''I hope this works'' Esme said with tears rolling from her eyes.
"Esme you don't have to do this!" Dyllon yelled grabbing her wrist.
"Yes I do. I can't live this life anymore. I'm treated like shit around here. I can't move and leave you or my friends." She said giving Dyllon one last kiss. She made it intense so that he would never forget her. ''I love you!" She told him jumping from the old Bell Bridge.
"Esme!" Dyllon Called after her, fighting back tears.
Two year later
"Dyllon! Dyllon, wait up." Esme called meeting him at her locker. She had decorated it according to her senior year. It was covered in graduation trinkets and pictures of her and her friends.
" You ready for this afternoon?" Dyllon asked giving her a kiss.
"Yeah! It's going to be great, You better be a gentlemen though, I only have 5 months left." She said as she closed her locker.
"Don't worry, If I don't please you tonight I can please you another night." He smiled.
" You are so persistant." She told him sarcastically.
"I know." He told her with another kiss.
That afternoon Esme went home and got ready for her date. She looked at the clock it was already 5:30 and Dyllon would be there by 6:00. She had plenty of time to finish getting ready. Their was only one problem she had, She would be gone for a year when five months time was up.
'Knock, Knock' " Esme It's Dyllon!" He called from within. '' Come in! I'll be down in a minute." she called. He came in and made himself at home on the couch. Esme made her way downstairs. She was tall with brunett hair that reached to the bottom of her back. She had crystal blue eyes. When she made it to the bottom dyllon stood up in awe. "You look gorgeous!" She had on a slim blue dress a shade darker than her eyes. She wore black stilettoes that made her about his height.
" Thank you, you look very handsome." She told him, blushing from the previous comment.
" Well i'm taking this beautiful girl on a date.''
"I know she'll enjoy it." She laughed and greeted him with a kiss.
They walked through the streets of a busy Friday night. They walked hand in hand, smiling and laughing.
"Thank you." Esme said as she grabbed a hold of Dyllons arm.
"ha-ha, what for?" He asked.
"Being mine." She smiled.
Within the next few hours they had already made there date special.
" I love you." She said crossing her fingers between his.
" I love you too." He said snuggling closer to her.
She could feel his body warmth and urged him to get closer and closer.
" Tonight was the best night of my life." She told him with a kiss.
" Tonight wasn't for me." he said.
" what do you mean?" She said rolling under him.
" the best night of night of my life was when i first layed eyes on you." He smiled and layed his body on hers and kissed her softly.
" Do you think that when i come back the next year we can get married and have our first baby?" He stopped kissing her neck.
" Are you sure, i mean are we really ready? And when your gone how am i suppose to take care of the baby?'' He asked running his hand across her face.
" I trust you. I'm sure our friends will help you." She told him.
" I have a better idea. Why dont we find a cure, or spell that will stop this outrageous curse thts been put on you. I can't seem to understand why you ingnore the fact that within a short amount of time you'll be gone." He said. " I'm sorry baby, i didn't mean it." He concluded with a kiss.
" No your right, But who would i go to. And how long will it take?" she asked him.
" I am not sure of the time limit, but i might know someone who could help."
' We can do that, later." she said with a laugh.
They pulled the covers over there heads and enjoyed the rest of the night together. Though it wouldn't be long before she was gone.