Hi again guys. I'm in a hurry so this is a quick fire update! I'm really sorry I didn't write thank you letters. I will ASAP. I'm kinda occupied with family problems so yeah….
This chapter is a special dedication to: Pretty Monster Princess and whatdotheydream for being the first to review both the chapters. ILY guys!
Sorry this is late, but I did add a Michael P.O.V so am I forgiven? It clears a lot of confusion
K..I.T. Guys!
Arianna's P.O.V(A/N:AGAIN!)
I looked myself in Mum's full length mirror. I had refused to go to school and the academy on Monday, which was yesterday. Mum had no problem with that because I told her I was really sick, but when my Mama, my foster mom found out I was missing school, she threw a fit.
So I was ready for school on Tuesday, and probably attend the academy later, if I could. I still didn't know if I had enough guts to face Michael.
I had my usual nerdy look on. My hair looked shorter than usual and was tied back in a tight pony, with not a strand coming out. On top of that, I had forced on a hair band. My uniform was looking okay, but my sweater was two sizes too small, making me look fat. I had also taken the liberty of buttoning it up.
"Ria! Do I look good enough?" Adrian poked his head in.
If I ever felt sorry for the way I went to school, I looked at Dre. Hot and dashing Adrian Thomas looked like a totally different person. His spiked hair was forced down with gel. He wore contacts on his green eyes. His collared shirt was usually buttoned to the top button. He usually wore glasses and carried around a pile of books.
I studied his appearance that day, "Hmmm... You're hair is sticking out..."
"What is with my hair?"He cried out in exasperation," I fixed it like three times now!"
"Yeah, right. No one has hair that spiky," I commented.
"I do!"
"Yeah, right. You probably..."
"Dre! Ria! You're going to get late! Hurry up! I'm driving!" Mum interrupted from downstairs.
"Joys," Dre murmured.
I frowned at him but yelled back to Mum, "Coming Mum!" I turned back to Dre, "Let's go, Dre."
"Yeah, just drop me off here. It's fine it is just a little walk. Bye, Mum! See you, Dre! Love you!"
"Bye, Ria!" They chorused as they dropped me a turn away from school. I walked a little way before reaching school. I attend an all girl school and Dre an all boy school.
"Good morning!" I called cheerfully to the gate keeper who just smiled back.
It was a long walk to class, and I made my way slowly to class. I managed to reach twenty minutes early. I found my two best friends at school, Sam and Zoë, devoted into a deep conversation with Amanda.
"So, yeah... Dean Winchester is so hot!" Amanda persisted.
"I know, right?" Zoë said, in a high pitched voice.
"What about Sam? I swear you'll fall in love with him in season 7!" Amanda squealed.
"I know!He looked so amazing! I was like..."
"When did you see season 7? You were on season 5 yesterday! "
"Hi guys!"I interrupted.
"Oh hi, Arianna! We didn't see you come in! Anyway, we were talking about Supernatural! You don't watch it, do you?" Amanda smiled.
"Not really," I replied, quietly.
"Oh...okay. Anyway, it was so amazing how they came into the real world and Dean was married to Ruby! " Amanda carried on.
"I have decided that One Direction is much better than Justin Bieber!" Erin announced.
That caught Amanda's attention, "No they aren't!"
"Excuse me, but 1D outsold the Beatles!" Allison snapped.
"1D is gay! Get a life!" Sam shouted.
"And Bieber isn't?" Erin slammed.
"Here we go again," Zoë sighed, "They're both shit if you ask me... No offense. I know you like One Direction..."
"None taken. Haters are everywhere...I really don't care."I shrugged.
"What people should be listening to is Andrew!" She gave a dramatic sigh.
I rolled my eyes," Whatever."
"Let's go outside. Let me get Sam," Zoë said and then called out,"Hey Sam! Come on!"
Sam followed us outside. We leaned against the banister, and looked down.
"First lesson is maths," I said.
"Oh, great!" Zoë sighed.
"So...did you prepare for the test?" Sam asked, grinning.
"Yup! How 'bout you, Zoë?" I asked.
Zoë looked from me to Sam and then back, "WHAT TEST!"
The rest of the day progressed well. The day managed to end before I tore my hair out. I walked to the front gate with Zoë and Sam.
"Hey, are you coming to my place? Today?" Sam demanded.
"Not today. I'm...busy..."I said.
"Arianna! You never come! You're impossible!" Sam persisted. Gee, I bet you don't have to stay with your real Mum now and then...
"I'm sorry...maybe next time?" I suggested.
"Yeah, whatever. I bet Zoë is coming. I'll see you tomorrow then...?" She sighed.
"Yeah, I guess..." I smiled, and then walked out to see Adrian waiting for me.
I took a deep breath as I entered room 101, my homeroom. There are a total of twenty people in each homeroom. Mine included: Adrian, Michael, Ronnie, Mark, Stella, Dan, Ethan, Syd, Stacy, Kayla, Liz, Zack, Leo, Kat, Sally, Saira, Averi, Erick and Rayne. Most of the kids here try to make their name spellings more original.
I sighed as I took the seat next to the window. I looked around to see what other people were up to. Mark looked up, waved and winked at me. Ronnie was chatting away with Ethan, but gave threw me a smile.
I looked around. There were around ten of us already in the class. Stella and her best friend Stacy were not here, probably in the bathroom finishing their touch-ups. Dan was not here. Shocker. Kat and Averi were fooling around. Sally was reading a new romance novel, occasionally fixing her glasses. Syd was flirting with Liz who was blushing hard. Adrian, who had arrived with me had left the classroom. Kayla was trying to finish some history homework.
"Ria," He slowly slid in the seat next to me
Oh, so now you want to sit next to me, huh?
"Michael," I kept my head down, glaring a hole in my desk. I couldn't look at his face and not remember yesterday. Remember what he did to me. I couldn't face him.
My head hurts. My chest hurts. I feel wrong.
"Ria," I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, and another cup my chin. Gently, Michael lifted my head, and leaned in so close I could feel his breath on my face.
"Look at me" He said. I glanced at him for a split second before he was gone, seated in his own chair.
It may have been for a split second, but I saw something. Fear maybe, doubt even? He was…..sad and elated at the same time. I couldn't make sense of it.
"Ria…" I didn't look at him,"Ria, look at me." He almost pleaded, but I didn't. How could I?
I felt his hand reach my chin, and he made me look up. I refused to make eye contact, but I did. And I saw the same look in his eyes that I saw yesterday…but I couldn't recognize it. Not even now.
"Ria, listen. I-"He took a deep breath. "Arianna, I-"
"MICHAEL!"I heard Stella yell. Where had she come from?
"Hi!"She twirled a finger in her hair, and smiled in a flirting manner. "So, it's like my birthday-like this um…Friday, so could you like—"
"No," Michael responded.
"But-"She tried again.
"I don't want to come to your party, Taylor. " Michael was pissed.
"OKAY! SETTLE DOWN!" Miss Alexandra shouted. Miss Alexandra is amazing! She's my mentor.
Stella threw a desperate look at Michael and gave him one of her best smiles. She looked at me and sneered. "Bitch!" she mouthed. I rolled my eyes.
After class, Michael stood next to me and asked if I need help in carrying my stuff. I said no and we acted like nothing happened, and the rest of the day was normal.
I should be happy, then why do I feel empty?
Michael's P.O.V. (A/N:Yes, finally!)
Of course, this ambition had been temporarily shattered when she came along. 'She' being the person currently occupying the number one most hated people in my life. She's even beating my brother, Allen, at this point.
Stella Taylor.
At first, she was just annoying. She had the whole 'Rabid Fangirl' thing going, the worshiping, stalking, attempted groping…that sort of thing. But that was normal, so I could bear it.
And then her boyfriend had to go and steal Ria from me.
I suppose it isn't fair or logical to blame her for it. After all, it's not as if she enjoys Dan's attraction to her.
She probably thinks that it makes me jealous or something with her boyfriend, Daniel... which is true.
I'm not jealous of her, I'm jealous of her boyfriend stealing Arianna from me.
At first, it was just her and me. I had his undivided attention. She only thought of me, always desperately trying to impress me, talk to me, and make me like her. And that was good, because as long as we were friends, she would always be there. Dependant on only me.
And then he went and fell for her, and suddenly all I could hear was "Dan this," and "Dan that!" Suddenly there wasn't just her and me anymore. There was him, her, and the best friend who got in the way. Not that he'd ever like him back, but still… every time I heard that name, it felt like rejection. Every second she spent talking, thinking about him felt like heart break.
So I started to distance myself from him. I suppose I figured that it would make it hurt less when the time came that Ria would be taken away from me. It had finally struck me that she wouldn't be mine forever.
Of course, naturally, my distancing plan didn't work at all. Ria started to look miserable, glancing my way every time he saw that I was avoiding hem. I'm not sure what was worse, him miserable or happy while she talked about him.
I had meant to confess my feelings. I really had. But, somehow…it turned into something completely different. No matter what happens, she will be mine. I will have her.
I will force her to fall for me if I have to.
There! Another chapter. What do you guys think?
Right, I' m going to make a special dedication again to the person who, judging from my writing style, tells me how old I seem. SAMAN and Maraunder101 are not allowed to guess, guys.