Wow. This is it, huh? Last chapter!
Thank you a MILLION times to everyone who followed, favorited, or, most of all, reviewed. This is for all of you!
On my word document, this story is 79 pages and 29,325 words. WOW!
And yes, hooray for me, I managed to finish before December! In my time zone, at least...
Well anyways, enjoy the last chapter! The wait is over! Thank you! *bows*
I didn't want to wake up the next morning. Partly because I had stayed up past midnight the night before. But mainly because it meant he was really leaving.
My alarm went off at six o'clock, and I dragged myself out of bed, groaning. Half asleep, I downed a bowl of cereal and threw on a pair of sweats and an old coat, not caring in the slightest what I looked like. At six fifteen, Louis' car pulled up in front of my house, and I ran out and got in.
"Good morning," Louis mumbled, looking just as tired as I felt. His hair was rumpled as though he had just gotten out of bed.
"Hi, Anna," his mom said. "We'll drive you home, right?"
"Sure, thanks," I said. There were five of us in the car; me, Louis, Helen, and their parents. There was a definite subdued feeling as we drove through the dark, cold morning to the airport.
It was only a twenty minute drive, but Louis fell asleep on my shoulder halfway there. My own eyelids felt as heavy as lead, and I had to keep pinching myself so I wouldn't fall asleep as well. I didn't want to waste a single moment I had with him…even if he was sleeping.
At the airport, I shook him awake, and we climbed out of the car. We unloaded all the bags from the trunk, dragging them inside. Helen, Louis and I stood waiting in silence while their parents checked their bags in and got their boarding passes. We all knew what was coming. We didn't want to say it. We wanted to stretch out this time for as long as we could. Louis reached for my hand and I took it, squeezing it tight.
All too soon, his parents returned, with identical looks on their faces that meant the inevitable had come. It was time to say goodbye.
Letting go of Louis' hand, I hugged Helen, because I didn't want to think about saying goodbye to him just yet. She smiled at me reassuringly. "He'll be okay," she murmured. "I'll watch out for him."
"See that you do," I said, grinning. "Thanks for everything, Helen."
"You too, Anna. Keep in touch!"
"Of course I will."
Louis was hugged his parents goodbye. His mom had tears in her eyes, but she bravely held them back. I watched for a moment, dreading what would come next.
But it came nonetheless. Taking a deep breath, Louis turned toward me, and I stepped closer, taking his hands.
"This is it, then," he said in a low voice.
"Yeah," I said, equally soft. I tried to laugh, but it just sounded like I was choking. "I don't want this to end."
"It's not going to end," he said. "I promise. We'll see each other soon, just wait."
My throat tightened up. "I don't want you to leave."
"I don't either," he murmured, his face terribly sad.
I threw my arms around him, hugging him tighter than I ever had, wishing I could hold him forever. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in his shoulder and clung to him.
Finally, I pulled back. There were tears in his eyes.
"Oh God, Louis, don't cry, please don't cry," I choked. He gave a tiny laugh and ducked his head as the first tear spilled out.
"I'm gonna miss you," he said quietly.
"I'm gonna miss you too," I whispers, tears running down my own cheeks now.
He leaned forward, and I stood on tiptoes, and we kissed; a long, slow kiss that neither of us wanted to end. But then, like all things, it did. I hugged him again, my tears soaking into his jacket. Then, finally, I pulled away. I took a deep breath. I reached up and wiped the tears from his face.
"Goodbye, Louis," I said, my voice steady.
"Goodbye, Anna," he replied, smiling. "Until we meet again."
He gave my hands a final squeeze, then let go. Helen appeared, taking him by the arm and leading him off. He waved to me one last time before turning away, his backpack over his shoulder. I raised my hand, even though he couldn't see me, and watched him until he turned the corner and disappeared.
I took a deep, shuddering breath that seemed to reach deep down inside of me, scooping up all the mess in there and making it right. I wiped my eyes. He wasn't really gone. I would see him again. I would make sure of that.
I couldn't help but remember the last two months; the day of his crash to the dance last night, and all the little moments in between. When I visited him in the hospital and discovered he was blind; when we went to the soccer game and I narrated the whole thing to him; when that little girl mistook me for his girlfriend at the park. I smiled to myself.
There was no way we were staying apart for long. We had done too much together for that to happen. He was mine and I was his. I exhaled slowly, my smile widening. Oh yes, I would see him again.