The tiny beads sewn into her dress glittered in the lamplight. She twirled in front of the mirror with a smile bright across her face. She couldn't wait. The man who had given her this dress wasn't bad like the others told her. He wasn't angry like the others told her. He picked out this dress for her and she loved every single bead that was caressed into the purple silk.
It was the first time she had truly felt magnificent. She had never thought herself to be pretty, but this dress made her feel more than a princess…more like a queen. And her hair was glowing and her cheeks had color and…and…she felt happy. She finally felt happy.
The door to her room opened and there he was, standing in the doorway, his gaze fastened upon her. He was smiling for once.
"You look beautiful," he said.
She jumped, unaware of his presence and twirled around once more. "Thank you," she said shyly.
"Tonight, everyone will stare at you."
"No, I don't think so."
"Sure they will. You will be the most magnificent girl that have ever crossed my path."
"Stop saying things like that because it's not true."
"Sure it is."
He stepped closer to her.
"I know a beautiful woman when I see her."
"Because she is happy."
The woman smiled and looked away from him. "I am happy."
He took another step towards her.
"That means you're beautiful."
Her cheeks grew warm. "Thank you."
"You're happy. The happiest you've ever been."
"Yes. I don't even remember feeling happy. And I'm so afraid that one day this will be gone and I will never feel this happiness ever again."
"Would you like me to fix that?"
She laughed. "You can't keep me happy forever."
He was inches away from her now, his face close to hers. "I can. I can fix anything. You'll never have to feel pain again if you just say 'yes.'"
Warm filled her body. Her heart jumped with surprise, but she really didn't want to feel the pain anymore. He was…the happiest thing that ever happened to her.
"Would you like me to make you happy forever?"
She didn't know what happened next.
All she felt was something long and sharp plunging into her stomach.
She looked at him, and he smiled at her.
"I'm glad you're happy," he said.
And then she saw the blood on the floor.
But she was happy and that's all that mattered.