She used to hate roses. The red ones were okay, but they still had thorns. The white ones were intolerable. Somehow, they reminded her of everything she'd had-and everything she lost. He, however, loved roses. Was surrounded by them. She asked him why, once.
"Why do you love roses so much?" she whispers softly. He looks up, because she never was much of a talker. But, then, she always surprised him. "They are beautiful, aren't they? They have thorns, but without them, they are entirely too vulnerable. Rather like you, love." And me, he thinks, but doesn't voice, because you just don't say things like that. Instead, he bends down and plucks one, single rose for her. It is gorgeously, perfectly red.
She looks out her window now, down at a vibrant rose garden, a gift given by the king. Then she cries, because she knows that he will never share this with her. And he loved them so much.
He holds a lily in his hand. Pale, slender and serene. Truly beautiful. But…but. She is not here to see it. She probably wouldn't appreciate it anyways. She would say it was too lifeless. He tosses it aside-roses were always a favorite of his. Just like her. Lovely, but guarded, bright, and streaked with shadows. And yet (because) they bring so much pain.
Her eyes glimmer with buried tears. 'I have to leave, they're taking me." He tries to smile, but it comes out entirely wrong. "Well, I know that." She sniffs, and then grimaces. She hates crying. "I love you." He manages to truly smile, this time. "Well, I know that too. Wasn't this the hundredth time you said that?" She rolls her eyes. "Cheeky." He smirks, because he's winning and he knows it. "That was established before you came into the picture." There. He's made her smile. "Promise, you'll be cheeky forever?" He snorts. "Your wish is my command, Your MAJESTY." Her eyes turn to heaven again. "Be sincere, won't you? Please, promise?" He bows. "I never lie." She stomps her foot. "Liar!" But she's laughing, and so is he.
He doesn't think he'll ever laugh again. And then he does, because she'd tell him he was being childish.
So, this came to me while I was wasting the dark and staring at the wall…^.^ Actually, it WAS a fanfic, but I made my own characters and inserted them in, changed the scenario a bit. Put more in. And so now, it is no longer my fanfic, but my story.