
The Army is not for me.

Chapter 50

Landon's POV

"Are all these boxes going to fit in here?" I asked Bo. We were looking inside the semi-trailer that would soon be filled with everyone's things.

"It will fit babe. We are going to have them put all the big stuff in the back on one side and the boxes on the other. There really isn't that much big things going because your dad furnished the place for us. Most of this stuff is Sara's." He said laughing.

The movers showed up and started taking all the stuff from the garage and outing it in the trailer. We wouldn't be here to watch it all get packed in there but Mille was in charge of it and I knew it would be okay. Dad was taking us to the airport so we could catch our flight. My baby left out of here yesterday on a car hauler with everyone else's vehicles. It would take a week for this stuff to make it so we had our big bag packed and a couple small ones with computers and toiletries in them. Adam and Lane were already there waiting for us. Adam drove Lane's car there while Callen decided to fly with us. He hasn't left Bo's side much since they have reconnected.

"You ready son?" dad asked.

"Yeah, I just want to take one more look around." I said standing in the driveway committing everything to memory.

"You will be home in December." Dad said laughing.

"I know but I am going to miss this place and you and Mille so much." I said choking up a little.

"Mille is coming out as soon as school starts here to train the new cook and maid and I will be there in two weeks." Dad said hugging me tight.

"Okay" I said climbing in the back of the car with Bo with dad and Callen rode up front.

The gang was meeting at the airport so we could all fly our together then a bus would pick us up and take us home to our new house. Our new house the one Bo and I fell in love with from the start. Bo held my hand as we drove through our little town we passed the high school that Bo graduated top of our class at only three weeks ago. I stomach was in knots and my heart was bounding in my chest as we pulled up to the airport. Dad parked the car and I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I held Bo hand tighter not allowing him to let go.

"I have you babe. Nothing is going to happen I promise." He whispered into my ear before grabbing our bags with his other hand. Callen grabbed what Bo couldn't.

The gang was already here saying tearful good-byes to their families as well. I was so out of it I missed Callen and Bo saying good–bye to my dad.

"Landon you are going to be fine. Call me when you land and if you have to while you are in the air. Did you take that pill Dr. Walton proscribed for you?" he asked.

"Yeah I took it." I said.

"Good so you will sleep most of the flight then. Bo will take care of you buddy I promise." Dad said.

"I know he will." I said smiling.

"I love you bud and I am going to miss the hell out of you. But I am working on something's so you might have me as your neighbor before you know it. Mille and her family are already ready to move so give me a little time and I promise you everything will work out." Dad said hugging me. Bo and I were the only ones that knew about dad trying to get his company too expanded to California. All the paperwork has been approved and jobs were lining up but they needed him here to finish to cases he had. He found a house about twenty minutes from where we were going to be living and for that I was thankful.

We waited for our flight by the boarding gate. The families had all left because they couldn't go passed security points. The pill I had taken was starting to work I was calmer than and not as clingy as I was when we first got here but Bo would not leave my side. Sara and Jackson we all snuggled up in one of the chairs their relationship was still new but I think it was going to work for them. Jay was asleep in the chair next to them and Chris and Dillon were off in their own little world together. Those two have been acting a lot weirder then normal lately. Callen he was right next to Bo watching all the people that passed by. He seems to always be on the lookout.

I fell asleep as soon as we got on the plane. Bo held my had the whole flight like I knew he would. When we landed I could have cried. I hate flying but we made it. After claiming out bags we boarded the bus for the short drive to Bayshore Boulevard that is where our new home was located. It was less than ten miles from school and in a good area for work and play.

When the van pulled up I could tell right from the start that I was going to love this place. It had to be completely redone to meet all of the code and regulations for the state of California. And that allowed us to add on a floor so all the rooms could be bigger and we would have a couple guest suites. The elevator was set up to where you had to punch in a code in order to get in it and Adam made sure all alarms and doors were Bo and Callen proof.

"Omg welcome home." Lane yelled when we got out of the Van.

"We just ordered Thy so I hope everyone is hungry." Adam said he looked relaxed and happy. Everyone grumbled in agreement and started to make their way into the house. It was huge on the inside the living room had three sectionals and a few recliners and a big entertainment center with the system to fill it.

"Lane and I went ahead and pick the room down here. If someone else wants it please let us know we don't mind moving it was just easier and closer when we got here Monday." Adam said pointing to the closed door.

"We have already picked our rooms. Bo and I are on the third floor with Chris and Dillon and Callen and on the second floor is Jackson, Sara and Jay." I said.

"Cool you know the guest suite is on the second floor right." Lane said.

"Jackson and I are sharing." Sara said smiling.

"Oh well that makes sense." Lane said with a wink.

Bo walked over to the elevator and punched in his code. I ran over to catch up with him as the doors opened. I helped him with the bags and we both got in. I was nice having this it will be even nicer when the stuff gets here. After the second ding I braced myself for the elevator to stop. Bo pulled out a key and took my hand and with a smile we stepped off the elevator and walked a short distance to our room.

It was bigger than the one back home but it has a small kitchenette in it and a huge bathroom. We had a big ass window that had a little view of the bay or at least I think it is the bay. I can't wait to go sightseeing. Our bed was huge but looked small in our room.

"Help me unpack babe so we can get back down and eat." Bo said looking around. I opened the closet and walked in. There was a Bo's side and a Landon's side to the closet and we could both be in it at the same time.

"I think I love this place already." I said smiling at Bo.

"I know I do. I wonder what everyone else thinks about it. He said.

"I hope they like it as much as we do." I said.

"Me too babe." He said handing me a pile of clothes to put away.

We put away our clothes and stood in front of the window to enjoy our new view.

Chris's POV

This house was awesome. Dill and I have a big room and we ended up with two beds and I hope to change that soon. He said it would be different here. He said we could actually come out as a couple once we moved. I have been waiting for this for two years now and I hope he doesn't change his mind again. I want what Landon and Bo have or even what Adam and Lane have. But he was always afraid of what his parents would think. We know our friends would be okay with it and now that we are living here it's not like anyone knows us so I am hoping soon we can be open and freer with our feelings. He left me to put away all of our stuff but that is a normal thing for us. I don't mind normally but today I would have loved some help. I packed for the two of us and then I cleaned both of our room while he played video games. Sometimes I feel like his maid instead of his boyfriend.

"Hey babe you about done?" Dillon asked coming out of the shower. Man I love it when he is still wet and only wearing a towel.

"Just finished did you save me any hot water?" I asked walking up to him.

"I don't think we will have that issue here. They have those one things that make the water hot all the time or something like that." He said pointing to the tankless water heater.

"Good because I know how you like your hot water." I said kissing his chin.

"Next time we conserve water and enjoy the hot water together." He said kissing me.

"You got it babe." I said gathering my clothes so I could jump in the shower.

"Hey remember we are waiting for a little while before we make our announcement." He said before walking into the closet.

"About how long, Dill?" I asked trying not to sound as disappointed as I felt. I knew it wouldn't be the first day or anything but I knew when he said shit like that it meant a couple weeks or a month.

"Just a couple of days I want to wait for everyone to get settled in a little." He said smiling because he knew that smile would make me weak.

"Okay but I would like it to be soon." I said turning to go into the bathroom. I undressed and got in the huge shower.

Dillon and I have been together for two years in secret I might add. We have been friends for life. Two years ago Dillon kissed me for the first time when I had stayed the night at his house. At first I was pissed but after we talked we both realized that feeling were mutual for each other. Before Dill I was madly in love with Bo he didn't know it but I was. I was so afraid of those feelings that when Callen told me Bo was telling lies about the two of us I flipped. I stopped hanging out with him and talking to him because I didn't want anyone to know. I was scared shitless like Dill is now. Recently Callen and I had a long talk and he told me the truth behind the lies and then Bo and I talked and worked things out. Our friendship is just as strong as before if not stronger. Bo is still hot but I love Dillon. Life would be perfect if we could be out and proud like Landon and Bo and Adam and Lane. I think this is the place for that. If only my gut and my brain would believe Dillon like my heart wants too. But Dillon knows the deal either we come out or I start looking for someone who isn't ashamed to love me for me. I love him and want to be with him bur I hate hiding and I hate being socially single when I have a secret boyfriend. So Dillon Gregory Ziegler better come out of the fucking closet for me and soon.

A/N: Surprise, awe poor Chris. I hope he don't push Dillon to much before he is ready. And I hope Dillon doesn't take Chris's love for granted thinking he will always be there for him. Until we meet again with Bo and Landon and Chris and Dillon. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed. I know I have messed up and I think I have it figured out but I am not perfect thank goodness but I will try harder on the next one.