A Thousand Years
Chapter 10: We Meet Again
A year had passed after that incident. The building was finished since I myself had helped with the construction. The health center was waiting to be furnished and painted. I stood at the rooftop.
"Miki-kun.. The health center is finished. All thanks to you and your sacrifice." I whispered.
The gentle spring wind kissed my face and there were cherry blossoms everywhere. I was enjoying the tranquil moment when my phone rang.
"Hello?" I said, placing the phone on my ear.
"Ani-ue!" someone yelled. It was my little brother, Leon.
"Ani-ue, mom's giving birth!"
"Huh?! Where are you?!"
"At home! Is the doctor there?! Can we use the health center?!"
"Yeah, bring her here, I'll make everything ready!"
I closed the phone and called the elder doctor. I got all the hospital equipment ready and everything happened in time.
"Leon, where's father?" I asked.
"He'll be here."
Out of the blue, he did arrive.
"Good afternoon, father."
"Leo, things aren't finished here. How do you expect your mother to-"
"Everything's fine. There are doctors and the medical equipment is all set. I even furnished the nursery single-handedly." I said.
"Chichi-ue, let's just trust ani-ue for now." said Leon.
My father nodded understandingly and we waited for three hours.
The doctor burst out the room and we all asked how mother was doing.
"She and the baby are in good condition. You can come in." said the doctor.
We all rushed in and saw the baby. It was a girl.
"Aw, it's cute." squealed Leon.
My father nodded and sat on a chair, beside mother.
I took a closer look at the baby and was reminded of something.
She looked like.. Miki-kun.
"So what do we name her?" Leon asked.
My mother looked at me and smiled.
"Leo, you're the one who arranged all this. You name her."
I gulped and took a look at her again.
"Mikimori, what kinda name is that?" Leon asked.
"Hey, I'm the boss here. I get to name her."
"I agree." said my mother, "We rarely let Leo make decisions. Let him do what he wants."
"I can raise the baby if you'd like. And I'll use my salary to pay for her needs." I added.
"Sounding like a responsible adult." said my father.
I looked at him, dumbfounded. It was the first time he's complimented me.
I smiled and carried the baby.
"Mikimori-chan.." I smiled.
"Onii-chan, what's your favorite color?"
I turned around and saw Mikimori. She's five years old now.
"Yellow. How about you?" I asked.
"Yellow, too. And your favorite food?"
"Soba. And yours?"
"Gumdrops." she squealed. "How about your favorite flower?"
"Uh, I'm not all that fond with flowers. How about you?"
"Pink cherry blossoms!"
"Do you know that cherry blossoms symbolizes a thousand years?"
"Because it's beauty can last a thousand years. It will fall of the branch while fresh, but anyone who has seen it's beauty will never forget about it. Not even for a thousand years."
She smiled.
"You'll tell me more about Mikimori-neesan, won't you?"
"Of course I will. Now go play."
She ran off and went away. Taira Mikimori had been dead for about a millenium. But I will never forget her. Not while the cherry blossoms appear every year. Not while my little sister is alive. Never.
Not even for a thousand years.