My Best Friend is Oblivious
Like any other Friday night, Devon was lying beside me on the warm grass as we gazed up into the black, star-covered canvas above us. I wore my red jacket with black lacing while he was in his favorite T-shirt with plaid button-up shirt; it somehow made the brown in his hazel eyes glow in the dark which complimented them quite nicely. I'm not going to lie, Devon was an attractive and sweet guy; everyone wanted to know him, girls wanted to date him. I know I'm his best friend, but sometimes is just really irritates me to see them throw themselves at him, not that it should matter. I just believe that girls should have more dignity and pride than that. That's the only reason it bothers me.
"What do you think, Rena?" Devon questioned, breaking my daze and pulling me back into the conversation. I apologized and asked him to repeat what he had said. He was suggesting that since it was the first day back to school tomorrow, we should carpool together. I suggested that instead we should walk and mentioned how great it would be to have the same classes this year. We both did well when it came to academics, but he excelled at sports while I was average. We would have the same classes; however he had tried out for football and most likely made the team, so if anything we would have at least one different class. "There's a chance most of our classes could matching up!"
"Yeah, but you're in the football team this year," I reasoned, "I'm not exactly the athletic type,"
"Oh… about that, I didn't tryout," Devon sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. He explained that he never really like football, he was just trying to impress a girl. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was suspicious.
"Who could it be?" I mindlessly whispered to myself. Devon, who had heard me, gave a soft mumble in reply, but brushed it off when he was at a loss for words. He then said would see me in the morning, then got up and sneaked back into his house next door. That instant, I felt strings tug in my heart apart. Things won't be going to well as far as I can tell.
I got up early that morning to get ready. After all, the first impression is very important and I couldn't sleep much from the anxiety anyhow. I dragged myself into my closet and picked out a smooth, purple, silk blouse with a small bow tied off to the side with a black, skinny jeans and matching flats with on them. After brushing my teeth and my fixing my hair, I put on my earrings, and then walked downstairs. I was about to leave until I was stopped by Bridgette.
"Lady Serena, we've prepare breakfast for you in the dining room," she announced as she curtsied. Bridgette was my personal maid, but she was also like family since I was with her more often than my own parents. From what she's told me, she didn't have any family and my parents offered her a home in return for her help. Unlike some other noble families, we didn't make our staff wear uniforms, but Bridgette insisted on wearing one. She was very polite and was probably the definition of proper manners -when she wanted to be-, though she was only a few years my senior, maybe in her early 20's.
"I'm going to school with Devon," I stated. Looking at the clock, I realized it was already a quarter past seven. "I'll just bring something to eat on the way," I dashed into the dining room, grabbed two slices of toast, and ran out the door. From behind me, I heard Bridgette shouting about being trying to be more lady-like.
I met up with Devon at the intersection crossing at the end of our street. We greeted each other with a hug, then I handed him one of the pieces of toast. The walking distance from here to school was 10 minutes or 5 minutes by car. Devon and I got to the front gates and went up to the desk set up in front of the office with our ID cards. Since we arrived early, we decide to go inside before looking at our schedules.
We attend Astor Éclair Academy, a defined private school with a long history of education. Although the school has taught all boys for somewhere over 80 years, it had recently become a co-ed school within the last decade. The school was founded by Astor Éclair, a medical professor, and his close friend built the school along with a hospital that actually still runs today. Our school consists of four buildings: the main building at the most northern point a long with a field in front, the west building, the east building, and the hospital just south of that. There was also a plaza with a fountain in the center of the campus, a clock tower, and a fenced flower garden.
The main building is where most of the students spend their time. It's where we take our core classes like math, science, history, that that type of stuff; each subject is on a different floor with a total of 5 floors, not including the bottom. There's also a gymnasium, cafeteria, and student lounge or lobby on that last level. The West building is where all the kitchens, libraries, tech labs, and even a greenhouse on the top floor. All of our art studios, theaters, and planetariums are in the East building. Those buildings are mostly occupied when we don't have classes and early in the afternoon.
"Good morning, Se-Rena!" cheered a small hyper brunette, "Devi!"
"Good morning, Tracy," Devon and I greeted back in unison. Tracy was just a little ball of infectious energy, if she was at her happiest, she could probably get a snail to finish a marathon. She wasn't pretty and gorgeous, but adorable and cute. She always wore her hair tied up into a neat bun with a silver, butterfly ribbon and silver butterfly earrings with a single ruby in the middle of them.
"Did you guys get your schedules yet? " Tracy asked, "They mailed them this year,"
"Actually I didn't receive anything; we just went to get our schedules just now," I explained to her. I noticed Devon surveying the area and once again, I felt a pang in my chest. My breath hitched, but I continued, "Uh, have you seen the others, Tracy?"
"Yea, Eric just mentioned something about biology and Serge went with him. They might have gone to the third floor. Lena went off somewhere, but I'm not sure where,"
"Did you notice what direction she went?" Devon urged on. Once again I felt something inside of me. What could it be? "Serena? Are you okay? You look a bit pale?"
I lied and told them I might have caught a cold from last night. We all went into the main building and found a seat in the lobby. Before she went to find Eric and Serge, Tracy suggested I go to the nurse, but I told her I would be fine. Finally settled down, Devon and I decided to compare classes. To my relief, we had all six classes with each other.
"Hi Serena… Oh, I didn't notice you Devon," We looked up to see a tall girl with glossy, straight blond hair and uniform that was a few sizes too small. Devon nodded in acknowledgement and turned back his attention to me. She looked at me in disgust and placed a one of her hands on her hips. Then, she looked away, turned to Devon, and purred "You look good in that shirt. I missed you over the break, it felt like forever. Maybe we could hang out sometime and do something fun together."
Should I continue? I have a bit of writers' block ^.^"