This is a very short story, enjoy!

A Goldfish's Proposal


"So there are many kinds of fishes out there where you can obtain. A wild one, a dangerous one, a harmless one, or any other one –"

"What is your point?"

"There are also many kinds of loves out there whether one-sided, forced, or mutual. But it makes no difference if it isn't lasting."

"Can you get to the point?"

"This goldfish over here is happily resting in this big tank. The difference between this fish and any other one isn't just in the color, size, or nature but it is in the environment where it's being trapped with its other half: water. Without water this fish here is unable to survive. Actually without any water this fish is unable to survive. Similarly, a person who wishes for love but doesn't receive love's other half, lasting, then love simply it's nothing but a meaningless title."

"I guess I'll just have to wait till the end to understand."

"That's good patience my friend. So this fish here, just as I withdraw it from its habitat, is exposed to the same oxygen we breath yet to it is merely suffocation. It jumps up and down in anticipation to live more; it suffers - Ah your face don't worry I won't kill it. Just as I release it back to where it belongs it happily swims about. Back to the point, if I have one at all, even if I am to release it outside and even if the rain is to fall at this moment will it rise? Even if I am able to gather all the great oceans together it won't be able to survive such a turbulent environment. Even if I am to fill up the whole sink with water and let it freely floats it can only maintains so long and will soon misses this unique tank here that I set up."

"You know –"

"Shhhhh you are growing weary of my babbles? Let me finish, have patience. So the love that you desire is meaningless if like the rain – fickle and spontaneous – or like the ocean – turbulent and wild – or like the sink – dull and forceful – but is otherwise if like this tank – though small but secure and despite cheap but grand in its lasting sense – I built here. So what do you say, do you want to be like this goldfish confined in this small place but feel the happiness and safety it provides or would you rather this goldfish goes out in the rain, the ocean, or the sink to experience what is considered the "water" outside where its future ahead is insecure?"

"So it ends up being a proposal. Why do you always have to be so longwinded?"

"Do you want me to kneel down in front of you with a bouquet of flowers and perform the usual gentlemen's routine for a proposal?"

"Is that bad?"

"It's not bad. I just don't have a bouquet of flowers right now nor do I have a perfect suit or a diamond ring. Despite so there is something else. Are you interested?"

"What are you up to?"

He walks to the tank and uses both of his hands to swoop the tiny goldfish along with some amount of water and walks toward her, "Do you see this goldfish in my hand? Do you see the water that is leaking through the cracks of my two palms combined? Do you see its soul mate leaving it? Well then here I kneel down in front of you like the old gentleman's way except instead it is only a goldfish's proposal. What do you say? Do you want to accept it and let this tiny creature survive? Or you rather see it suffocating, its lung filled up with our polluted air, its head slowly becomes drowsy, its body shaking violently, its-"

She quickly grabs hold of the goldfish and releases it back to its tank.

"Does that mean you accept?"

"I'll think about it."

"What's there to think about? You return the goldfish to the tank!"

"Well, the goldfish gets to see its tank. I haven't gotten to see mine."

"Ah, that, I forgot. It's quite beautiful I tell you."

"I won't believe it till I see it."

"You'll be in love with it when you see it."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Of course, just as I as absolutely sure the goldfish loves its tank."

"Are you sure it's the tank and not the owner the goldfish is in love with?"

He nods and smiles.
