A/N: Hello! This is a collection of short love stories. It will be updated alot, so much that I swear I will run out of names so... I will not put any names for the characters!
*rattle rattle* *click click*
The train started to move... I looked over infront of me, saw a beautiful girl, and thought to myself "Allright I'm gonna confess today!" I looked at her some more her beauty never bored me, it was as if I could stare at her for the rest of my life. She was my childhood friend, and my one and only love-ah no crush? I don't know... I started to react! AGGHH!She must have noticed my odd behavior because she asked.
"What's wrong"
"Ah, nothing..."
"I see..."
An awkward silence started to creep into the room...
"Ahh, this is bad..." I panicked to myself. I tried to think of a way to break the ice. Oh right she wanted to ask me something today!
"You wanted to ask me something right?" I said.
"Ohh... Right..." She said in an embarassed voice.
"Umm... Y'know how I'm really ticklish right?" She said still embarassed
"Yeah" I said. I remember how ticklish she could be. If someone accidently places their hand on her shoulder she starts to laugh uncontrollably.
"Umm... Urrr... Ehhh..." She started to get red... "So cute..." I thought to myself...
"I-i w-was wondering if you could help m-me get over that." She stammered... She looked down as if she was embarassed to ask.
"Sure!" I said happily
"Really?" She said with a huge smile on her face
"Of course! I would do anything for a friend!" I said. Crap... As soon as I said that the smile disappeared from her face
"Uhh... Yeah, lets get started." She said in a dissapointed voice.
"Ok, I'll start with places people accidently touch from time to time."
I started to tickle her hands... They trembled as soon as I held them. I slowly dragged my nail around her palm... I could hear her trying to keep her voice in.
"Ah.. Uwaah.. Eah..."
This continued for about 5 more minutes...
"Ok stop! That's all I can take..." She yelled
"Uwaah!" I reacted.
"Oh sorry..."
"No problem..."
"Uuum I actually have another place, I need help on..." She said. Her face started to turn red again.
"Sure" I replied.
"Then close your eyes... Its embarassing for me to show you." She said while slightly moving from side to side...
"Ahh... OK"
I closed my eyes. I didn't feel anything for a minute.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah just hold on"
She sat next to me
I felt her slowly grab my hand... It was trembling...
"Wow, is this place really that embarassing?"
She intertwined both of our hands together, and got onto my lap... I felt something in my hands...
I started to react. "W-what are you doi-" I was cut off by two fingers placed on my lips.
"Just be quiet, and keep your eyes shut."
After that she got readjusted, as if she was about to do something. Then suddenly she clasped both of my hands tightly and leaned forward. I felt her breath on my face... She finally released her hands from mine and put them around my head. She pulled suddenly, and our lips came together...
I felt the oddest sensation ever, it was as if I didn't want to stop... I just wanted to keep doing this forever... Our lips pulled apart for a moment...
"Was that enough?" I asked
"No I think I need a little bit more" She said
I leaned forward this time and deepened the kiss... I could have sworn we stayed there for an eternity...
"yadda yadda" The intercom said
Like that we seperated.
"Oh thats my stop" she said as she quickly gathered her things. Her face was red with pure embarassment. SHe was almost out the door when I said
She turned around and smiled brightly at me.
"You'll help me again tommorow right?" She said as she winked at me...
"Of course!" I almost yelled...
"Ok! Bye then!" She said.
I watched as she walked away. Then I realised that I had something in my hand. It was a piece of paper. I opened it up and immedietly smiled.
On the paper were three words.
I love you
A/N: I tried to go for a cutesy type story, but I dunno. I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out. This is actually based of a memory I have. With my childhood friend Emily. She was really cute so in a way she also inspired this chapter! Thanks for reading!
Inspiration: Bakuman. Probably the purest love story I have ever seen!
OAHC! I need to become a bit better at romance parts of a story so i can write the next chaps of OAHC.