Hiya folks! This is the final chapter of this story, I hope you've enjoyed Reading, please drop a note to let me know and enjoy the grand finale
19 Two years later
"Have you seen my box with winter clothes?!"
"No, I think you might've stocked it in the cellar, it is spring you know," Angela giggles and kisses me quickly as we pass each other on the small walking part of stone in front of the house.
"No, I've checked, I need my clothes for winter!" I complain and she rolls her eyes at me.
"Really darling, breathe! I'll help you in about two hours, okay?"
"You better!" I grunt and she runs off on her midday jogging tour in the wood.
I love the cellar in our house 'cause it's really light and big, but I'm not overly fond of it right now; how can a large box marked with 'winter clothes' disappear?
Since we moved two years ago, we've been progressing really well; I'm still working as a teacher, but Angela has moved on to the local library, which has given her a larger amount of salary as well as a couple of new friends which are extremely funny to hang around with.
We still see Hector and Castor – they are now engaged! – and do lots of fun stuff with them, but I've cut back on the socializing with my other colleagues outside work since it never felt quite okay again after all the weird stuff last year; we had a staff party and things came up and everything got ugly, Angela didn't speak to anyone for two weeks, and I really couldn't forgive them so now we're on a more work-together-and-then-go-home basis.
"Hi Jessica!"
I smile and wave at our neighbors daughter Cecilia, she's a really sweet girl who has taken a liking to come and eat dinner with us every now and then; I think her parents are going to separate.
"You okay?"
"Yupp, I'm off to see a movie with Leo!" giggles the brunette and waves once more before rushing away.
"Have fun!" I call after her and she waves without looking back.
So, all in all, life's good.
Sure, we fight like hellcats from time to time, but there's always lots of hotter make up sex afterwards; Angela has nightmares from time to time, and I've been moody lately but that's really not surprising hence my state, although it's annoying.
I squint against the sunlight and head inside the shadowy hall, pass the kitchen and jump onto the couch. I have lots of stuff to go through before I can put the teacher to rest for the weekend.
"Hello Angela, back from the wood?"
I smile at Greta, who lives next door.
"Yeah, just got in, it's warm out there," I answer and wipe sweat from my eyebrows.
"Good, good. It's healthy to move," says the old lady with an amused look. I chortle at her forwardness; she might be refereeing to a certain happening in my and Jessica's bedroom two nights ago…
"Ah, well, yes," I agree with a sheepish grin.
"Now dear, no need to be embarrassed, I was young and in love once to, you know!"
Oh jeez…
"Ah, okay… well, I'd love to chat more Greta, but I really need to shower," I say and she nods, smiles and return to watering her flowers. I head inside.
The water's hot, almost scalding. I let it rush over me, sweeping away sweat and soothing aching muscles.
"Hi there, mind if I join?"
I smile as soft arms wrap around me from behind and hug.
"I never mind."
Jessica laughs and nibbles at my neck.
"Ah, don't start, or we'll never be free," I joke and she growls and bites down hard, and I swear I see stars…
"That was intense," I murmur and hour later when we're dry and nestled under a blanket on the couch.
"Yupp," agrees Jessica happily and cuddles closer.
"You smell good."
"You too silly, we've showered."
"Mm, but still."
I kiss her nose and she smiles up at me. We have hot chocolate on the table, and soon it'll be a marathon of lesbian movies, staring with Lost and Delirious. Life is good.
"How's the stuff at work going?" I ask and let my hand slide up and let my hand slide up and down the redhead's back. She groans.
"Awful, I've loads to do before spring break, and Antony asked me about the vice principal position again!"
"He's persistent since he know you'll be good at it!" I say encouragingly and Jessica glares.
"Well, to hell with that, I don't want to do it!"
I chuckle.
"Well, then you only have to tell him, or else he'll just go on and ask you over and over."
I giggle aloud now, and Jessica smirks.
"You're going down!" she shouts and the somehow we are on the floor and her fingers are everywhere and I hate that I'm so freaking ticklish!
"I give!" I groan after ages of merciless tickling.
Jessica laugh, as breathless as I am, and leans down for a kiss.
"I love you."
"You're crazy but I love you too," I grin and hug her.
Even later, we're having a midnight snack in form of strawberries. We're still nestled on the couch, both of us half asleep but to content to move.
"You take it," yawns Jessica, referring to the last strawberry.
"Nah, share," I insist, pull half of the red fruit between my lips and offer the other half to her. She giggles tiredly and accepts; her lips meet mine for an instance as she bites down on the strawberry and it's sexy and familiar.
"Can we sleep here?"
"Mhm, I don't want to get up," I grin and Jessica snuggles closer with a happy sigh.
"Good. Sweet dreams cutie."
"You have sweet dreams too darling," I mumble and kiss her cheek as I lean back a little and wrap the duvet closer around us.