AN: This is not my first story, but it is my first published one on this site, so go easy on me. This is just an idea that's been churning in my head for weeks, tell me what you think.

Chapter 1: Slutty Brownies

Recipe for Slutty Brownies

1 package of chocolate chip cookie dough

1 box of extra fudgy brownie mix

1 package of double stuffed Oreos

Spread cookie dough in the bottom of well greased pan

Arrange Oreos on top of the cookie dough.

Pour your brownie batter over dough and bake at •375 for 30 minutes or until brownies look done.

Future take.

He walked past my desk...Again.

That's 3 times in the past hour.

This is also the third time he has shut the book I'm reading.


The sad thing is I'm a pro at flipping back to my place in milliseconds. All because of him.

He walks back in the room, fucker has the audacity to wink at me.

The rest of the class watches with rapt attention.

A Nate and Winnie throw down. Just what they've been waiting for..

"Are you trying to be cute Nathaniel?" I say quietly without looking up from my novel.

"Whatever do you mean Win?" his mouth twitches, trying to convey nonchalance while fighting the urge to flash a shit eating grin.

"Oh you know, desperately trying to get my attention by acting like a twelve year old who just realized his dick has a purpose?"

"Ouch wound me. I was merely trying to ascertain what you were reading."

It's not obvious to the sheep watching, but a nerve has been struck. I put my book down next to me.

My voice raises and takes on an even icier tone.

"Don't call me that. You're not allowed to call me that any more."

He has the grace to look ashamed.

But in typical Nate fashion he pesters on.

"What woman?" he leans closer his tall frame looming over where I'm sitting atop my desk.

"If I remember correctly, that's Lacey's title now. Or are you fucking someone else already? It's adamantly obvious there is nothing that actually means something to you anymore."

This is the part where he gets just a teensie bit angry.

There's fire in his hunter green eyes.

He hauls me up from where I'm perched so that we're standing face to face. Or face to chest if you wanna get technical.

His large hands are weighing heavily upon my hips and I start to lose my train of thought.

"Is that what you think? Is that honestly what you think! After everything. That I would do that to you?"

Now at this point I'm angry.

Large hands be damned.

"Don't pull that patronizing bullshit on me now! Like 'how dare I not trust you?' When you were the one who broke that trust. I saw you! I know I did..."

My point is slipping but I continue on with my tirade.

"This relationship was a stupid idea to pursue. It was destined to fail from day one. We're always screaming at each other and then end up fucking each others brains out! I just want to beat the shit out of you for being such an irresistible prick!"

Now I'm on the verge of tears, my chest is heaving. His arms wrap further around me and he looks down at me.

"Win. It's not what you think."

"Then what the fuck is it?"

You're probably wondering how we got here. It's best to start from day one.

"Welcome to Wake and Bake, I'm Winnie. What can I get you?"

I don't even bother looking up from my book as I spout my intendedly peppy cashier speech in a monotonous tone that is reminiscent of Creepy Claudia from All That.

"What no warm welcome?" a taunting deep voice replies back.

I raise my head. Well... shit. I knew I should have recognized that something was off when I felt that familiar giant ass shadow blocking the sunlight in front of me.

Nate James. Great.

"Fuck off Nathaniel."

"I don't believe that's how you're supposed to talk to customers." He says in a tone that one would say 'Ah aha ah.' while shaking their finger shamingly.

"Well... It's how you're supposed to speak to assholes, I'm sure Gran will understand." I say matter of factly leveling him with my best glare. When really on the inside, I am giving him the once over. Summer in California has done him well, there's now a tan over his large features. Huh, it suits him. Boys around here are always so pasty on account of our wintery climate in Aspen.

"Are you still sore about the whole Winnie the Pooh thing?" Now why does he always have to bring that up?

"Don't flatter yourself Nathaniel that was third grade, believe it or not I tend to get over petty bullshit like that. The fact that you still proceed to taunt me after the rest of the entire grade has moved on is what I'm sore about." I bite back.

"Woah. Chill out gidget. I was just kidding." Yeah sure you're always just kidding..

He leans in close to me and proceeds to whisper in my ear. I'm too shocked to move.

"Did it ever occur to you with all your romance novels and smarts that I just might like you?" He did not just say that, did not, did not.

He pecks my cheek. Now My brain is misfiring and it is losing the ability to assemble complete thoughts.

Which results in me gaping at him like a dumbass.

Seemingly satisfied with turning my brain into scrambled eggs he straightens himself up and saunters out of the bakery.

Most girls after something like this happens to them, swoon or make goo goo eyes at the male's passing form but not me.

I do the only thing I can do, I let out a scream of pure anger that would make the girl from Psycho look bad.

This results in pulling my eccentric grandmother from her morning routine of tai chi in the back room.

She rushes out yelling "Are the Nazi's attackin' again?"

"Grandma, we live in a resort town I doubt the Nazi's are going to attack here of all places." I reply shortly my head buried in my hands. I contemplate banging it on the counter, and soon dismiss the thought because I am really the furthest thing from a masochist.

"Well you can never be too sure with those sneaky fuckin' Russians."

I look up and I just stare at her. Debating whether or not to tell her that Nazi's are German not Russian.

It will be better just to ignore that for the time being. Thank god we are the only people in the shop.

Not that my scream wouldn't have vacated any brave souls who ventured in.

"Anwhoozer what seems to be the problem Poohbear?"

Gran is the only person I allow to call me Poohbear, hence my distress when Nate made sure everyone and their dog found out about that nick name.

I just sigh. It always comes back to him.

I can't even think for ten seconds without his name crossing my brainwaves, I'm fucked.

Seeing my halt in replying Grandma speaks again.

"Let me use my psychic powers to try and figure it out."

She pauses putting her fingers to her temples and mumbling gibberish to herself.

Gran is in no way actually psychic, but she has no qualms about pretending she is. She really needs to stay away from TLC and that weird Psychic Kids show.

"I got it! Was it Lurch?"

Lurch is what grandma calls Nate, ever since we were five and he dunked my dyed pink pigtails in paint in kindergarten.

I responded by pouring said paint all over his head.

Nate has been my tormentor and personal bane of existence since that day and he hasn't let up.

Not once.

This is the first summer that he wasn't playing pranks on me or just generally annoying the shit out of me.

He's been working at a summer camp in California owned and operated by his weird granola breath Aunts all break.

To say this summer has been blissfully quiet would be an understatement.

"Yes Gran, it was the lovely Lurch. He kissed me..."

"About time he grew a pair, and made a move on ya!" I find her happiness at this development depressing.

"Grandma! He did not 'make a move' I'm sure this is his new method of torturing me."

"Sure whatever you say sugar. Just tell me if he breaks your heart and I can get the twins to beat some Frankenstein ass."

At this point I know it's futile to make a protesting remark, especially when she wants me to bring in my brothers -who I like to refer to as tweedle high and tweedle higher- to defend my honor.

They wouldn't stand a chance against the cast of The Wiggles in a fight let alone Nate.

Alex and Xander are much too busy trying to grow their own weed in the backyard. Not that Gran cares, she is all for their gardening efforts.

Seeing my lack of response as a window view to my inner turmoil Gran returns to the back room leaving me with my thoughts.

I guess I'm what you would call the normal one in the family, or the white sheep amongst a herd of black ones.

My parents died in a car accident when I was two and my brothers were six, we've been living with grandma ever since.

Grandpa or Grandma's sugar daddy as I like to refer to him is a rich oil baron from Texas. We don't see him much but he always sends odd but expensive gifts on every holiday imaginable. Take last St. Patrick's day for example. He bought my brothers large amounts of stock in a brewery, I got a pair of sparkly green platform Louboutins, and Grandma got a chameleon. She named the creature Pugsly, to go with our basset hound Wednesday. The Addams Family is Grandma's favorite show if you hadn't guessed. This is just a fraction of the weird shit he has sent us over the years.

However Grandma's favorite gift from Grandpa is the bakery. To celebrate us making the move from Dallas to Aspen, he bought a local bakery that was near foreclosure. And Wake and Bake was born. This bakery is Grandma's brainchild, she completely overhauled the previous modern decor to become a tongue in cheek 'rustic moose lodge' with a vintage seventies vibe. Needless to say the younger crowd loves it and I get to see my classmates

Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those reclusive losers who only wears black and hides in corners whispering curses to Satan damning their classmates.

I just have a low tolerance for people and bullshit, and if someone bothers me I tend to react unpredictably.

My temper and way of verbally assaulting those who annoy me has definitely put me on the social radar a time or two.

I prefer to fly under said radar and just do what I want.

It usually works out well for me as long as Nate stays out of my way. Our fights are sort of legendary.

As my friend Aimee's distinctly Korean grandmother says

"You two fight Like the cat and the dog."

She also can't help but add that it's not proper to yell at boys and Buddha or somebody is going to smite me.

I really can't recall much of the conversation after she started jabbing me in the shin with her cane.

But honestly, we can't help it, Nate and I fight. It's just what we do.

And after what just transpired a few minutes ago, I'm slightly terrified that Nate has finally grown up and wants to switch things up a bit. If the declaration of liking and subsequent cheek kiss are any indication.

And that is the end of the first chapter folks! Please tell me what you think. I hope this idea is not totally as crazy as it sounds in my head. Feel free to pm me any questions, Also send me any weird recipes you know. :)

Blog for this story is: bowtiesandbombshellstories . blogspot . com (remove the spaces)