Hi! Aoiiro here! ;3
This fiction was inspired because of two things: the first is because I wanted to write a romance fiction! The second is because I actually had some of this happen to me. But it's the bad stuff though…bluh. Anyway please enjoy! And review please i really want to know what others think about it cause i spent awhile on this...
They were all the same.
They lied, they were full of themselves, they were cheaters.
Boys were horrible. For the first years of your life, you'd grown up not thinking much about the differentiation of genders. You played with your friends, whether they be boys or girls, and you had fun. But when you'd become a teenager, and enrolled in middle school, things had changed. People started "dating" and thought that if you had a friend who was a guy, you couldn't be "just friends"
Of course you'd immediately thought that was THE DUMBEST thing you'd ever heard. But even if your thoughts stayed the same, even if you found dating to be girly and a nuisance, the people around you changed, and there was nothing you could do about it. Your opinions would be forced to change eventually.
So of course you had turned curious. What was it like? Was it as cool as everyone had said it was?
And when you had been asked out for the first time in your life, by a friend, you had said yes, just out of sheer curiosity of what it was like.
Your first date was nice, to. A day in the park, and it went as calm as a date should. And it was nice for about a month to. Of course you knew that because you were still just in middle school, it wouldn't be a serious relationship or anything, but you hadn't expected what had happened next. And the fact that you had to hear it from your friend made your blood boil.
He had cheated on you.
And although it should have hurt, you blocked it out and acted like it was no big deal. And it wasn't. Back then, you had one simple answer for it. One thing that it taught you.
Stop dating. It wasn't worth it if someone's feelings could change so easily.
While it seemed melodramatic, that was the only thing you could think of back then. The only thing to make you not act like other teenagers who'd break down and cry. Your were to strong for that. To proud.
Ironically, you had to move a little after that anyway.
And at your new school you had met new friends, and had a fresh start. You even had a "guy friend" and he was the only guy you'd probably trust for a while. Of course, when you first met you were quite hostile towards him, but he had eventually earned your trust after awhile. You think he knew that to, but even though he never mentioned it, you knew he was happy that you did and was actually a bit honored that he was the only one. He was truly your best friend. You and him were practically inseparable really. You hung out with him everyday,
Your opinion about dating being stupid stayed the same, and you strayed away from that kind of stuff, You had been asked out a few times again to, but had declined. Each time you were asked out though, your guy friend seemed to become more protective and fend off the poor soul of whoever had asked. You had explained to him about what happened with your first boyfriend, and he seemed to understand your feelings for that kind of stuff. You could never had asked for a better friend.
But things had started to change, and you noticed right away, being extra sensitive to that stuff. Your precious best friend had started acting more distant, more frustrated, and whenever you'd try to talk to him, he'd just mumble a few words and kill the conversation. This had lasted two whole weeks. And you had gotten frustrated because of that. But you refused to give up. When school had let out one day, you immediately went to find him, and demand that he hang out with you after school or god so help you, you would kick and scream and throw a tantrum tight there in front of the whole school. Of course he was speechless, and you knew he was free that day to, so you grabbed his hand and you pulled him out of the school, and to the nearest park, where you planned to give him the biggest lecture ever about how if something was bothering him, he should talk to you about it.
But he remained absolutely silent throughout the whole thing, keeping his head down and eyes on the ground, and when you were finished, you just stared down at him in silent frustration. He kept his eyes on the ground, and after a minute or two, that's when you started screaming at him about how he didn't trust you and how best friends were supposed to help each other out in their time of need. And how his feelings must have changed quickly, just like your first boyfriends had. You didn't even notice the tears that started to well up in your eyes and pour out. He did lift his head up though, and stared up at you with a face mixed with sadness and frustration.
After that you just turned around and stormed away, trying to hold back your sobs as best as you could. This was why you didn't like trusting people, boys in general. If you trusted them, they didn't seem to trust you. And when you did trust them, you just got hurt, and you were so so sick of it. You'd rather be a lone wolf than deal with most people.
That's when you felt something grab your wrist, and when you spun around to see who it was, you were pulled into a tight hug.
Your friend was hugging you, his arms so tightly wrapped around you, you couldn't even hug him back.
"I like you." He said, and you had almost stopped breathing.
Your mind started racing, and your vision was still blurry from leftover tears. Your knees started to buckle, and you end up having to kneel down on your knees, your friend lowering himself with you, his hands on your arms, asking if you were ok.
You call him an idiot in between sobs. You tell him that it was stupid of him to worry you so much over something like that. He hugs you again and apologizes. He tells you how he wanted to tell you before so badly, but he knew how you felt with the whole 'relationships' department. You look up at him with big sad eyes, and you realize that he was suffering to. Even though he wanted you to know of his feelings, he didn't want to reopen the wound in your heart.
You can understand why he did it though. He knew how you feel about that stuff, and you cant help but feel happy that he tried to have your best interest in mind, even though he wanted to tell you so badly.
You really couldn't ask for a better friend.
And when you look up at him, your face only a few inches away from his, you cup his face in your hands and close the distance between your lips, just for the quickest second, then pull back.
Its your answer that you forgive him for worrying you.
And also…that you finally allow yourself to return the feelings. Just this once. Just this once…
Sooo yeah…
I don't know if this fiction is any good…
RECAP IF THIS FICTION GOT CONFUSING: its pretty much about a girl who gets her first boyfriend, who ultimately cheats on her in the end. That makes her wary toward dating, and boys in general really, and when she moves, only one boy manages to actually befriend her. They become best friends. He starts to act strangely, and when she freaks out on him, he admits he likes her. He didn't tell her because he knew she would never allow her self to return the feelings, afraid of getting hurt again. But she understand that he was willing to hold back his feelings, which hurt him, just so he wouldn't have to worry her. She decided she could trust him, and allowed herself to try and return his feelings. Which pretty much means she'll go out with him. He pretty much taught her that not everyone was bad. If the way I just explained that makes sense. DX
Please review and tell me what you think! I know there's something in this fiction that I need to fix, but I cant quite put my finger on it. :/