(Open New Doc)

I know this is risky business. Typing away my personal private thoughts on a library computer, but who's going to notice. No one ever uses the school library anyways. Besides, I'm practically invisible. I'm either Lily's little sister or "that book freak with the glasses.". Or… Or…

(Delete Page?)


I don't want to get into labels right now. That's not the point of this. This is just so I can vent. A way to get out my feelings without snapping at the next person I see.

Well maybe labels do play a role in this.

High school is just


Life is just one big caste system, whether we acknowledge it or not.We are separated into groups and hardly have a choice in the matter. Once you are at one level in the pyramid, you stay there.

People seem to be born into they're groups. Not literally, obviously, but it just seems like their DNA is gifted with some sort of popularity gene. They are naturally and effortlessly cool.

Speaking of effortlessly cool, allow me to turn into a total teenaged girl for a moment. Allow me to talk about Alex Hayes.


"Alexway Ayeshay"



That will have to work for now.

So, allow me to talk, or gush, rather, over He-who-shall-not-be-named. He, for example, has been gifted with perfect hair, an adorable dimple smile and infectious laugh. He's captain of the soccer team and plays practically every other sport. It's obvious why he's the most popular boy in school, and the one girls want the most.

Alex Hayes


Excuse me, he-who-shall-not-be-named, is perfect. Or, at least he seems to be.

He is also a slacker who barely keeps his grades high enough for sports, a player on and off the field and possibly the most disruptive, rambunctious boy I have ever seen.

But that's the way the world works. It doesn't matter about your values or principles. It's appearance and accomplishments that matter. No one cares about Plain Jane who's shy but nice. She can read a book in the span of a week and almost never lies. Sure she's sarcastic, but who isn't? She has first place trophies from elementary school spelling bee's and still sleeps with a stuffed animal. She's not the greatest baker, but she makes cookies for her sister when she sick and...Well, I'll stop rambling. No one likes Plain Jane. Plain Jane could be a really good person at heart, but no one would notice.

At this moment I'd like to admit, my name is Jane. Parents should never name their kids Jane.

And isn't it so cliche that Plain Jane, the nerdiest loser of them all, is head over heels for he-who-shall-not-be-named.

Screw it. I like Alex Hayes. Alex Hayes has no idea I exist, but like every other girl on this campus, I adore him.

It's pathetic, I know.

But for so many reasons we can't ever be together. This isn't a movie where the nerdy shy girl gets the popular Jock. This is real life. I'm at the bottom of the food chain, he's at the top. The only time Alex Hayes and I ever interact is if he needs a crash course before a test.

It's all just too sad when I take a step back and look at it.

The bell just rang, I better go.

(Delete Page?)


My eyes widen. "Crap."


Oh my gosh that's Alex! Why won't this stupid thing delete already.


"Jane." He says again. I can tell he's standing right behind me. Why am I so stupid? I mean, for a 4.00 student, I am an idiot.

It's still not deleting!


The mouse has stopped moving. Why has the mouse stopped moving?! "Oh my god, it froze."

"Jane!" He finally says, waving a hand in front of my face. All I do is blink. This is the end of me. I can never show my face anywhere ever again. If I do, I'll now be known as 'that girl who made a fool out of herself in front of Alex Hayes.'

I let out a pathetic little squeak when he spins my swivel chair around. If my face wasn't beet red before, it is now. Alex Hayes is just staring at me with this cute little smirk and says, "I don't think your plain."

And then he walks away.

A/N: Reviews are always, always appreciated.