asked her eyes going wide.
"The one with the nicest hair and those grey blue eyes that you can stare into for hours..." Mary continued dreamily.
"That'd be the one." Harry said rolling his eyes. "When's he coming to visit anyway Lyss?" he asked using the nickname that Scott had come up with last year when we started dating.
"I dunno, whenever he gets his next holiday I guess. That or the one after."
"You mean you aren't worried about...I don't know, college girls?" Mary asked her eyes getting big.
"Nah, if that ever happens, Lyss will just kick their butts as well as his." Charlie said lazily.
"Besides, I'm sure the girls there will be too busy either partying or studying to bother with Scott. And I saw some guys when I was there, and let's just say that next to them Scott's nothing." I said with a wink at Lucy and Mary. They gasped. The exact reaction I was going for. "We should totally head down to the pool later." I said.
"Yeah that's sounds like a great idea. Especially before it gets too cold to go to the outdoor one for a while." Damon said grinning. Lucy sent me a shocked look.
"We should invite Jack and his buds. They're fun guys to party with." Dylan said.
"But no alcohol." Damon said sternly. We all rolled our eyes at Damon being responsible. If we thought he was bad last year, this year with all his prefect 'responsibilities' and having to be a 'role model' and all he was going to really be an pain in the arse.
"Sure, sure," We all knew that Dylan couldn't stand Jack. They used to be friends but then Jack stole Dylan's girlfriend and things went AWOL between them. Now Dylan hates the guy's guts and it's no surprise he wants him blue.
"I'll go ask." I offered taking Charlie's hand and dragging him out with me. We walked down the corridor before reaching the end and taking the stairs up to the next floor where the year 12 rooms were. I was actually surprised they hadn't split the girls' rooms from the boys' rooms yet. I guess they expected us to be responsible young adults. Ha! Not likely. I knocked on the door and waited for Jack to stick his head out into the corridor.
"Hey Jack," I said brightly, "a couple of friends and I are headed down to the pool later. We'd love if you and your friends would join us." I said winking flirtatiously.
"Well then, we'd love to join you. I'll see you there at seven?"
"Definitely." He shut the door and Charlie and I ran halfway down the hallway before bursting into laughter. Some people walked by and shot us weird looks but the majority of people were used to us just having fits of laughter randomly. That was usually how they knew that they'd be having a laugh later too. Our pranks were infamous and everyone loved them. Even the teachers knew about them. The majority of the teachers were cool enough to ignore it, partly because they enjoyed it almost just as much as the students did. But some teachers really wanted us to get busted but even though they knew it was because of us, they never had any proof.
Charlie and I had taken the quickest route to get back to my room while bypassing Charlie's room because he had to get something. Annoying really but I didn't mind. I wasn't in the mood for the banter that they usually had at the beginning of the year. I lay back down on my bed with my eyes closed. I wish I could just fall asleep and not have to worry about the little trivial things that plague my world but I couldn't, I was stuck with a goody-goody roommate and five obnoxious, eccentric guys as friends. Then again, it wasn't like they were stuck with much better, I mean I was me.
My phone rang cutting through my thoughts and everyone else's conversations. I reached blindly for my phone before someone, probably Damon, pressed it into my hand.
"Hello?" I said groggily into the phone's receiver.
"Hey babe," it was Scott. Hearing his voice automatically made me smile.
"Ooh it must be Scotty!" Dylan called. I picked up a pillow and flung it in the general direction of his voice.
"Hi Scott, how's the campus? Are the people there really snobby and stuck up like everyone says?"
"And by everyone you mean you." Scott said laughing. "Yeah, it's not bad. I mean, my roommate could be worse, he's just one of those sporty jock kind of guys."
"You two should get right along then shouldn't you?" I said laughing. "Besides I was there when you met him, he's not that bad,"
"Very funny Lyss." I could picture him rolling his eyes. "Anyway, I should get to unpacking."
"But I thought you were going to join a fraternity." I said sniggering. "You don't want to unpack in case you actually get pledged."
"I would so kill you if I were there." Scott said through gritted teeth. "I'm putting you on speakerphone because I can't be bothered to hold the phone and unpack. My roommate's in the room in case you want to say anything too bad."
"Hey Scott's roomie." I said grinning. The guys had left the room, taking the girls with them. At least they had the decency to give me some privacy. I heard a far off hi.
"Oh please Alyss, stop acting so likable. When are you coming up to visit me?"
"When the school lets us go into to town, I'll get one of my friends to drive me there. Oh wait, I forgot, they're all too damn selfish to drive me there. They couldn't even be bothered to drive me to school even though on their way here they pass my freaking house." Scott and his roomie laughed.
"I'm sure someone would take you, and if all else fails, I'm sure you could charm someone too. I know how capable you are of that having tasted the goods myself."
"That sounds utterly disgusting Scott." I said making a face. "I gotta go now, some people are going to be turning very blue very soon and trust me, it's not going to be because of the crappy English weather if you know what I mean." I said. Before he could reply I hung up. That was basically how Scott and I were. We weren't exactly the most lovey-dovey couple around (although Scott can definitely be romantic when he wants to) we were the couple that always insulted each other and made fun of each other. It was a better relationship that way. Neither of us was really, really serious about it. I think. I hope.