Hi! I'm K.T . This story sort of hit me on the head. It may or may not be true.

Arianna Thomas- Juliet of our story

Michael Knight - Romeo of our story

Adrian Thomas-Arianna's twin brother, #1 playboy

Stella Taylor- Arianna's rival,Michael's #1 fangirl and Daniel's girlfriend

Daniel Jones- Arianna's supposed crush

I'll write down more characters when they come in the next chapter!




Arianna's P.O.V.

We've been best friends since preschool. Our friendship goes a long way back. Even then, he was perfect. Every teacher loved him and every kid was trying to be his best friend. Determined to make an impression, I walked up to him and declared him my "rival."He called me stupid; I called him an idiot. He called me pathetic. But I was determined to prove myself.

Since that moment we were inseparable. We had so little in common, yet enough. He had lost his father and was always supporting his mom and little sister. My twin brother and I were adopted into different families but kept moving to live Mum.

He hated attention, I craved it. He was the darkness, I was light. He preferred black, I preferred red. But it was okay that way.

They say opposites attract, but I beg to differ. I believe they cancel out, making everything seem unusual; making everything seem neutral.

Which is what we were; Neutral.


As we entered our sophomore year, curiosity arose and soon crushed and dates began. While my friends started ignoring me, I hung out with Michael, and that was fine. Friends are everyone's first priority, right?

But soon questions like, "How many have you been on?" and "Do you think he may ask you?" questions like "Do you like anyone?" baffled me.I didn't like anyone that way.

So, I made up this story about liking Danial Jones,who was my rival Stella's boyfriend.

Daniel was perfect. His dark hair contrasted with his coal eyes. He was very fair, and more than six feet tall. He was also head over heels in love with Stella Taylor, who was in love with Michael-yes,Michael Knight, my best friend. Therefore, Danial had no reason to like me since Michael was my best friend. Boo Hoo.

When I spread these rumours I got sympathy from my friends, and soon such questions were not asked. But I also noticed Michael had started becoming distant from me. He stopped coming by to my house, stopped having lunch with me, and even started ariving late to class so the teacher would make him sit in front, away from me.

At first, I was worried. What had happened? With a chill, I realised he might have a girlfriend. I mean, everyone had a girl/boy friend, and Michael was ranked the coolest guy of our school, so why not? A wave of betrayal washed over me. It's not that I likes Michael, bt I felt left out. Soon I started believing he had a girlfriend. I believed it was Stella. I had no evidence exept that I resented her, and she was the prettiest girl of our academy.

Which is why I was surprised when Michael pinned me agai nst my locker when afterschool and whispered, "I like you."

Review for me? Should I countinue? Did I make any mistakes? Correct for me since my spell check won't work?

K. Xx