Chapter 20

As worn out as Shannon felt after the incident, she was able to openly tell Brian everything. The whole time he listened intently and never once interrupted. He was gobsmacked at what he had heard and couldn't believe Shannon had lived with that for so long. One part of him understood why she had done it but another part of him wished she had confided in him earlier. It could have saved so much heartbreak but he soon realised it wasn't that easy. Living with that kind of guilt wouldn't be easy for anyone, no matter how strong they were.

It was two hours later when Shannon and Brian finally finished talking. The past was finally out in the open, Brian finally understood why Shannon had been the way she was and they had both forgiven each other for things said or not said in the past. The only hurdle they now had were the feelings they had toward each other. Another silence had fallen upon them and neither of them knew what to say or how to say it. It was blatantly obvious how they both felt but getting the words out was the hardest part.

Finally it was Brian who decided to break the silence. "I can't do this anymore, Shannon."

Shannon looked up in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. What was he on about? Their talk had gone well, what was he upset about? Had she misread the signs? She noticed that their hands were still entwined but Brian quickly released his grip and started pacing the floor.

"What do you mean?" Shannon asked missing the feeling of his hand on hers. "Look if you feel that we can't be friends anymore then please just be honest. I can handle it."

Brian felt like his heart was breaking. Friends? Had he really gotten it so wrong? What could he say to something like that?

"I really am sorry for everything, Brian." Shannon continued feeling like she was about to cry any second. "I know I can't fix what has happened but I just want back what we once had."

She wanted to add 'if I can't love you then I can at least be your friend' but felt it was a little too daring. For a while she was certain he still felt the same way but that one comment had cast doubts in her mind and she didn't want to make a fool of herself again.

Brian shook his head. "We've been through all of that, Shannon. I told you I forgive you and I mean it. In fact I forgave you months ago. The truth is, when you and Amy showed up I thought that you were coming to tell me you were wrong and that you did have feelings for me. I realise now I was just fooling myself. And that's why I have been so angry, Shannon. I'm angry that I didn't contact you sooner and tell you I forgave you. I'm angry because I tried to prove I wasn't in love with you by getting engaged to someone else and then hurting that person when I realised I loved you more than ever! I'm angry because I thought you shared the same feelings as me but you don't." Brian ran a hand through his hair, tears filling his eyes. "You just want to mend our friendship and leave it at that but I can't be just friends, Shannon. I just can't."

Shannon couldn't remember the last time she felt so stupid yet so happy at the same time. She had completely misunderstood him! He was obviously anguishing over how to tell her his feelings and she had completely misinterpreted it. Now he thought she didn't care for him! She shook her head and she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. She suddenly felt like a 15 year old all over again who had a crush on someone who she thought didn't have a crush on her but actually did and they were suddenly face to face and having to admit the truth.

Noticing a tear sliding down Brian's cheek, Shannon felt a pang of guilt. She had to correct the situation before he walked out on her for good.

Struggling out of bed she approached him and took his hand. He looked up at her in shock.

"You're wrong." Shannon blurted.

"I am?"

"Yes because, well, the truth is -"

She trailed off and suddenly felt nervous. How hard was it to tell someone you loved them? Noticing the hopeful look on Brian's face she knew she had to say it. He had said it hadn't he? Surely she could too.

"I love you, Brian." Shannon said at last, all the words tumbling out so quickly she was sure no one else could understand them. "There I've said it. I love you! I just -" She immediately thought of Katie. "I'd been trying to find a way to tell you for so long but the time was never right. The truth is I realised how I felt only a few days after you left and I never got to tell you because, well you know why. Then I found out you were engaged and I didn't want to be the one to break you up. I'm happy to accept it and deal with it."

Brian grabbed Shannon and pulled her close so that their faces were only inches apart. "Shannon, I'm not marrying Katie. I couldn't go through with it when I realised was still in love with you. I called off the engagement the day of the accident and the party was cancelled. I love you, Shannon, there's no one else I want to be with."

Shannon's breath caught in her throat. The words she had been longing to hear for so long were finally being spoken yet it still felt like a dream. "I can't believe you still love me even after all that has happened."

"If anything I love you more. I have been so miserable this past year." Brian grinned sheepishly. "In fact this is the happiest I've been in a long time."

Brian pulled her closer, their lips only inches apart. His eyes searched her face for a moment as he remembered every single detail about her, reminding himself why he loved her and why he wanted to spend his life with her. When their lips met it was as though time stood still. They savoured the moment as though it were their last moment together. It sealed their love for each other once and for all; the kiss removed all past transgressions and confirmed a very long and happy future ahead of them.

Pulling apart they exchanged silly grins and Shannon had to sit down before her legs gave way underneath her. Her head was swimming with all that had happened but she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so happy. She looked at Brian who was glancing at her with adoration and love. She blushed; no one had ever looked at her like that before. Finally she felt fulfilled and ready to take on whatever the future held for her.

"Well it's about bloody time!" A voice said from the doorway. "You two know how to drag these things out, don't you?"

Shannon looked up and saw Nathan standing there with his arms folded across his chest.

She jumped up and embraced him tightly. "Nathan! What are you doing here? It's so great to see you!"

Brian slapped Nathan on the back. "Hey Nate, great to see you! I
thought you said you couldn't fly across."

"I couldn't but then you didn't return my calls and I thought something terrible had happened so I really had no choice." Nathan looked from Brian to Shannon and shook his head in dismay. "You could have at least told me Shannon was ok rather than me walking in on all this sickening lovey dovey stuff."

Brian grinned. "Sorry Nate, I didn't get around to calling because nothing changed until this morning."

Nathan rolled his eyes. "You're a crap friend sometimes, Brian." He smiled good naturedly to show he was kidding. "Anyway I really am glad you two have finally got it sorted. From now on you two are sorting your own issues, ok?"

Amy suddenly appeared in the doorway with a camera and cried, "Smile!"

The three friends quickly gathered together and posed for the photo just as the flash went off. A new chapter was beginning and their future was just beginning to unfold.

*** 6 months later ***

It was a perfectly clear day. The sky was cloudless, the birds chirped happily in the trees and while there was a breeze, it was ever so soft and tinged with warmth.

The white limousine pulled to a stop at the park. Inside the car were two brides and a bridesmaid looking as excited as people who had just won the lottery.

Shannon was dressed in a simple yet elegant A-line strapless dress with embroidered roses weaving their way to the bottom of the dress where it then splashed out into a row of sequins and fancy embroidery. Her red hair had been curled so that it cascaded down her shoulders and decorated with tiny flowers. She wore a simple tiara with a vale that hung down her back and over her face.

Amy on the other hand, who was once shy and wore clothes no one would notice her in, now wore a dress so puffy she resembled one of those toilet roll dolls. It was ivory in colour and covered in embroidery and lots of sequins. While it sounded horrendous, Amy looked like a princess in it. No one else would be able to pull it off like she could. Her honey blonde hair had been pulled back into a French braid, she had wispy curls framing her face and a frangipani sat behind her ear. She had decided against a vale but she looked stunning as it was and a vale just would have made her look overdone.

Helga, who also happened to be Nathan's new girlfriend (yes his friends too were shocked when he announced it), was their bridesmaid. When Nathan met her three months earlier they fell instantly in love. Helga was from Germany. At the time of the meeting she was on holiday with her friends. She went home a week after they met, applied for a work visa and was back in Australia with a month. They had been inseparable ever since and, like Justin, became an instant member of their little group of friends. She was stunning in every way; however she didn't see what other people saw. She was a skinny girl with long legs; blemish free skin, silky brown hair which was always cut in a bob and deep brown eyes. She was an easy-going girl who loved life and, much to Nathan's delight, poetry also. Their relationship had blossomed instantly and she seemed quite settled in Australia. Nathan was even learning German, just for her.

That day, Helga was dressed in a dusty pink knee length dress. The skirt had been stuffed with tulle give it the ruffled, fluffy look and the top of the dress had thin spaghetti straps with little pink roses embroidered on them. Her hair being short had been styled and straightened and she wore a tiara with clear and light pink diamantes.

The girls all looked at each other excitedly but nothing was said. They stared out at the park in front of them and gave a satisfied sigh.

The park, which happened to be a golf course, was perfect for a wedding. The entire course was surrounded by trees with an open space that lead to the edge of a cliff which overlooked the ocean. It was 2pm in the afternoon and the sun was high up in the sky which made the rays shimmer in the rippling water. A safe distance away from the cliff face was an elegant white altar which had been decorated with summer flowers and white doves. A long red carpet lead the way to the altar and 200 chairs with white chair covers and dusty pink sashes lined both sides of the aisle. All guests were dressed elegantly and filled every single chair.

The two grooms, Brian and Justin, stood at the altar nervously looking back at the limousine and waiting for the bridal party to step out. Nathan, as the best man, stood next to the grooms with a silly grin on his face. He was quite possibly the most excited out of everyone. He was elated that his friends were finally starting new lives and he was relieved that Brian and Shannon were finally doing what should have been done a long time ago. Going over and over in his head was the day, just like that one, when Shannon had tried to match him up with Amy. He couldn't help but chuckle at how things had changed.

Everyone was convinced that the day couldn't be ruined. Everything up to that point had gone perfectly. No one had over stressed about the wedding, the plans fell into place like clockwork, all the guests accepted and nothing had been left unfinished.

It was rare that a wedding went so smoothly and for one fleeting moment before the wedding, Shannon feared that something would go wrong. Sods law told her that because the planning stage went so well, something would have to go wrong on the day. Perhaps the stress was taking its toll on her at long last, she didn't know, but something told her the day wouldn't go as they had all dreamed. She would not let anything ruin her day though so she pushed the thoughts aside and just focused on the here and now.

The chauffer opened the door and held it open for them. The three girls grinned at each other, took hold of their bouquets and stepped out of the car. Helga went around and adjusted the dresses of both the brides then took her spot at the front of the party. John came up, took Shannon's arm and patted her hand.

"You're a real vision, Shannon." John said kissing Shannon's cheek. "I'm so proud of you."

Shannon smiled up at her father. "Thanks Dad." She sighed and glanced out over the ocean. "I just wish Mum were here. I would have loved for her to see me get married. I know how much she loved Brian. Remember how she used to say she wished he would be your son-in-law one day?"

John smiled sadly but managed a chuckle. "I remember. You know something though? We used to talk about you and your friends often and your mother was adamant you and Brian would marry. For a while I thought she was just building castles in the sky but I realise now she knew exactly what was going on."

Shannon felt like she was glowing. "So in a way she knew this would happen?"

"I guess you could say that. You know, mother's instincts and all that. All I know is that she would have been the happiest woman alive."

"Thanks Dad, I'm so glad you're going to give me away." She winked at her father. "Who knows maybe I'll be able to use my skills and match you up with someone."

"Shannon Maxwell, soon to be Thompson, don't you dare or else I'll make sure your marriage won't last!"

She knew John was joking and they shared a laugh. She did wonder though whether he would ever find love again but she wouldn't stick her nose in. She knew how much he had loved her mother and he may not want to move on. If that was the case then she would respect that.

Amy's father had visited for the wedding and greeted Amy with a kiss on the cheek. He didn't say much but Amy looked like the cat that got the cream and as long as she was happy, that was all that mattered.

The music started and Helga started her slow walk down the red carpet. Heads turned and flashes from cameras started going off immediately. When the cue was given, Amy and her father were the next to walk down. They reached the end and finally it was Shannon's turn. She smiled at her father, took his arm and began the slow walk down. She held eye contact with Brian the whole time, both of them smiling dumbly at each other.

To Brian, she looked the most stunning he had ever seen her. Not only because she looked good in what she was wearing but because she glowed with happiness. He felt proud that she was happy because of him. He just hoped he could always make her that happy.

When they reached the end, Brian shook hands with John who looked as though he were about to cry then he kissed Shannon's cheek and they turned to the celebrant.

The ceremony was short but emotional for friends and family. Although Nathan and Helga were guilty of not paying attention, instead they stared at each other with love struck eyes. Once vows had been exchanged and it was time to sign the papers, both Nathan and Helga had to be reminded of what the next steps were. Shannon and Amy rolled their eyes good naturedly but didn't say a word; they knew all too well what that feeling was like. Brian and Justin just looked appalled that a male friend of theirs was acting like such a sissy. It was typical of them to forget what it felt like just to make themselves look like macho men.

Once the papers were signed, the newly married couples accepted congratulations from all 200 guests and slowly trudged their way through the crowd for the photo shoot. Shannon had begged for Jim to take the photos for her and he accepted willingly. He snapped away happily only stopping momentarily to congratulate the couples. Shannon couldn't remember the last time she felt so happy and was eager for the day to end so her life could begin with Brian.

They had decided to move straight into Shannon's house after their honeymoon and would look into purchasing a house later on. At that moment in time they just wanted to enjoy the glow of being in the honeymoon period and focus on each other. There was no rush to purchase a house or get into huge debt.

The reception was to be held on the beach below. Being outdoors meant nothing too flashy could be done with decorations. In the end everyone decided on a large marquee. This had been set up on the beach with fairy lights around the edges and summer flowers in each corner. 20 round tables that seated 10 per table were situated underneath and decorated kept the dusty pink and white theme of the wedding party. At one end was a rectangle table for the bridal party and at the other end were three square tables. Two were for gifts, one for each couple and one was for the cake which sat in all its glory for all to see.

The guest's tables and bridal table had been decorated with lanterns, shiny cutlery, bonbonnieres and flowers.

As was always the case, the guests arrived first. They mulled around talking then when the bridal limousine arrived, they all quickly scattered off to their seats. The first to arrive was Nathan and Helga. They looked like a happily married couple and any onlooker would think it was a triple wedding. Next Amy and Justin arrived followed closely by Shannon and Brian. Everyone applauded at their arrival and they all took their seats.

A catering company had been hired for the food and once everyone was settled and announcements made, the food started to come out.

Before anyone could start eating, and just as Shannon had started to relax and convince herself that nothing was going to go wrong, disaster struck.

It had been 2 and a half hours since the wedding had taken place and everyone had been so preoccupied with the day that no one had noticed the weather change. A deafening clap of thunder alerted everyone to the threatening storm. Heads whipped around and looked out at the ocean. The waves were crashing violently on the shore and the black clouds on the horizon were rolling very quickly in the direction of the happy party.

Before anyone could think of what to do, the storm hit with full force. Loud claps of thunder, vicious strikes of lightning, heavy rain, hailstones the size of golf balls and strong winds pelted the weakening marquee and within seconds it had been lifted up and blown away down the beach. The unprepared guests couldn't do anything but wait. Some tried to hide under tables only to have the strong winds rip them away and in the same direction as the marquee. Others who were smart enough to bring umbrellas opened them only to have them ripped out of their hands instantly.

The storm only lasted 10 minutes but to everyone there, it felt like hours. Suddenly there was silence. Everyone stood in stunned silence and looked around them as the clouds parted and cleared and the sun peeked out again, warming everyone up again. Everyone had spent hours that day making themselves look their best but the storm had left them looking like drowned rats covered in mud.

As people started to natter amongst themselves, they took in the sight around them. The marquee and multiple tables and chairs ended up a few miles down the beach. Nothing was left standing. The gifts had either blown away or were now wet and covered in mud. The cake looked like it did before it was baked and the food was sprayed in every direction, even some ending up on the guests. At first no one knew how to react. Nothing could be saved, their reception was ruined.

The guests looked to the bridal party and gasped. The brides' dresses were unsalvageable with mud stains, food stains and water stains. The grooms and Nathan looked better off but only because their suits were black. And Helga? Well the poor girl looked the worse out of anyone. She was completely covered in mud and food, not a single bit of her was clean. Her hair was plastered around her face, her dress was ripped and ruined and she looked as though she had been run through a muddy paddock.

The normal reaction would be to declare the day a disaster. But that is not what happened.

The silence was broken by John clearing his throat. "Well, welcome to Queensland!"

An eruption of giggles gradually filtered through the crowd and before too long everyone was laughing at the scene before them and wiping tears from their eyes.

"I think we need to order pizza!" John declared finally only to make everyone break into laughter again.

But that was exactly what he did. An hour later 100 pizzas were delivered with 50 bottles of coke and 50 garlic breads. The chairs were salvaged and everyone sat in a large circle, ate pizza, drank coke and talked. Whatever had gone wrong, the newly married couples were the happiest they could be and concluded the day had been a complete success.

What topped it off was Nathan's sudden announcement. He took Helga's hand and led her into the centre of the circle for everyone to see. The moment he got down on one knee everyone aw'd and waited expectantly.

Shannon squealed excitedly and grabbed Brian's hand. "He's actually going to propose! I never thought I would see the day!"

Nathan started speaking in German, "Helga. Ich weiß, wir haben einander lange bekannt."

"I bet he practiced that in front of the mirror." Brian said with a smile. "I wondered why he was working so hard to learn the bloody language."

Nathan shot daggers at Brian. "Do you mind, mate? I'm trying to propose here!"

Laughter rippled through the crowd and Helga blushed but was relishing in the moment.

Taking a deep breath he started again, "Helga. Ich weiß, wir haben einander lange bekannt. Aber Ich liebe dich und ich will den Rest meines Lebens mit dir verbringen. Willst du mich heiraten?"

"I want to know what he's saying!" Amy stage whispered to Shannon.

"It's not really that hard." Shannon responded. "He'd be declaring his undying love blah, blah, blah and then asking if he'd marry her."

Suddenly an excitable scream was heard and Helga jumped into Nathan's arms. "Ja! Ja, ich werde dich heiraten!"

Everyone exchanged confused looks and Shannon yelled, "She said yes!"

Whilst she didn't understand a word of German it was common logic to her that 'ja' meant 'yes'. Everyone applauded and at that moment in time, everything was perfect.

Amy and Justin sat close together and talked quietly amongst themselves about their plans once they got back from their honeymoon. Nathan and Helga walked away from the group for some quiet time and to discuss their future. Whereas Brian and Shannon on the other hand stood up and started slow dancing to the non-existent music.

Shannon wrapped her arms around him and kissed him tenderly.

"So Mrs Maxwell." Brian said as they parted. "How did you enjoy your wedding day?"

"Correction: it was our wedding day Mr Maxwell. And all I can say is it was interesting."

"That's very diplomatic."

"I'm not about to say it was a disaster because it was far from that."

Brian glanced at his new wife, chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I hope you weren't planning on keeping that dress."

Shannon looked down and started laughing at the mud covered dress. "Too bad if I was, it's beyond repairable now. Besides it's not the dress that matters. As long as I have you then everything else will be perfect."

They embraced and danced slowly. It was a perfect end to a perfect day. The newly married couples were as happy as they could be and at that moment everything was perfect. They weren't dumb, they knew life wouldn't always be that easy but they were determined to work at what they had and never lose it.

Shannon had made her mistakes and she had learnt from them. She found out who her true love was and she won him back. She didn't want to lose any of that again and she was determined to never, ever lose control ever again. Their marriage would work, she would make sure of it and as she looked at her new husband who was staring at her with love struck eyes, she knew that he would too.